Not being racist, but why are most CEOs of the top tech companies Indian?
Not being racist, but why are most CEOs of the top tech companies Indian?
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indians are the race with the highest iq on the globe
theyr just very successful people that come from one of the greatest nations of earth, which is india of course so theyre just very based and good people also they are on a healthy diet all the time because indian food is healthy and they eat it so it makes their mind body connection steong just to be sure
Nah. Lots of retards in India just like everwhere else.
They have a huge population though and the US has an immigration quota, so the ones that do get to immigrate into the US are usually very skilled.
yeah but why so many indian CEOs and not chinese?
Well, all the Companies taking Indian CEO's are either failing and need an excuse (Indians), or started failing after the Indian CEO was elected.
All in all, all companies and their product and service quality went downhill proportional to Indian employment and diversity programs.
We need to bring back the Chinese/Japanese/Eastern European/German/Jewish/White mix, as that's what made Microsoft and Apple and made them successful.
Look at all the patents when both companies and also Google were great and advancing.
Not a single poo, all credits go to Japs, Chinese, Germans, EE, Jews, and whites.
because china is doing (relatively) good.
China is better than ever and becoming better.
Even in environmental aspects they are slowly improving in joint work with Japs, while the rest of the world is stuck only whining about it and not doing shit about it, while India is still the filthiest nation on the planet and the 2nd biggest source of all plagues next to Sub-Saharan Africa.
Someone need sink with the boat. Also, poo floats pretty well in the water, so, they will survive to sink more and more boats.
AMD and Nvidia CEOs are both ethnic Chinese.
Virtue signaling.
>most successful company in the world
>all white
Jews are not white.
>Marketing VP
Gets me every time. He shills so hard eveery keynote
>Not being racist, but
There is literally no way to end this sentence that isn't racist.
Whats with all these "Vice President" roles?
Why isn't there a "President" role?
because #notmypresident
they aren't at the top is the jew
>thinking the CEO is in charge of the company
youre not racist for asking this question, you idiot
indians make are almost 1/4 of the world population. So chances are a few of them are competent.
Indians also make a big chunk of the pie of uber-rich. It is no surprise that a lot of Indians from rich and influential families took over the world's tech epicenter.
Chinese generally have very shitty English skills compared to Poos. You want the CEO to at least be able to speak English.
Lisa Su, Jensen Huang, Tim Cook.
First two are Taiwanese and Tim Cook is a faggot though.
>Not being racist, but
Because all international companies have multiple HQ's or branches if you will in multiple countries, and every branch has its own president with its own management and workforce,
and those branch presidents are basically all vice-presidents in comparison to the current official company president.
There are also companies where vice-presidents have specific roles (financial, management, etc.) ergo this is also another hierarchy system with multiple vice presidents.
Well, Sundar Pichai was CEO of Google because Larry and Sergey wanted a guy who would keep the ship running, but also take orders when needed.
Yes, we. I'm already 1 year away from finishing business management. I will make my contribution.
It would be nice if you did yours.
Because they're truly master race.
found the poo in loo
India has pushed a lot for educating their people on STEM, so just by sheer numbers you would have lots of academic figures, and corporate high chairmen that are Indian. By sheer numbers you have that most bad programmers are Indian too.
>used to work at M$
>every time i would walk by the 3 indian ladies desk i would smell this terrible smell
>no clue if it was their arm pits, vaginas, or ass crack, or all of the above
seriously what the fuck is that smell?
>Falling for bait
They eat too much curry.
Because murilards can't compete with immigrants.