You have exactly 16500 milliseconds to explain why you don't own one already
Gpd pocket
Other urls found in this thread:
An expensive piece of shit that achieves absolutely nothing other than serving you the bragging right for owning one
i have a better laptop
>I already have a laptop and smartphone I take with me everywhere
>I don't like tiny keyboards
Appeals to both Staceys and linoox boys
Rather use my surface pro 3
how can you even type with this shit?
Is smartphone + keyboard more logical? Dunno but OP's pic is shit.
>monitor is too small (i would have to squint in order to see what is on the screen)
>probably slow as shit(1080p and 4k videos lag)
>keyboard is too small(probably a pain to type a sentence)
>probably more expensive than a regular refurbished laptop(that is superior in every way)
>somebody was paid to write this
atleast they delivered, unlike many kikestarter projects
why when i have this? it's comfy
>actually trying to touch type on that thing
What the hell is this? Is this real advertising copy? Indian localised?
>4k videos
>on that screen
I already have a laptop, and if I needed a small device for typing on, it would be more affordable to purchase a keyboard for my tablet.
That's mostly for external monitors since it has hdmi out and the usb-C supports video out too.
They should bring these back now that 21:9 displays are commonplace
if the cpu is powerful enough 4k videos will still play (not in 4k of course because the monitor is not a 4k monitor)
Because I have a GPD XD and having heard about the problems with the WIN I know to steer clear of them.
I love my XD, am finishing Ocarina of Time right now, but it has issues that most normies couldn't deal with, like a hardware bug that fries the screen if it gets turned off while charging.
The WIN had some problems too I think with the CPU not being soldered properly so I'm going to avoid their more expensive stuff.
vivi a shit kys
>Buys a tiny shit laptop with a tiny keyboard you can barely type on
Make up you damn minds.
look at those fucking soulless gook eyes christ.
Like an animal
That would be comfy/10, as the keyboard wouldn't have to be as retarded as in gpd. I genuinely would consider buying one like these, if that would have like a core m processor and decent battery life.
>le Sup Forums is one person XD
First day here?
>soulless gook eyes
if a white girl is an example of a girl with a soul then i would prefer my girls to be soulless
still living the anime delusion eh?
Kys you're slef
10 bucks says he has a waifu pillow.
This. They should have had one of those expanding keyboard that spreads out when the lid is lifted.
i cringe at anime due to the poorly done animation. fuck anime. 3d is superior
Gooks are only 2.5d senpai. They havent gone 3d since Hiroshima.
>falling for the chink gpd products
>not German perfection with open source compatibility
>that keyboard
how can you intentionally fuck up something this bad.
2 much $ desu
>not feeling the rush of buying a chink product wondering what botnets it has or if it will even work out of the box
Living a life as dull as yours would suck bro.
Nah the XD does exactly what I want it to do. The only thing I would want is GC/PS2 emulation but I'd rather run those on my PC anyways.
Shitty keyboard.
Even zx spectrum has a better keyboard than this thing and that's says a lot.
What the fuck is wrong with that keyboard?
>tfw you will never have a X220 with a topre short throw keyboard.
Nobody, whether normie nor nu-male, will actually want to type on a 7 inch keyboard.
Because your pic related is a render shooped under someones hands. It's hard to own things that don't real.
I was going to shitpost, but that's actually pretty cool, OP.
Reminds me of the OQO 02 I used to have.
OQO what is this?
Stacy prefers to type on her iPhone and the neckbeard will prefer to type on his 1337 hax0r mechanical keyboard
Who is that?
There are dozens of decently powered tiny chromebooks out there.
I have a Lenovo 100s that has a kick ass like 12 hour battery life and it does all the basic bitch shit i do plus i can dual boot to XFCE for some python shit.
And you can get them for dirt cheap. I think i paid $120 new
>Because your pic related is a render shooped under someones hands. It's hard to own things that don't real.
but they have already shipped out units and you can see them used by any tech reviewer channel on youtube? low effort troll attempt my friend
> Expensive as fuck
> Keyboard is absolute shit
> Cheap chink screen
> Retarded fucking gaymer controls
> Shit hardware
This is literally the Apple of autists.
It costs less than $100 to produce and they sell it for 600 euro.
I already have an x220 which is the smallest laptop I consider usable.
I also have an slightly smaller old HP netbook and it's too small, anything smaller and I would just rather use a phone.
The keyboard is impossible to type on. Give me the same hardware with a full size keyboard and SSD not emmc, and I'll think about it.
some GPD gook high on coke watched Mad Men way too many times
google gpd pocket you stupid nigger im not spoonfeeding you
I just had a look at both Google and Youtube. No one is reviewing these things.
