I have no knowledge on computers.
I don't know where to start to get a general knowledge about networks, how a pc works and stuff like that before even thinking about getting into programming.
What should i do? I want to be a wortht gentooman
I have no knowledge on computers.
I don't know where to start to get a general knowledge about networks, how a pc works and stuff like that before even thinking about getting into programming.
What should i do? I want to be a wortht gentooman
Read tutorials, watch tutorials, and acquire as much knowledge as you can. Know that google is always your friend.
Also, post in sqt. Don't make your own thread for shit like this
How old are you?
If more than 15 don't, you're too old
If less than 15 don't, you'll have a better life without us
tutorials of what?
i'm not a total illiterate but i want to grasp a general understanding of this things to be able to do something with it. I don't like having something and not being able to use them at their full potential
shameless selfbump
read a fucking book, there's no magic trick in programming you retard
First, install a Linux distro. Then google some resources about DNS, TCP/IP, server administration and what not. It's not that hard.
I don't know, I'm not a programmer nor a real Sup Forumsentooman but I'm quite good with computers basically cause I'm playing with them since I was like 8, broke my dad's PC a lot of times before I started repairing it. Then when I was like 16 and I started growing up I started studying the theory behind everything and how it works, I think that's important cause if something breaks you know what causes it and you're going to get the solution faster.
I work in the video field (not only film, everything related to videos including big events) and actually I'm having success with this, if you can solve technical issues and at the same time be able to think with art in mind it's good apparently.
BTW "I want to understand how computers work" is a bit too large, solve all the possible problems you have with your computers and think how to improve what you have, usually its a good way to learn something
No one cares about your lifestory or how you think you're special because you're an artist, if you have enough time to shitpost on Sup Forums then you have more than enough time to open a fucking C/C++ book you degenerate.
jump in
don't ask or try to learn formally, do things you want to do and when you run into a problem, fix it, make sure you don't avoid it
you'll learn a lot just doing that
try to steer the things you want to do in the general direction of being programming related, this way you will familiarize yourself with things surrounding programming that people might just assume you know already
though as for assuming when i took a python class it was like it was for toddlers who had never used a computer before so i guess that probably won't be a problem
Installing gentoo would be a great learning experience
On a serious note, maybe buying one book at a time will help you at discipline, compared to google
Yeah sure, but i mean. Is there a book which tells you how a motherboard work? ...I'll ask something cringier.
Let's say i'm just a lamer kid who copypastes random codes from internet to steal the neighbour's internet. How am i supposed to go from "lamer kid" to "i wrote that code" status?
well once you're there you are at a point where you can start going into reading books about it
then you can start on babby programming like python and just work your way down
It's a waste of time.
I'm not interested in programming, I need technology but not in that way, I wasn't trying to be special cause I'm an artist cause I'm not and I wasn't saying that. I don't know if you noticed, but in our world a lot of computers are used on job places and you don't need to work in a faulty startup for angry birds clones for iOS to be good with computers.
Anyway, if you want to be shouting edgy comments about people trying to be nice on Sup Forums I can answer by saying that I'm already more important than you'll ever be if you find it funny to randomly offend people on the internet
OP what do you want to do? Cause net administration and coding are 2 different things, even what you asked "how a motherboard works", on what level? Electronic? Logical? Or maybe you just need to know where to put the CPU or where the dick?
If you need to ask this kind of things I think you should know first what are you searching, thus I was advising to just broke and fix your computer in order to get something more. At this point even the good old " install gentoo" is a good start
How am i supposed to break my stuff purposedly?
Also i want to know how to "break into" stuff. I'm interested in networks and security.
But i also want to know what a certain element, like for example, an hard disk, works in correlation to other components
Lurk two years before posting. That's all you need. Nobody here knows anything about technology. Its all memes.
Also if 15 or under and male, post feet
>Waah he insulted me therefore his statement is invalid
Okay faggot.
>I'm already more important than you'll ever be
>Projecting this hard.
You're like one of those wimpy ass retards that gets bullied in high school and thinks that they'll be more successful than Chad or some jock because "imma nerd xd".
The reality is You're not, if You can't follow good advice, which actually reading a technical book like the other user mention instead of creatings shit threads like this once a month, then You're more of a loser than I though you were, but hey, feel free to assume my social status or income or something.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
You can break your stuff, talking about software, as many times as you want. Interested in network? Start changing all the settings on your router, study what all that means. Set up a nas or a generic server with old stuff you have lying around, don't spend money. See how a bigger network is supposed to work (modem, router, switch, ap ecc), first time I started building my own I learned the hard way that there can be only a DHCP server, but by default everything consumer will have one working and you have to shut it off. Then you can learn how the IPV4 and IPV6 protocols work. Just saying. Breaking your things (again, software) means that you have to fix them and learn how to, for me playing in my house is always a good way to learn cause it means I'm already prepared outside.
I'm not going to read coding books cause it's not my job, not even near, and to do my job well I have to study other things (and I do). What I was trying to say is that you can't assume that everyone in the computer field must be interested in coding, that's the lowest level of using computers and while it can be handy it usually isn't. I'm going to do a big project in the next months that may or may not involve coding, if it will I'll just pay a programmer to do what I say. I don't have time to learn it by myself to save what, 500€? I'm going to pay for that cause that's not my job.
Also, I was the nerd in high school but we don't have the whole bullying thing here, it's quite rare. I actually was friend with a lot of chads. I was assuming that you're not going to do much with your life cause someone so shortsighted and with absolutely no clue of how a jobplace works won't go too far, but good luck!
Install Gentoo, not even joking.