>tfw fell for the cs meme
Tfw fell for the cs meme
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Just getting into cs. What happened user?
>what happened to Op?
He doesn't know how to market his skills so he blames society
networking seems less soul crushing. probably just going to do contract work and then NEET for months anyway though
Not OP, or that user, but do you have any marketing tips?
life is always shit
dont worry so much
>tfw fell for the CE meme
cs is a meme degree. have fun playing around with toddler-level python/java and not much else, not even much of advanced mathematics or anything like that. cs doesn't prepare you for a career in software development.
>tfw you never realized your dream of becoming a doctors as a 16 year old and instead wasted your time on a degree that is basically a math degree in disguise
>tfw you hate your degree but weasel through it anyway spending every waking minute shitposting and playing video games
>tfw you're now 23 and nothing changed from when you're 16 except now you own a stupid piece of paper with a mediocre grade on it that says you're good at computers
>tfw you spend 8 hours a day writing useless Java code for 35k a year while the doctors in the hospital 2 blocks from your workplace are currently saving lives
Depending on your background and where you live this might be harder.
1)don't be lard, go to conventions learn to network
2) don't be lazy work on projects on your own ( especially if you dont have a job) employers are more likely to consider someone who is constantly working on something ( its kinda like an excuse for not having a job... Not really)
3) actually know your stuff make sure you know what you're applying for . Don't just show up blindly at interviews .
4) accept rejection. Don't cry about being rejected. Look for another place
5) always try to give people a good impression of yourself. I.e don't be an Autist in public.
>these guys actually fell for the counter strike meme
lmao who would play that shit
Cheat Engine?
I don't get how people here pretend it's hard to get a job with a CS degree.
Try getting a job with a history or biology degree for comparison.
Computer Engineering
how is CE a meme?
if you don't study pure math or physics you are wasting your time. a monkey can learn to program and every mathematician and physicist will be better at programming than a CS/CE monkey.
At least this is what I see people claim time after time.
Good meme
Well those people sound pretty dumb tbqh. Math and physics is mostly mental onanism. A physicist wont program something decent even if his life depended on it.
there's actually a fair amount of biology jobs
people didn't get a degree to accept $20k/year work though
>tfw fell for the CS meme
>making $14/hr at an internship doing ez shit as a sophomore
Feels good man. Plus I'll be working as a TA in the fall.
well I don't know. I guess it depends on the CS/CE programs and from what I hear there are some pretty shit ones in the US.
Personally I liked CS for the study of algorithms and math that was involved. I also liked the practical aspects, that would have been entirely absent in a more theoretical degree.
>chose CS
>got 3.9 gpa because it's easy
>got cyber security internship for $45/h writing python tools
You guys are funny. Learn to market your skills in an unsaturated field, the meme degrees are the best to finesse
you the "CE is comfy" memer?
>A physicist wont program something decent even if his life depended on it.
to be fair neither do most CS students
I've worked with EEs and some of them produce pretty decent code, some of them obviously produce shit code, but then again so do lots of CS guys. The EEs advantage is if they produce shit code, they're still Electrical Engineers.
If CS guys produce shit code and they're not in academics they've basically failed their existence and should just kill themselves.
you're getting trolled by delusional /sci/ tards
CE != Programming
>Don't know what the fuck to do with my life
>Want to fall for CS/CE memes even though I don't know how to program and I'm stupid as shit
>Only want to take those because nothing else sounds interesting
This fucking sucks.
user, could be worse
I earn 10k a year as a programmer
If you can't do, teach, user. There's no better way to feel better about yourself than to teach hundreds of children who are probably going to be dumber than you. You won't make anything but it's not like you would with CS either :^)
10k/year in pooland = 100k/year in bay area
honestly thought you meant counter strike and was confused as hell
>a monkey can learn to program
Yet 90% of programmers are dumb as fuck and make shitty pajeet-tier code.
Thank you but teaching is at the very bottom of my interest list. I'll probably be stuck working retail for the rest of my fucking life.
>becoming a doctors
Computer science or counter strike?
You mean Poland is 10 times cheaper?
Well I don't live in Poland anyway, here it is twice the minimum wage and I can't even afford rent by myself.
>market skills
This now translates to using social media and other proprietary services.
why is this board infested wih Sup Forumsirgins
If the company uses "social media" is shit anyway.
Good looking CV and shit to show, all you need.
You don't even need Linkedin.
>fell for the CS meme
>make six figures in my mid 20s
We did it, Reddit.
I studied CS and got a Masters degree. I make much more than what people here claim to get. What exactly is the job that you're doing?
