What happened to us, anons?
Among the memes and the shitposting did we lose track of what we were all about?
Or is this what we were all about all along.
>puffs e-cigarette
I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles, isn't it?
What happened to us, anons?
Among the memes and the shitposting did we lose track of what we were all about?
Or is this what we were all about all along.
>puffs e-cigarette
I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles, isn't it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
i wish to be the little girl
A lot of people moved to 8chán after GamerGate
Also roll
everyone left and went to reddit
everything went to shit after the Sup Forums invasion
That's just it isn't it?
Alot of people migrated over to reddit and only the scum of the scum was left, and a few holdout whiteknights and greyknights
And we toppled the castle we had built?
How do we find our old way?
How can we defeat reddit?
Is it to join them?
Fuck if I know
>crushes e cig under foot
r o l l
Don't forget the Sup Forums invasion made it 10x shittier and everything is an SJW cuck conspiracy.
Please someone good
Not bad user.
Yes: users don't read the rules and mods are weak (literally a tech support thread was 6 hours alive).
Sup Forums has a big population of dumb users that won't learn. Just... won't, and will keep the OS wars, the reason behind the low respect that boards like /3/ say in the sticky:
> 2.B)What's the difference between Max and Maya? Which one is better?
>PLEASE For the LOVE OF GOD! Stop making these kind of threads, they are trollish in nature and if this is something you're new to, it is the easiest way to get flamed and lose any chances of help. The threads will alway devolve into a crap fest of X > Y, much like Sup Forums's retarded OS wars.
And probably this is the main problem of Sup Forums. Seems that 8ch's /tech/ is a better place to be
how is it possible to have that much fat
mums chicken tendies
8fags is dead. It's nothing but a stormfag cirlcejerk at this point. I'm glad they left. They are in their own containment site.
Not really. The shilling raids of /leftypol/ and Sup Forums during and after the election did kill Sup Forums though.
Reroll. DFC is disgusting
>having a significant impact where they aren't arguing about sectarian issues in their own threads
They somehow managed to shitpost on Sup Forums to the point that the catalog is absolute cancer. I litterally go to Sup Forums just for the various porn thinly-veiled threads and the Libertarian thread
you go to pol for the bbc threads?
The Latina/Asian girl porn theads
no no no no no why would you crush an e-cig under your foot you fucking idiot
>thread about Sup Forums going in a bad direction
>anime waifu roll post
Tuh, who would even reply to this to roll. You peasants disgust me. Disappointed.
>only the scum of the scum was left
Pshh, I bet someone would try to re-roll. How gross. Who even does that.
Autism; we are in the Age of Autism. After many years of "stop liking what I don't like;" it finally metastasized in to Sup Forumstardation.
Recently, Sup Forums has been trying to stormfag Sup Forums; make it go down like they did Sup Forums
the only thing that's dead is your sense of humor and use of outdated strawman memes
sup guys, we memin'?
"stop liking what I don't like" isn't a fallacy
and I don't mean it isn't one of the named ones that are on the Sup Forums sticky I mean it isn't any kind of argument contradiction whatsoever