How can I remain completely invisible on the Internet. I want to leave no trace

How can I remain completely invisible on the Internet. I want to leave no trace.

Other urls found in this thread: kissing

why do you fear the algorithm?

it has seen into your soul and knows you personally.

Build your own onion network using nodes installed when some kid clicks on

don't use the internet

or use Tails OS with old hardware

Removing the cable from your internet box to the power outlet

Maybe don't post on Sup Forums retard.

Why are they doing that to each other?

access the internet from a free wi-fi location completely disguised using a 2003 era thinkpad on TOR, throw the laptop in the trash when you're done, walk out on foot for atleast a 100 mile radius before you enter a plated vehicle, wear gloves, shave your entire body, apply a lair of wax over your entire body to ensure no skin flakes

You just removed all chances of that ever happening by posting here.

Why old hardware, m8?

it's called kissing you hand hold-less virgin

Because it has no (((Intel Management Engine)))

what this user said not that old, though

are these twins?

That's ridiculous, women can only kiss men

They're gay (lol)

The easiest way to be invisible is to just get off the Internet. Become a hermit.

Of course, no one does this because they care about the Internet too much. Clearly, then, anonymity really isn't so important to these people (most of the time).


>Of course, no one does this because they care about the Internet too much.
If people did, you would never know that.

absolutely lovely

i like this guy

>apply a lair of wax
fucking kek kissing

Nothing is private on the internet. Everything you do is public. Somehow somewhere, someone or some people will be able to find a way to dig up your internet past, whether you have privacy addon, use foss software and web browsers, or even install Gentoo. The best you can do to reduce your digital footprint is basically .

Look at the back of your router and find the cable that looks like the one in this picture. Unplug it.

Public WiFi, spoof mac before you arrive. Done. Seriously, that's all you need

dont forget to spoof browser fingerprint as well, not randomize because that leaves you unique again

kys urself


What does lipstick taste like?

Tastes like shit on the wrong person

That's not lipstick.

1. Michael Bazzell Privacy Reference book
2. The Dark Arts podcast
3. Common sense

nothing, maybe a tiny bit of vanilla in some

preddy much this, you start by using a public network or one that can't be traced back to you, leave no fingerprints through whatever software you're running, no cookies, http headers, no mac address, nothing traceable or distinguishing.

Just get a live Tails usb and use a public wifi.

You absolute fucknuckle. TAILS leaves a massive fuckoff fingerprint that you are using TAILS.


install gentoo

>TAILS leaves a massive fuckoff fingerprint that you are using TAILS.
Like what?
Can you describe the methods in which a tails user is easily fingerprinted?

If it just leaves a fingerprint saying I'm using Tails I'm ok with this.

It's just a live OS on an easily destroyed flash drive.

By pretending to be someone else and leaving no trace that connects it with your real life. It's kind of like physics though, you'll only ever get to 99.99%. Even if you build your own hardware, your own OS, use several chained VPNs and connect to it using a public wifi in a coffee shop you went to while wearing a wig, someone determined enough could still track you based on the way you behave online and the clues you leave behind by mistake.

Having nothing to hide really is the only defense.

Not if you behave in a completely neutral way and don't make any mistakes.

The only way to be tracked using a public network if you're really careful about what you leave behind is through human error and physical monitoring/actual detective work.

As in you copied CIA databases through MacDonald's wifi and they get you through comparing the time the files were copied with security footage from mac's, street cameras and witness testimonials, doesn't matter if you're sitting inside or hax0ring in your car, you can be tracked.

It's really the same with passwords and encryption, the weakest link in the system is you and your broken legs.

Which, again, you'll only do 99.9% of the time (in your dreams, it's probably closer to 60-70%) because you're still human.

What's a decent spoofing method?

Can't something be traced to you in the time between you connecting to the public wi-fi and you connecting to the VPN?

This guy gets it

We track mouse movements. The speed, accuracy, and patterns of a user form a 'fingerprint' that can identify them from previous tracked instances.

>We track mouse movements. The speed, accuracy, and patterns of a user form a 'fingerprint' that can identify them from previous tracked instances.
Yeah, on JS applications.
You can't do this on HTML4, that's for fucking sure. And I'd like to know if there are HTML5 features that allow this kind of tracking since I haven't heard of any.

But in JS, flash, silverlight land all this shit is possible and more.

Not if you're using OBSF4.
Not that it matters, since all a website will know is that there is someone, somewhere accesing the server using Tor, and the public WiFi will know that a user is using Tor (unless you're using OBSF4 and/or a VPN.)
They won't know who are you or what are you seeing unless, of course, you identify yourself or use a non-https website.

Buy disposable device
Hack into third party network with said device
Do your filth with said device on said network
Dispose of said device

1. Buy a laptop (Thinkpad) from any FSF sponsored computer stores. Tell them to not put an HDD/a SSD.
2. Create a live copy of gNewSense or Trisquel that's on a USB flash drive/SD card.
3. Get Tor and a VPN (I recommend BolehVPN or BlackVPN) and use it while connected on public WiFi. Remember: VPN ===> Tor ===> Public Internet
4. Add these IceCat addons: HTTPS everywhere, NoScript, uBlock Origin
5. Disable Javascript
6. If you need an email, use a disposable email or BitMessage.
7. When you're done with the flash drive/SD card, destroy it until it becomes powder.

PS: Make sure to not browse in full screen.