I always enjoyed data analytics a lot so I went with the data analysis / machine learning meme, which worked out exceptionally fine.
I never said I did CS, I'm just a shitty webdev with a technician's degree.
I just replied to user that said he was suffering for earning 35k a year for writing Java poo code, and that he could be worse.
>things that never happened: the post
>PhD in math
>any job I want
>$300k starting
not that guy, but I know a freelance webdev working for the finance sector who definitely makes that kind of money in his (late) 20s.
fuck thats not the image I wanted
>uni teaches lisp first semester, recursive thinking, higher order functions, documentation
>develops fundamental OOP theoreticals second semester (dynamic dispatch, heavy use of interfaces, visitors)
>third semester you're applying those skills on relatively large scale projects, documenting, testing, learning meme OO design patterns but it's useful
>after that you're either doing specialized fields such as opsec, databases, operating systems
>many of my friends are CS/math or CS/physics so they'll be doing "advanced mathematics"
>i'm doing cutting edge research on type systems like occurence and linear types, haven't even started second semester
yup, definitely a "meme degree", not just a shitty meme community college / a meme student with no motivation who wants everything handed to them
>doing cutting edge research
>not even on the second semester
>recursive thinking, higher order functions
shit give this man a turing award
If you live in Austin, Silicon Valley, NYC, Boston, etc., know how to negotiate, and know when to job hop, six figures for a mid-level to senior engineer is not extreme.
you know, I was going to be a doctor also but decided to go with a pure chem major with shit tier C grades. By the grace of god I got a job with Chevron and am earning good money, but I can't help but wonder if I could have been a doctor if I had done a little more than the bare minimum. Too late at this point.
Learning how to solve problems with recursion is "recursive thinking". It's not incredibly complex, it's first semester.
Cutting edge may have been an overstatement, but I'm a research assistant for a PhD developing tools for type system implementation.
If you graduate uni and you only know Python and Java, you don't deserve a job handed to you on a platter.
what's the point of making that kind of money when you have no interests other than programming ?
no need to misrepresent your role then, it's still fine.
I also worked as a research assistant while studying and did some stuff on automatic translation systems, but I'd hardly call it performing cutting edge research myself.
>all this greentext
>not a single mention of C or C++
What am I supposed to do if I'm a socially awkward person who also can't into medical/engineering/programming field.
Just die?
>no monthly fee
sure buddy
Isn't this just a shittier version of no man's sky?
That is an incredibly sad picture. On London Underground's district line too.
You will grow out of it when you become old enough to post on this site.
>do 3 month bootcamp
>get payed 130k/yr at your first job fully remote
Lol'ing at your life senpai. inb4 some faggots accuse me of larping
I'm 21, I wish that I could just grow out of it
the scary part is that this is just who i am
>tfw when fell for the IT career meme
What do you do in such a situation? How do you comfort her without behaving like a creep/idiot/weirdo?
Too much champagne.
captcha: Greenville metro
the answer is not at all.
You're on the london underground. Your best bet is to do a 360 and walka way
> How do you comfort her
Why do you think its your responsibility to? Why do you think she would want you to? If this was an ugly guy crying would you have the same white knight reaction?
>anime poster
Pick one
>The 24-year-old and her new husband, Chelsea supporter Christian Booth, 27, were handed tickets to the match at their registry office wedding that morning – on condition they did not get changed before the Premier League clash.
who handed them the tickets and why?
Give her your phone number and tell her you make 6 figures as a cs graduate.
it's been 5 minutes, and I need to let someone know I use arch linux.
>These encounters, according to the complainant, included her wearing a blindfold at all times together – including watching television, going on a car journey also wearing sunglasses and even sunbathing.
come on this is not true
of course they're retarded
> Trying to give good rational advice to hopeless spergs
Wasting your time user they'll never understand.
>tfw you never had interest in any field because you spent all time in school watching anime and porn
>got into med school but weasel through it anyway spending every waking minute shitposting and watching porn and anime
>now 23 and about to graduate and know nothing cause you studied just enough to pass
>will probably have a piece of paper that says you're allowed to practice medicine
>tfw you wish you knew programming so you could make shitty software because you sometimes get an idea but cant do shit about it
ContemplatingSuicide.jpeg 870.3 KiB 1600x1200
About half of the physics students can easily do better than the average cs student in programming while the other half is just terrible with programming.
