/mkg/ Mechanical Keyboard General - Meme Edition

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amazon.co.uk/Water-Resistant-VicTop-Mechanical-Waterproof-Anti-ghosting/dp/B01DBYNVSY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498933865&sr=8-1&keywords=tomoko keyboard

oh I fucked up this thread have I

>Learn to touch type:
>Buyer's template:
>Where to Buy:
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>Keyset wiki
keypuller.com (web.archive.org/web/20161101152119/http://keypuller.com/)

First for chink topre clones

I ordered a Plum 87.

how to make it cute

i got a new ducky one and the spacebar feels much lighter than the rest of the keys. is this normal?

Do you know how big that space bar is? The keycaps I'm thinking of getting claim theirs is 6.25u.

Alright faggots, so this keycap set is finally gonna come out on Monday.

Who else is gonna waste money on this?

>speed 346

Is it WPM? I'm pretty sure I was at 65 wpm.

Its not bad, I got a set of gmk plum, the quality is top notch.

letters per minute? ~6 letters is about a word.

nah it's ugly. colors are horrid, symbols (shift, arrows) look like shit and the font's boring.
pic related is the best style for keyboards, period.

Hol' up senpai, I got something you'll love.

You think chiclet caps are hot shit, check out this XxGamerxX keeb.

Annoyingly it's a 5.5u spacebar

Fuck that rubberdome shit but yes the Noppoo choc mini is one of the best keyboards ever. It is a complete shame that the spacebars are so hard to get but so far I have a blue, white, and black one.

Unicomp classic or ultra classic?

Is there any diference beside that extra plastic part that they cut off?

Try get the beige ultra classic (it's sold out right now) those cases are usually in the best condition and they are built fairly well.

What is the measurements of the space bar?


Why that difference? I wanted a black frame with white and gray keys

If I don't like DSA would I like Cherry? I don't like DSA because of the uniform height and low profile. Cherry looks barely taller than DSA but the sculpt looks ok. I'm used to sculpted SA and OEM.

Are those the Cherry double shots from kbdfans?

i'm a huge fan of the layout despite the low spacebar availability, because the other bottom row keys are all standard size, so right ctrl is comfy to press with your pinky, and right alt is super easy and fast to reach with your right thumb, and fn is also reasonably accessible and wide enough to press by swinging your thumb into your hand. protip: swap left ctrl with win key for comfy use with your left pinky

The only thing that stops me for buying a Noppoo is their ugly keycaps and the fact that the base isn't aluminum.
I'm between the Noppoo, a Poker II or a Pok3r, going strong towards the last.
Why I should get a Noppoo?


the carbon dsa spacebar kit has 5.5u spacebars too btw

you'd get it for the 75% layout. other ones you can look at are drevo excalibur, KBD75/YMD75, vortex race 3

Only thing I seem to hate about this keyboard is the right shift key. It just might take some getting used to?

did you know you can mod the domes


Got a beamspring terminal and some other old IBM mainframe equipment for less than twenty bucks today. Going to have to burn about a hundred bucks in gas to go pick it up Monday, but I'm still happy as hell. So glad I was able to grab one of these for a reasonable price when they've gone to insane levels on ebay and such the last year. Especially this sexy beast compared to the 5251.

Will post more about it after the 4th once I wake up from my BBQ coma.

Where do you guys sell/trade your keyboards I have a Realforce HiPro JP that I don't really use any more and I don't really know where people do those sort of sales.

It's only $60 right now, I'm actually ordering one in black tomorrow i think.
I use the Noppoo because I believe it's objectively the best layout. it lets me keep my f1-f12 keys while also having them extremely easy to reach. This is completely ideal for games with a ton of keybinds, I cannot play my primary game on other keyboards.
Hit two buttons on the keyboard and control and capslock swap. This enhances the previous point because now you can access the control+ layer for double the keybinds very easy. It's way easier to hit capslock+d vs ctrl+d.
Now that ctrl is capsllock you can bind it to your push to talk and you can toggle push to talk with out actually moving your fingers at all because your palm willl be hovering over the bottom left control anyway so simply lower your palm and your mic goes live.
POM keycaps are incredible. They feel so good under your fingers with the light clicky blue switches.
The media keys are actually sweet, I use them to control my music constantly.
I don't see how it's even a debate, the pok3r is just a maggic force with out the pg up/down cluster and the magicforce can be had for like $40 if you want that layout.
Pic related. Black switches on the maggicforce, blues on the noppoo. I switch back and fourth all the time.
Horrible quality assurance. Tons of reports of keys and LEDs dying with in a key months.