All there is are indiegogo videos from the company, a wide variety of videos re-using those indiegogo videos for views, and a handfull of people actually discussing it but all of them are just "reviewing" it based on spec-sheets and images from the indiegogo page.
So no, if it has shipped it must be super recent, or no one bought it.
Alternatively you're full of shit and they haven't shipped fuckall yet.
Too big.
LTT has a """""review""""".
Garbage gaming stuff all over the """keyboard""" is a gigantic turnoff for that thing.
No thanks.
I have a GPD Win.
Imagine how Indian this guy is
Keyboard makes too many concessions
Pointer is in a absolutely fucking retarded spot.
Literally the only market for this is Asian women from Asia that live in Asia
Still pretending to like 3D pig white women that fight with you about anything and everything at every turn for petty reasons?
it turns out it's no more pocketable than any other 10-12in compact laptop.
Was that article written by some Indian? It reads awkwardly
I own a 900 phone and a 1200 macbook. FYI my phone is heavier than my laptop.
Gas the yuppies, we /mods/ now!
Most successful businessman own a Macbook or Surface.Because they have fashionable appearance and also light and thin, but the drawback is not easily moved.We believe that the future notebook will be thin,but also small.
GDP Pocket is such a product, it's not only has luxuriant appearance like Macbook, but also super light and very small, It can be taken away at any time like a mobile phone in your pocket.
I am not a fucking sub 6' manlet. I have large hands and looking down at that tiny screen would strain your neck after awhile.
Aren't those like $500? What can I do with it that a $40 netbook can't? I already own a smartphone which as better portability and cost far less. What's the point? It's basically a fashion accessory, a chicklet keyed fedora.
Because id rather pay 150 for a Chromebook that I can at least read the screen. Why would I want a shit "laptop" that's smaller than my phone and less powerful? I could make a clone with a pi zero that would be better
Because it's a VAIO P clone instead of a UX one
I was interested but, with the amount shilling this product is getting, my spidey senses say stay the fuck away.
Could you *be* any more beta?
Dude I don't even have money to buy toothpaste, let alone a new computer
>Imagine a scene where a fashionable woman takes a 7-inch
stopped reading there
because shits gay son
The latest batch of WINs are fine, plus it can actually emulate Ps2 and gamecube games unlike the XD. Having a decent steam library on the go is amazing.
>hardware bug that fries the screen
Is that a real issue with the XD?
That's pretty cute, reminds me of the OG chromebook Google made.
This is actually POOrly written.
Yeah they have been developing that shitty product for what? Like 5 years now? I remember when I had the Nokia N900 and that seemed like a good alternative. Fuck that shit. GPD made their project true without using shitty arm architecture, and you can actually buy it. It's nice to have x86 at that scale.
Laptop in da pokket
I want the other one, the better one of which I forgot it's name
You know the one that looks like that but has socketed ARM CPUs
nice one
it's expensive as FUCK and the keyboard is horrific
>tiny keyboard as daily driver
Yea no, I've used a netbook for programming for years and that shit is EXACTLY what will give you rsi. If you want tiny shit for shitposting, go for the pyra (once that fucking thing actually releases).
I value my posture
>computer for ants
>with a cup of coffee placing next to her
Confirmed indian
Because the keyboard looks uncomfy
I also love Shenzen startup products.
That little thing in the OP might be good for small schoolchildren if they can get costs down to something reasonable for such a project at scale.
You're a hired shill, aren't you?
And why spend money on a tiny novelty item you'll probably get bored of and of it's horrid battery life when you can buy a 7 or 10 inch powerful chink tablet with battery for days running Android or the x86 OS of your choice, with a touch screen, keyboard or controller for cheaper?
And guess what you can actually be productive with it too.
The chinks are flooding the market.
Hello Mr. Consumer.
The reasoning would be too complex for being transfered to you via this two dimensional medium, I hope you understand.
Magnificent. Truly magnificent.
>falling for the chink gpd products
You are saying that like 99% of our hardware isn't already made in China
>not German perfection with open source compatibility
You are saying that like germans are unable to make shit
Protip: almost all Pyra internals are made in China
>open source compatibility
>Implying GPD products are locked down
>daily driver
Why? Do you have a policy to only own one computing device?
>Because I have a GPD XD and having heard about the problems with the WIN I know to steer clear of them.
Yeah, revisions don't exist. Nor do warranties. Yeah uh-uh.
>The WIN had some problems too I think with the CPU not being soldered properly so I'm going to avoid their more expensive stuff.
That was never the problem, if you actually had interest in it, why didn't you even bother checking up properly?
>inb4 bought a GPD XD only for the Win to come out and now little bitch cries about it
>you will never have a X220 with a topre
Why did you have to post this? I'm so sad now.