Is he and his husbando our guys, Sup Forums?

Is he and his husbando our guys, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes he is Sup Forums's daddy

Who the hell are they?

I would say yes. I wish they were my surrogate gay fathers.

I really used to hate that autismo when he used to hide his face on the tek.

I actually quite enjoy all of his content now, maybe the autism has spread.
Daddy Wendell makes top notch quality like this and the other channel covers tech news and new products aimed at a nonretard tech audience

2 gay men talking about cpus

He's gay? Yucko!

do people still have lan parties

Are they actually faggots?

Most people just play with their friends online.

Does it matter?

Maybe. Wendel knows a lot more than what he puts up on the videos.

Op is this gay acceptance bait? Op is confirmed faggot


/ourguy/ type threads are fucking cancer and you should consider killing yourself.

If you have an issue with others sexuality it's probably cause you secretly have a dick in your arse.

Thank you papa. thank you thank you thank you

Yes they are.

Or maybe sex is just friggin yucky and gays are extra gross because you see two guys together and think about the gross sex things because it's unusual to see gay people compared to sexually healthy people.

It's gross to see any sex stuff not just gay.
But gay is super icky.

>If you hate watching two people eating shit from each other asshole it means you secretly love it

I never understand the liberal logic meme.

>friggin yucky
>super icky


They are fags!?!? Unsubscribed.

>Wendell gave no reason to assume or believe he's gay
>thread is memeing me into believing it
>now I can't look at him the same way again
Fuck you Sup Forums, this is yet another thing this website actively ruined for me.