I love how I used to post "nth for 75%" in every thread and now 75% is popular

Deskauthority, Ebay, Geekhack are all pretty solid bets.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

Question: Can you make it work with a modern PC?
Does it have a buzzer?

Thanks. Will reconsider the Noppoo.
I wonder if will it be difficult to get spherical keycaps for it.

No one likes DSA, they just take pictures of it.

Usually, everyone's favorite profile is Cherry. It's what OEM should've been, it's great.

I can make it work with a modern PC. And it comes with a click solenoid instead of a buzzer, which I should also be able to get running again with a little effort. Here's a review of the same model. This guy's channel is pretty great if you like old keyboards.


I like DSA, not so much for the profile itself, but because you can use it on odd layouts that have keys in funny places. So as a guy that likes 75%, it and SA are the profiles of choice.

I would imagine it is extremely difficult. Your options are extremely limited. One other user and I know of all of the sets that you can use with it. Your best bet is to buy the black or white choc mini and then buy one of the keysets in the opposite color, so you have a black and white spacebar for it. This allows you to use any primarily black or white set which opens up your options a bunch.
It seems like the drevo gramr is extremely fucking similar with a standard spacebar. The only thing strange on that board is the smaller right alt, ctrl, fn, etc but those are pretty common .

>I wonder if will it be difficult to get spherical keycaps for it.

Carbon SA fits if that is still going on.

I want to stick my dick in a Topre rubber dome

tfw too jewish to buy expensive keyboards/caps

Anyone excited about the new cubic profile from Tai-Hao? Cherry shaped tops with oem ish height, and thicker than the old Tai-Hao doubleshots.

Upskirt shot.

>SA Carbon.
Shipping August 2018.

>Tai-Hao ABS
lol fuck no


Well hopefully the new Leopold pbt double shots coming soonTM are nice.

What do you think about my keyboard, i really like it.

I almost bought it. I really like the height and the sharp angles and I don't mind ABS. I cancelled my order because I'd rather put that $30 towards some EnjoyPBT dyesubs since I've been wanting those much longer than these cubic. Also the thickness of EPBT stretches TaiHao ABS till they split.

Surface Pro type covers are pretty decent as far as laptop and portable keyboards go.

>waiting for the parts to build my first mech keyboard

What switches did you get?

Building a custom XD60 with a 65 key layout, black case, blank black PBT DSA keycaps and white accent keys. Using Gateron blues, might upgrade to MODs/Zealios later on.
Build isn't as pricy as I expected, other than some other stuff I bought the build came out to around $120.


It's the best laptop keyboard outside of surface book's.

Are Cherry Clears more prone to chattering than other switches?

Does anyone know of a mk that costs sub $50 and is ok?

drevo gramr
magicforce 68
tomoko 87
plugable 87

Are there any good options for quiet keyboards? I know they won't be silent, but right now even my rubber dome keyboard is clacky. Every "silent" mechanical keyboard sounds like gamer gear stuff, and I don't want to pay more money for rainbow lights. I had been looking at the Matias one for a while, but the local store doesn't have the new ones in yet.

What do you mean by "new ones?" There's a new version aside from the the Quiet Pro 4?

They don't have a single number on their website, but the stopped making whatever version earlier this year because they were working on the version that was released sometime in May. My store has only had the Mac version listed on their site, and doesn't have any of the Quiet Pros actually in stock anywhere.

Should I buy this:
It sports a gateron brown/blues or should I buy a cheaper keyboard with oetemu switches. This is my first mechanical keyboard and I'm hoping for something worth investing it for the long run.


Amazon has the James Donkey 619 for $60 if you want Gateron Browns. Don't bother with other Chinese switches unless your budget is really tight.

