Other urls found in this thread:

there is EVERYTHING described in gentoo handbook\ arch wiki

is that the joke?


10/10, made me install gentoo

Birds have tiny brains. Is that the joke?

yeah because cuddling your children worked out so well as evident by most millennials being useless retards.


Pretty accurate I'd say, but as said as long as you can read you can use it.
t. Gentoo user

>gentoocuccs actually believe it requires skills to run gentoo

Only neckbeard hobbyists believe this ricer bullshit.


1000000000000000000% true
Finally fucking managed to install Ubuntu on a disk partition on my laptop's ssd and on an hard drive I bought for an old lenovo thinkcentre I [spoiler]stole[/spoiler] acquired.
Was originally going to install Gentoo but the fucking asshat wouldn't mount any drives or some shit, and I think the only reason I even managed to get Ubuntu installed is because it comes with its own software to handle it for you. And even FUCKING THEN I had to go get help on the forums.
Pic related, gonna git gud with Ubuntu until I can roll with the big boys.

Now that made me laugh

t. millenial

t. millennial

t. gen z zombie babbies

Why didn't your spoiler tags work?

Sup Forums doesn't support spoilers.
We're not /o/.

t. millennial

shut the fuck up you generational cancer.

t. gen x

t. boomer

Their brains are alot more compact with neurons than mammal brains.

the way the gator slowly smugly closed his mouth made me kek

bunch a faggots in this thread

>Beta cuck
>Beta cuck
>Beta cuck