>play competitive whole night
>rank down to silver
>tfw fell for the cs meme
I did applied math
>be me
>like computers
>be stupid
>go to a community college because my grades sucked but I tell everyone it was because I wanted to save money on college
>take three years to get an AS degree in cosci
>be a neet for a year
>torrent like crazy
>learn skills like linux to get a seed box so I can watch chinese cartoons
>parents give me shit
>go find job
>end up getting lucky and find an isp to hire me for helpdesk + some light linux system admin shit
>fast word a year and I am running their voip stuff
>got my ccna and working on other certs
>making 65k a year
>most likely going to hit 80k next year
>no debt
>working on coding too for my job that just got accepted into a mainline product.
some how I ended up in a good spot. without ever paying for a 4 year degree.
I'm currently on the initial cusp of falling for the cs meme
next week I start a shitty two-year IT course for deadbeats just so I can transfer into the last two years of the BCS, which means my sudoku is about 4/5 years away
what can I do to avoid killing myself down the line, it's like driving into a wall in slow motion
I'm currently a networking NEET
Feels great in my cyb appartment
Most doctors finish med school without 250k worth of debt.
That means with a mix of private and federal loans you should have about 8% interest rate which means you need to pay about 3k a month for you student loans with a 10 year plan. The problem is doctors only make 50k a year for their first five years at residency. So you take lower payments to make ends meet. Well now you got about 250k worth of debt after your first five years and now you make 150k a year. Well now you are paying about 4k a month in loans which is about 48k a year. Basically when you factor in all the crap like insurance doctors need and the long hours you are in debt for your first 15 years plus the years of school. You are not free until 40 at least and you only make 200k at the end for all the work you put in.
Don't believe me?
Not really
Have a website (200 dollars for 2 years from bluehost) that you link people to
Forget this, I'm going to learn a trade.
>tfw also fell for the cryptocurrency meme
that's awesome! lucky, but pretty awesome.
You are a bitchboy.
If you actually knew how to take advantage of that math you could a big edge by creating your own applications; but I guess you would need the intelligence on how to apply it to the real world.
>No C/C++
>No calculus
>No mathematics
Absolute meme. CE reporting in. CS is the biggest meme. All the kids doing it at my uni are either Patels or demi-semi pangender queer snowflakes.
Contrary to popular belief that's not free either. Most accelerated technical programs will run a year or two and cost $10-20k total. I mean, it's better than $100k of debt but $20,000 isn't an insignificant amount of money. Also most of these schools aren't held to the same accreditation standard as regular colleges so if you think stuff you take at a technical school/academy will transfer to a mainstream college in the future you are most likely wrong.
Trades are better if you went to a technical high school because they usually set you up for a career right out the gate. When you graduate you are typically an apprentice. If you didn't go to a technical HS you're gonna have a hard time.
>tfw fell for the se meme
just end me now
I make 80k as a programmer and I would say that's pretty much average.
Can someone please explain what's the difference between CS and CE?
I'm from Germany and here it's somehow called Informatics and Technical Informatics
I'm an Informatics student in my second semester and we have had already:
Advanced calculus and linear algebra classes as well as discrete structures for Math
Electrical Engineering 101
Basics of digital systems and computer architecture
Modelling (State Machines, Petri nets, etc
Introduction to Unix
C classes in first and Java classes in second semester
The Tech. Inf. students have nearly the same classes except they have less Math but a pittle bit more semi conductor physics and information theory classes
What type of mickey mouse college do you go to? I had to take up to calc 3 and linear algebra and had a few classes using C++ and operating systems in C for my meme degree.
Is Intro to Computing Systems by Patt and SICP the best intro sequence combo for CS ever?
The first book is a bottom-up approach, going from moving electrons to CMOS to digital logic to finite state machines to von Neumann architecture to assembly to C, all in such a way that even the most retarded idiot can understand. You can basically eventually figure out everything from CPUs, GPUs, RAM, FPGAs to OS and compilers and networking and security just from the fundamentals laid out in that book. Not to mention that by going assembly first, pointers will become literally second nature, and understanding things like function pointers or doing shit like rewriting return address on stacks will become literally easier than breathing.
The second book goes from a top-down approach, going through viewing computation from several abstract models like pure functional, imperative, and OOP, touching on fundamentals like running time and recursion, data structures like linked lists and trees, concurrency and streams, and the eval-apply loop, then finishes by introducing how the Lisp interpreter can be implemented in hardware... which leads us back to the first book.
They meet in the middle almost seemingly FUCKING PERFECTLY.
Those two books are like the eval-apply loop, but for the CS/CE curriculum. Why the fuck aren't people realizing this shit yet? Seriously, it blows my mind how nobody is seemingly doing this.
The ONLY issue I can think of is that SICP is significantly more difficult than the first book and the difficulty difference will be pretty jarring.