When the fuck is Vega coming out for consumers
When the fuck is Vega coming out for consumers
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Wait 2 months for consimer cards availability. Then wait some more for drivers. ;^)
Also prepare $600+ for 1080 performance. Those 564mm2 die and HBM2 ain't cheap, kind sir.
>1080 performance
They're going to have a hard time scratching 1070 level performance also thanks to lolnodrivers.
Wait for Navi
That doesn't make sense though. The fury x could already achieve 1070 level performance in some games
>That doesn't make sense though. The fury x could already achieve 1070 level performance in some games
Vega is already out and it's 1070 at worst, 1080 at best (rarely).
But the driver has a shitload of known issues, and someone decompiled it and noticed that it's literally the same codepath as the Fury X driver.
So it is possible that once they make actual real drivers, not placeholder ones, the card will get a performance boost. This is by far the worst product launch for amd/ati gpus since the original, first Radeon.
Amd = rita
You = idiot
>13 teraflops
>somehow worse than a 5 teraflop card
even 1070 is better than vega for mining
You're not funny.
>tfw rx 580 costs 634$
It'll sell well because miners will go HURRR DURRR AMD GOOD FOR MINING.
another minute, another kike intel shill thread
t. pajeet
It's shit for mining. Especially at that price.
>t. pajeet
t. shekelstein whos afraid of the israel intel plant being closed down.
>t once they make actual real drivers, not placeholder on
You'll be straigh back on the designated street, Raja. Lisa won't force you to use the loo.
>Theoretical computation power ever being relevant to real world performance
Marketing teams love teraflops
pinche morro mion
Mental gymnastics gold metal
Good Goy
Mine regularly outperforms 1070s at 1440p in a smattering of games, never anything I actually play though.
Also can we stop benchmarking top of the range cards at 1080p? 290x will run most games pretty smooth at 1080p, what a fucking joke of a benchmark.
>facts are mental gymnastics
ok poojet
nice argument
computational power is almost always indicative of real world performance claiming a 5 tflop gpu > 13 tflop gpu is insane
>mistaking theoretical computational power with real world performance
never change amdrones
>no argument
>just memes
wow you convinced me of these hot opinions