Emacs vs Vim

Emacs vs Vim







>he doesn't ssh into vintage Unix boxes
>he uses any editor but ed or his own hacked together shell script made of cat, sed, awk and a series of pipes and redirects


i havent used either but ill go with vim i heard its more user friendly

Ed is the standard text editor


visual studio


Emacs. Prefer Vim keys? Install Evil-mode.

There is no reason to use Vim over Emacs unless you are working a computer from the 80s.

I use evil, finally someone who gets it

Why is this different than a simple find and replace

both vim and emacs have have multi-cursor support
but what's the deal? why not simple replace query or execute macro on every occurrence?

Emacs is objectively better.
I still don't like it.


Why prefer emacs+evil over just vim in that case




>cut the current line into clipboard and erase line

Vim: cc

Emacs: C-x M-c Footpedal-c C-g C-mxc

Neither. They're both obsolete beyond measure.

Nobody needs an editor that can work on a VT100 terminal and designed around its limitations (vi), they _do_ need an editor that can show a preview before printing. They don't need one designed to use special keys from LISP machine keyboards (emacs), they _do_need one that uses the standard UI conventions of the past 25 years, like ctrl-X/C/V for cut/copy/paste.

For every of the few (and usually obscure and sophisticated) task that those editors can do that others' can't, you'd be better off learning some other tool that can do the job even better than emacs/vim and which doesn't have the learning curve because it's modern.

> editors displaying things
They are for editing though

That's not vim

>ctrl+c is copy
Lol, what bizarre standard is that from? Where I'm from that sends SIGTERM

Emacs shortcuts are really less enjoyable to me than vim modal edition.
Sure you can use evil mode, but it remains emacs.

However, lisp is a big plus for emacs over Vimscript !

Vim implements asynchronous processing in the later versions so it's no longer an argument.
I don't know much about neovim


Actually why ? :)
Real question


Nu-Vim is trash.
>dude lets move the vimrc somewhere else and also rename it and also break compatibility
>have to click close twice on neovim-qt
>colorcolumn fucks up with Unicode

I think you'll find all you need to do is press C-w C-k

this lets you upload a snazzy animation to your favorite social media

I use vim but don't mind people using anything else as long as they're not being faggots about it.

What if you want vim but want it to be less responsive?


At the very least if you are working with headless machines you should have a basic understanding of vi because it is almost guaranteed to be installed.

faster and more intuitive

>I'll just post this webcomic instead of expressing my own thoughts!

With vim:
/entry-meta qqciWnewtextgnq5@q
Will change the 6 fiesta .entry-meta to newtext.

This is faster than selecting each iteration with the mouse

In Sublime you don't have to manually select each iteration with the mouse. You can press Ctrl+F to find the phrase, and then Shift+Enter to select all iterations of it.
