Why would anyone use an operations system that stores your password in plaintext like linux?

why would anyone use an operations system that stores your password in plaintext like linux?

Other urls found in this thread:


>teleports behind you
>enables full-disk encryption
>nothing personnell kid
also the password file is only readable to superusers

>in plaintext
They're hashed, you idiot.

no they're not i just checked

how did you check, retard?




>operations system


How did you check the passwords to make the claim they were not hashed
>Captcha: spin mountain

My favorite search engine tell me that OP is a cockmongler


ok so I was going to post my password here to show it actually stores it in plain text but Sup Forums wouldn't let me so even Sup Forums is better than linux

we're reaching faggotry levels that shouldn't even be possible

it doesn't matter if its theorietically hashed because linux itself its unencrpyted

what the fuck does that even mean

linux is unencrypted therefore invalidating any internal encrypting

But you can encrypt the entire file system. Are you just being obtuse on purpose?

if you encrypt the entire filesystem then the passwords are relatively stored in plaintext again

But they aren't, they are still hashed. You either know nothing about encryption, or you are baiting for (you)s. I'm going to assume the first and not give you the second

Homosex thread? Homosex thread!


Who is this goddess?

If you encrypt a document containing password hashes, the result is not a plaintext version of said hashes. Are you retarded?

You do realize that hashing and encrypting are not the same thing, right? You can't reverse a hash.


wtf I thought I filtered you
please just go back to /r/eddit

Thanks bb

That's not an argument, also you ignored my post because I didn't give you a (you). Fuck off

One cannot go back to a place one never was.

Stop replying you dumb nigger

who are you talking to I cant tell if you dont quote them properly

It doesn't though.
Also, it is the gnu that handles passwords.

Since people here seem to know about hashes, could someone help with please? I want to understand why things like Merkle–Damgård are used instead of a simpler and more parallel scheme like the one in the thread.

Wtf are you talking about?

Do you think yous are internet points or something? Back to >>>/reddit/ you retard

>please go back to /r/eddit
I don't have an account on that site. I cannot "go back" if I was never there to begin with.

i still remember that time I schooled you on jasm jitting vs C
get out of my thread dumb dumb

Wifi password is stored in plaintext by NetworkManager though.

linux btfo

He probably never replied to (you) because you didn't bother to post correctly as you are a giant faggot.

Because there is no other way to store them.


And how many years ago was that?

a few months ago; you made yourself look like such a retard haha

ok now it work and it's plain text not encrypted text

Do you know what hashes are and how they work?

Hashes are not meant to be used for data encryption. Also, Linux is a kernel.

Shit, did I just fall for the bait

That doesn't look very plaintext.

rofl OP is retarded
I wonder which OS OP uses lol


it is plain text this is what encrypted text looks like


>he can't read encrypted text
what a è^¯‹ÄJÿÓöúv"`«£Y‰

encrypted doesn't mean it looks like garbage. if you encode something a hex after you hash or encrypt it it's not going to look like garbled text you retart

Wtf, are you stupid or just a nu/g/


Looks like some homo deleted it instead of deleting this baity shitpost thread or the other of OPs shitposts instead ;_;

Didn't get paid enough hot pockets to delete the entire thread, apparently

my threads are high quality AND technology related so dont delete it

Traps are tech as well though.

no disagrements here

>Hashes are not meant to be used for data encryption
Dumb fuck

No, that is binary.

I don't recall arguing against the performance of JIT a couple of months ago. As I've come to be aware, the performance issues of JIT languages tend to be issues unrelated to them being JIT, like garbage collection and poor cache utilization.

Prove me wrong.

[latex]Ciphertext_{counter} = H(key \| nonce \| counter) \oplus Plaintext_{counter}[/latex]

>it doesn't matter if its theorietically hashed because linux itself its unencrpyted

Nice b8 m8


ur dumb lol

lol what? where did you hear that?

>plain text
it's actually hashed
also, you don't get to see that hash unless you're su.

uhhh are you sure about that


The password file is readable by all.
The shadow file isn't.

who is this?

Why do all chinks look like they have Down's syndrome?


Sage, retards. Low quality bait. Thread didn't need to be bumped for this long.

are this underage? just need clarification lmao

whos this cutre girl

i think we want to know who is her