BTW, if you think public WiFi is a bad idea, either buy a USB WiFi dongle and connect to public WiFi (destroy the dongle when you're done) or rent a place that uses wired connections for internet access.

>PS: Make sure to not browse in full screen.
How does this make a difference?

People can see what you're doing?

Extra security. You'll never know what will happen.

Probably. Most restaurant/mall/airport hotspots also require you to load a webpage beforehand and click a button, which alone would mean that you'd have to configure your browser not to run any JS or transmit any kind of identifying information in addition to spoofing your MAC address and making sure that your OS/hardware doesn't try to connect to ANYTHING (think automatic updates, DNS, telemetry, etc) before it's safely authenticated and connected to the VPN, which would mean setting up something like TAILS specifically for that purpose. Then you still have to deal with things like human behavior (average time it takes for you to click a button or navigate, how much time you spend on the VPN per session, the amount of traffic and its distribution, etc) all of which can be used to build a profile of you and your usage without any direct information.

You basically have to prepare for the worst at every single possible step, and assume that anything you use or connect to is either owned by the CIA/FBI/NSA/MI6 or they are trying to break into it this very second. An example scenario would be something like running some kind of open sourced motherboard with your own BIOS and personal fork of Linux (the complete source of which was both reviewed by security experts AND you) with a customized web browser, which you use to connect to somebody else's wifi without them knowing, to connect to a VPN which can authenticate you anonymously to then live an entirely fake life online with even the slightest details randomly but believably falsified. Even if you reveal nothing about yourself, the goal is to be invisible, which means that something like using Tor or a random useragent on every website would be a dead giveaway.

Again, not having anything you HAVE to hide is the much better option. Otherwise, your best bet is to simply make it take too much effort for somebody to track you.

Thank God telepathy is not a thing yet. At least nobody can persecute me for what's in my head.

Give it a few more decades.

Stop posting 3DPD

Not OP but I'm just wondering how can we increase our safety between connecting to a wi-fi and connecting to the VPN.
Because there seems to be an obvious breach.

That is just not true... If you use opsec and proper security, people cannot find your shit. Most people who get caught doing stupid shit don't practice proper opsec or are too stupid to be secure.

Websites request your screen resolution (or the resolution being used by the browser, to be exact). By browsing with the default Tor Browser window size, you can be sure that you look no different from any other non-retarded Tor user.

Stop living.

I'm pretty sure you could configure a Linux distro not to transmit any kind of information outside a VPN connection. Something like Tails might be worth looking into to see how they handle it, it probably has something like that built in. You could also just write your own OS and make your own networking hardware, or use some kind of a router/gateway that filters all outgoing connections.

>buy a Raspberry Pi
>go to another country
>connect it to a reasonably fast public WiFi
>hide it
>go home
>connect to Tor using bridges pluggable transports
>use that Raspberry Pi as a VPN
>now websites won't know you're using Tor, your ISP won't know you're using Tor and you can connect to regular, non-https websites since the connection between the exit relay and the VPN is going to be encrypted anyway

How do you intend to hide and power it effectively for any reasonable time?

not him but there are even smaller solutions which would fit into a wall socket or something, pop them open, directly connect it to the line

I'm not tech savvy enough to write my own OS and I'm not that paranoid.
I know you can configure a firewall rule in linux to make it so it won't let any connection complete outside of a VPN, but the problem with this solution is that I need to turn these rules off to be able to connect to the VPN itself.
The rule works like a killswitch for VPNs.

i hook my modem up thru usb...

Why is incest welcomed and accepted when it's two hot twin girls or some chad fucking a mum and a daughter?

It doesnt make sense


>welcomed and accepted
pretty sure it's not

Tfw using core2quad 9550, powerful enough for web browsing, 1080p video and fast as fuck system running on a SSD

It is though. These are established porn genres. Fucked two twins, fucked mom and daughter. Without exception they will incestously eat eachothers snatch.

>serial # of pi get traced back to anons moms credit card

>inb4 but user i used a prepaid
cameras and logged transaction user
not to mention prepaids need to be activated now

is tor safe to use alone

Because we've evolved to be protective of women, and because men take physical intimacy more seriously. Women being intimate with each other both means that there is no competition, and that it's not really a big deal. Which translates into them being the "easiest to get into" forms of incest. Son fucking his mom is probably the #1 incest scenario, though, for obvious Freudian reasons.

Buy it 2nd hand with cash.

>I want to leave no trace.
don't use the internet

Stop posting

The guy you bought it from is a government agent, and the bills you handed him have your fingerprints on it. Try again.

>not using the pi to purchase itself in the past

only real chance you have is to cyber shitpost and shill for the NSA, then maybe they will grant you true user status, after you get that gov job and swear your allegiance

Hack the cameras
Fucking looser n00b i am 1337 h4x0r

>not just hacking the physical world we reside in

lmaoing @ u rn

cool kiss 8~)

Same way magicians do it - mirrors

Judging by the way your question is framed, it's something you want and not need.

I hate being an elitist fuck, but I'm not wasting my time explaining shit to someone enamored with 'untraceability'

Did you type this from the shadows?

You're already doing it because nobody gives a fuck about you

you need balaclava and black gloves

where do I download opsec?

Use a VPN with a unique IP for each account for everything. Example, if you're going to Gmail account #3, you will use a unique IP for that account only and nothing else.

Each account must have a unique email address.

whats going on here?

It's a mirror you moron.

depends on what trace

actually a good idea, might gonna work on something like this