What the actual fuck is this?

What the actual fuck is this?

A corrupt image

A message telling you your image is corrupted.

it's happening for me on the latest firefox and latest chanx
quite annoying but at leasts lets you post

bit rot

It happens with all images.

UBlock origin bug. Add this to your filters.

@@||Sup Forums.org^*$csp=default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'

Thanks user, this solved it.

Didn't work for me.

thanks senpai, works wonders.

works danke sehr




Does this work if you have uMatrix installed?

Thanks, user.

Fake and gay.


i find freckles cute but damn thats too much freckles.



Thanks user
Now tell me how can I get ris of the russian gay porn ads if I use this fix

What the fuck she's doing? Just get a red lipstick and keep/paint the red hair.

Why should I have to adjust ublock filters for this? Why can't I just tell 4chanx to stop looking at the image metadata?

i also haven't been able to use the thread watcher in weeks

weird thread watcher works fine. the image corruption thing coincided with the changes for flags on pol and some updates afterwards for 4chanx from what I was told when I asked about my problem.

autism test