Well its just for reference picture user, it's being sold locally in my country for 60 buckerinos and has either gateron browns or blues.

Gat's clicky switches aren't great. Their looser tolerances aren't detrimental with linears/tactiles but it fucks them over with the click jackets on blues/greens.

Magicforce is fine as a board, though I hate the stock caps as my fat Burgerland fingers aren't accustomed to the slightly smaller size. You may want to spring for some PBT caps.

I have a Leopold FC900 with Brown Cherry MX. This was the first keyboard I got, so I didn't really know much about switches. It works fine, but after having tried Blue switches, it feels much worse, even though those switches were Kailh. I really like the design of the keyboard, and there is one version with Blue switches too. Should I get one of those, or should I solder Gateron switches on the one I have?


First mech keyboard.

My other option is a Qisan with brown gaterons, which I like more aesthetically but costs 60€.

>mfw bricked my tada68
eh whatever shit never worked anyway


Absolute garbage. Get clears if you want cherry tactile or get a click or linear switch instead.

gateron browns are apparently far better than cherry, close to a sort of inbetween of cherry browns and cherry clears

Buy the one that please your eyes.

Yes, I want to do swap to heavier domes but I think I will need to do a lot of cutting to the sheet. If anyone has done this mod, please tell me what it was like.

What the fuck did you do

Teensy that bitch, bitch.

chink pbt dye sub DSA carbon has the 5.5u spacebar

this guy has done it



Very nice mate, I wish I had gone for the full size variant.

>the James Donkey meme
So many better chink boards. Buy a DREVO or some shit.

ordered pic related as my babby's first mkb
What am I in for?

KBP v60 and v80 come with matias, but you gotta replace the keycaps asap.

Is it me or is that keybr.com/ thing broken as shit?

Works on my machine :^)
t. Firecuck

works for me in google chrome. check if you have javascript disabled or something.

i tried using easyavr to make a new layout
seemed to go ok, i put the new file on and then the board just stopped working
the lights wont even turn on when pressing the button on the underside to change the .bin file
so fuck it, the board only caused me problems

First time trying out the WASDKeyboards .svg template upload, and I'm pleasantly surprised

Ducky makes good shit, love the blank top caps they get me rock hard


I had the type cover for the SP2 and it wasn't too bad. Would have appreciated more key travel, though.

how are das keyboard users treated here? asking for a friend.
also, the hhkb is looking mighty fine for 200 bucks. i should start off with the not silent version since i could just mod that right?

What are you guy's thoughts on the GK87 Pro?

Fuck how you're treated mate, do what makes you happy

Man I wish Signature Plastics could get their shit together already. Was debating on grabbing some Granite High Contrast for a build I was thinking about but took too long to decide and now the base sets are all sold out.

It's so frustrating. One either has to plan months or years in advance and pray that they'll still actually want the keycap set that far in the future or just roll with whatever becomes available and snap it up in the first 5 seconds or you won't get shit.

Does WASD still do lasering or are they dyesub now? I got a couple sets of their earlier lasered caps and the legends on the dark keys rubbed off with astonishing speed

Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Cherry MX/MX clone
>Form factor
TKL or up, I program so I need a dedicated home/end/pgup/pgdn button
Nice to have but absolutely not a requirement
>Previous/current keyboards

have been less happy with this keyboard, just wanted a little bit of motivation to grab the other one i talked about. but that m8

for that price you arent going to get anything worth while
coolermaster boards are are at least 100 pounds
i dont know if you can buy this but this one is under 50
amazon.co.uk/Water-Resistant-VicTop-Mechanical-Waterproof-Anti-ghosting/dp/B01DBYNVSY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498933865&sr=8-1&keywords=tomoko keyboard

So, is the JamesDonkey 619 actually a meme or not?
Is 30€ right now on gearbest
Which switches are good for it?

>Preferred switch type
I've tried reds, greens, and blues, I found the greens and blues too heavy/noisy, currently using reds and I don't like how I can't feel the actuation point. I think that browns would be a good compromise.
>Form factor
>Previous/current keyboards
current: CM Storm QuickFire XT reds
previous:CM Storm QuickFire Rapid blues
