Don't mind me, just ste-pirating this pizza
Don't mind me, just ste-pirating this pizza
Other urls found in this thread:
>hurr piracy is a crime
Fuck you op, that pizza made me hungry
It literally is
>don't mind me, just browsing this site with adblock on.
kill yourselves shills
You found a way to give yourself free pizza without depriving someone else of his pizza?
Easy, you get the ingredients, make 5 pizzas, eat 1, sell the other 4, and you get back more than what you spent.
don't mind me. just stealing content from this store.
Podesta please go
>needing to use a gun to pirate the guy's pizza when you are going to make a copy of it so that you can both, each, enjoy the entire thing
I genuinely think there is just one neet guy, sitting in bedroom, posting these stupid varg/piracy/free watches/botnet wants me to starve threads all day.
No wonder this board has went to shit.
Why did you lump in the pizza botnet threads with those shitposts? I-it's a serious problem, a-user-kun...
it's probably a bot. i have created several memes with automation.
Sage you, asshole.
Yeah who is this Jew that keeps creating these threads?
Now that we are on the topic of pizza I encourage Sup Forums to compile this pizza:
It is surprisingly good. Made one yesterday. A bit sweet though and it might better with fresh basil leaves
Don't mind me, just pirating this water.
Did you pay the copyright owner for using that image?
Only on freedomTM countries
How did you solved the capcha? Pass?
Don't mind me, just spammi- reposting this quality thread
People who pirate software are scum.
If you don't want to pay for Windows, then use Linux. It wouldn't fucking hurt you to pay $100/$200 for something you use all day every day.
in clapistan its actually illegal to collect rainwater
mate that´s amazing now we both can enjoy a pizza without me having to pay for the production for the one i am not eating
And what entitles you to judge other people?
>hurr durr I contribooted $200 to a company that makes 99% of their money on corporate and oem sales
Would you pay for a half-finished borderline poisonous pizza?
or you could just buy keys from certain vendors for like $35
>your argument
>computer breaks
>have to buy OS again
>vendor actually sells keys twice or got them from phone scams
>Microsoft revokes key