Sup Forums tells me to install firefox

>Sup Forums tells me to install firefox
>install firefox
>seems slow and unresponsive
>"y-you have to install all these extensions to make it good!"
>install all the recommended Sup Forums meme extensions
>uses more ram than chrome did and almost three times as much as edge
>it's still slower than chrome and edge

last time i listen to Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>falling for the firefox meme in 2017

>install firefox
It is the default browser, the only addon you need to install is the ad blocker.

Dropped FF at version 4, never looked back.

Who is this cute girl (male)?

>64-bit version
>enable multiprocess

That's it. Firefox 54 is godly.

sofi yogi kimi

Use nightly idiot.

T. Mozilla dev


>yellow fever thread

GR8 b8 m8

>Autism so bad that 0.01sec slower page loads are triggering you.
at least firefox respects my freedom and i can customize it to my liking.

So I can lose the ability to customize the browser and run most extensions even faster?
No thanks

Never understand why retards run 32bit software on 64bit systems when the software has a download for 64bit.

>the trap meme

you know pics like that will only derail the thread op

now post her feet and leave Sup Forums inmediately

>slow and unresponsive
Sure, if you have 512MB of RAM and a fucking AMD Athlon 2000 processor.

I have a 1.6Ghz dual core cpu and 4 gigs of ram and firefox is slow as a river of shit

aka your mums vagina after im done fucking her anus

im scared traps have reached top level now

because the 64 bit release is always half-broken, at least on windows

nononono not firefox you twerp. It's Waterfox that you need to install ye? It's the one made for 64 bit systems and not 32 ye.

2.1 GHz 1.8GB here.
Nightly runs like a ferret on cocaine.
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>using windows in 2017

Nothing could be as loose as your own mother's anus after I'm done with it.

What is about:config?

> (OP)
-bit version
>>enable multiprocess
>That's it. Firefox 54 is godly.

How to I enable multiprocess?

You can use all relevant and actually important extensions.

Thank you (posted from firefox 64-bit with multiprocess enabled)

what do I click on it

the "please stop sucking" option?


Just install vivaldi

They haven't.
HRT is a mostly a meme.
The "good looking" ones are ultrafeminine men that would've looked "good even 40 years ago.

Asian/thai transexuals have looked good since forever, most don't even hormones, because they're already basically female with a dick biologically.

>listening to freetards
Also mozilla is now a sjw company, avoid at all cost.

No, the "I don't know how to use a fucking search engine" option.
"how to make firefox faster/more responsive"
That or just use Nightly.

enjoy the ban

>Autism so bad that 0.01sec slower page loads are triggering you.

Except its that youtube literally freezes for 10 seconds.

>the futa meme

but muh freedoms user


are you the one with the cute feet?

>>install firefox
>>seems slow and unresponsive>uses more ram than chrome did and almost three times as much as edge
>>it's still slower than chrome and edge
I know this is bullshit because the main reason I switched to Firefox from Google Chrome was because Firefox was more responsive and faster than Google Chrome. I had also grown very annoyed with the constant crashing that I was getting with Google Chrome.


gross ugly faggots go away


Firememe became bloat since months. Even Chrome runs faster and takes less ressources on old PCs

>using Windows

I fell for this meme and I'm loving it so far.

>huge male feet
>that bunion

>yellow fever
That's a chilean trap, user.


wena nido

Who is this ovarian sectarian?

it's a boy

is that a tranny?

this boy's cute too

You're gf has a cute penis. As "cute" as a veiny third leg can be.

Impossible. Then I would be a faggot, because I just fap to this girl.

it's a boy

I really liked Vivaldi but I had one major problem with it. I can't remember what it was exactly but it was at least a year ago.
The problem was either being unable to move tabs between browser windows at all, or moving tabs between browser windows caused the tab to refresh.
Do either of those happen if you try? I would like to move away from FF but whatever problem I had with the tabs made it unusable for me.

Nightly is pretty snappy. I've been using it for a while now and it's the first time I'm satisfied with a browser since FF3 or so. The only thing I'm missing atm is searching using Tab (like in chrome).

He did mention edge...

I just started using it today and I only ever use one window

wtf are u sickfucks even posting now?
chink trans gay underage incest?

How do you know it incest?

the tranny kid calls the gay kid "onii-san"

If I call you bro and fuck you, is that incest?

I hope you're not spewing that bullshit and have multiprocess disabled user.

>because the 64 bit release is always half-broken
How so? I've been using 64 bit and it has never crashed or bugged.

Is onii san used ironically? I was under the impression it's only used for actual siblings.

Why are you even getting hot and bothered about this?
It's not as if your disgusting fetish is ok if you remove the incest part

If I identify as a black person and call people niggers, am I racist?

>implying the purest form of love is wrong

It can be used informally just like friends calling each other bros.

I merely asked a question to explain how onii-san was used in the context of that picture. It sounds like you're the one getting hot and bothered by this.

God damn it every time.

tomgirl incest -yaoi
name a better tag list, I dare you

Did you install the 64 bit version? It made a huge difference to me.

>It can be used informally just like friends calling each other bros
No it can't.

it's similar, but really only used by younger guys to older ones
you can also use aniki

>I merely asked a question to explain how onii-san was used in the context of that picture.
Sure you did.
>It sounds like you're the one getting hot and bothered by this.
t. incest fetishist

Is that what you guys call each other during RP sessions if you know what I mean

>female with a dick biologically.
Oh, boy.

>the tranny kid calls the gay kid "onii-san"
That doesn't mean shit. It can be used to adress a young man.

>last time I listen to Sup Forums
Nice to see you learned a valuable lesson.
The ONLY extension you'll ever need is uBO, then there's the optional about:config tweaks for optimization's sake and some other useful little things like disabling the tabs animation or the geolocalization thing.

We never told you to install Firefox.

>You are gf


The only reason you should have ff installed is if you need more than 2 sessions on a website.

Hi gf.


Great doujin, I don't remember if it was korean but could be, korean girls call their boyfriends brother.

>Sup Forums tells me to install firefox
What year you living in, user?

>It can be used informally just like friends calling each other bros.
This is not true at all. Its used by younger brothers/sisters or by their friends to talk to the older brother.

It may be used by kids to call 'older' man in general. But if they look adult, the kids will use oji-san instead.

latest versions of Nightly improved a lot
been using Chrome for years because Firefox Aurora or Nightly were slugs compared to Chrome but now im back on the Nightly train, I see no difference


>Listen to Sup Forums
There is your problem.

I'm just talking about software in general.

>That image
I just fapped bro s-stop

wtf i love traps now

>use Firefox
>CPU idles as if I'm running 10 benchmarks at the same time

>Use chrome
>Ram is a bit higher and only hurts pcs from like 2003 with 4gb ram

Install Waterfox