Am lazy fuck, don't wanna build PC

I built my last one but I really don't wanna do that again. Obviously I want a gaming PC but there are so many pre-building companies that I dunno which one would be the best bang for the buck. I'm looking to spend around 1000 - 1500 on this, any suggested pre-builders? I was looking at Maingear but I dunno how good their shit it.

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Kill yourself idiot


I can't imagine being to lazy to build a pc and having to buy a prebuilt instead. Putting a pc together is literally like putting lego together. Maybe you should reevaluate your decisions instead of spending more money on dumb shit.

Lazy fuck. I built one PC and would totally do it again if it weren't for the $$$$. Shit was fun.

I don't mind paying 100 - 200 for the convenience of not doing it myself, as long as I'm not paying like 500 - 600 dollars just for some fuckass to put it together.

Every freaking day we have a thread with the same lazy shit who doesn't understand the feeling and the joy of building a PC why don't you just take some time and sit down and not be a little bitch about it? I mean come on just grow up a little bit and move out of mommy's basement and do something productive in you're life you lazy piece of filth.

No to all of the above.


it takes like 1 hour to put together a PC
theres a million video guides on youtube if you need them

is 1 hour really worth all that extra money?

This indeed is the best solution

youre saying 20 minutes of your life is worth over $100 becaUSE TOO LAZY?

faggot what kind of a lazy lard are you?

I already built my old PC, I thought it was boring and a waste of gaming time when I could just buy it prebuilt and then plug and play immediately when I receive it. But since you guys are gonna be rude about it, what parts would you buy (including case and cooling) for 1000 - 1500 if you wanted to build your own?

Just admit youre a moron that cant built a computer. Go to computer building general your fucking spastic

The convenience is so very marginal, it is ridiculous that you wouldn't mind this. An extra 100-200 dollars can easily go toward making your pc better. I don't feel comfortable recommending a bunch of clowns give you an overpriced pc, even if it is slightly overpriced.

I really did build my last one... But its 6 years old now. Can't you just, I dunno, try and be helpful?

same parts that a prebuilt would use
maybe do some research

can't you just, I dunno, end your life?

You have that budget and want prebuilt?

Holy shit you fucking moron.
You've never built anything before just admit it.

>I really did build my last one... But its 6 years old now.
post current specs.

stop being a lazy fuck and get to it

I posted in the PC build general since you guys were telling me to do that. Fine I won't buy pre-built unless its a crazy good deal, now please help a brotha out.

no, lurk /pcbg/ for a month like everyone else

stop being such a whiny needy faggot looking for someone to hold his hand

My current build is dying a slowish death, I can't wait a month bruh.

The reason you aren't getting answers is that just about everyone here builds their own and has little to no experience in buying pre-built.

Too bad you can't take your computers place.

>I5-2500k 3.3 ghz
>8 gb of ram I don't remember the brand or specs on
>crossfire HD6950 2gb's
>Sabertooth P67 with Thermal armor
>some shitty case I dont remember the brand of
>60gb intel SSD that died 3 - 4 years ago
>WD 500gb raptor

scratch that, hard drive is a caviar black

That's because prebuilts are a proven fucking scam. Especially at the 1000+ price point.

What would you suggest faggot?
I garuntee that a self built will out spec it by a significant margin for the same price or less.

install SSD for your OS and critical programs, a new video card, and call it a day.

Would that really suffice for a couple more years? The reason I wanted a new build is because I think some part of my hardware is failing but I don't know what part.

>I think some part of my hardware is failing

hmmm, I dunno how over text. The money is not an issue, I would rather not spend weeks trying to troubleshoot this on my own and just replace the whole damn thing since its so old.

>I think some part of my hardware is failing
What is the pc doing that make you think that?


I keep trying to post my reply but its telling me my IP is blocked?

>its telling me my IP is blocked
>time to buy a new computer

No I mean, I cannot post my reply, and only that reply because this will be posted just fine.

lets try it this way.

Maybe you got banned cause you can't read the sticky.

sounds like you need to download more RAM

Except I can still post, I just cannot post this

Sounds like a malware/virus just reinstall Windows

You sound like an emotional child. Perhaps you are just a low iq south american?

Anyways, you obviously have no concept of managing your personal finances. It won't matter what you do, you will always be destroyed by that and your own laziness. Stop playing video games and get a job.

>Stop playing video games and get a job.

Maybe one day, but not this day Varg, not this day...

Okay but If I do that I will need to avoid all the windows updates with telemetry again, does anyone have a list of what KB's to avoid?

get yourself a Samsung 850 and do a fresh Windows install on it.

then buy a new gpu.

>Samsung 850
Think its the hdd failing?

>waste of gaming time
>1 fucking hour

I've already decided to build one myself again, relax.

>Think its the hdd failing?
No. The problem you described doesn't sound like a problem with hardware. A fresh install of windows will probably correct the problem. If you are going to install Windows anyway, a SSD for your system drive will be a huge improvement to system responsiveness and boot time.

But will that samsung just randomly die after a year or two with no warning like the intel one did?

also what if I run repair with the win7 disc?

People have better things to do with their lives you autistic neckbeards. You can buy the best components and have someone else build it and not waste time learning and practicing all this shit and have guaranteed results. Just because you built your own lego set out of $2000 bricks doesn't mean you're special in any way.

the EVOs have a 5 yr warranty. the PROs have a 10 yr warranty.

>I can't spend 5 minutes to do some lego tier shit so please spoonfeed me

try it.
have you run virus/malware scans?

Not yet, running MB right now.

buy a console gaymen faggot

Jesus Christ, man! You didn't think to run scans?

Pay someone to build it for you. That's what I did two builds ago.

My system was running so slow I didn't bother. Now its unfucked itself so I'm doing it.

> Go search for parts on a website.
> They offer prebuilts.
> Check them anyways to weigh my options.
> The prebuilts of the same specs are around the same price or cheaper than buying the individual parts.

There must be something wrong here. Maybe the parts are considerably cheaper in the physical store?
I actually want to build one, but if someone else can do it for less money, hell, it's kind of a good deal.

what site?

Unfortunately it's not an US-based one. It's a Brazilian store, Terabyteshop.

Oh well.

post scan results

nothing malicious detected.

Of course they're cheaper. When you buy parts, you're just 1 guy buying 1 part from many manufacturers. You're a demographic that's quickly disappearing. Enthusiasts pay more. You have no leverage either.

Intermediary stores have buying power. This means they can buy parks in bulk, in order to build a lot of machines and sell them to consumers such as yourself. The manufacturers give them a price break precisely because their purchases are so huge. If you're looking to disintermediate, you'll find yourself in the same hole American retail found itself in when they disintermediated China sourcing companies and started dealing with Chinese factories themselves. They expected to get factory prices but the factory just quoted them the exact same price the intermediary was charging them, because why wouldn't they? Now they had to deal with the masive headache that is the conniving Chinese.

Buy a goddamn prebuilt. It's gonna have to save you time, money and headaches. You won't have to study a bunch of shit and do manual work just to have a good computer, and if anything goes wrong you blame the manufacturer, risk-free. You're a moron if you don't take this offer. The only reason to build your own computer is if prebuilts don't have the parts you want.

I'm BR too. Is that store trustworthy?

I wouldn't know. Never bought from them.
Their reputation on reclameaqui seems reasonable enough, but I've seem a few people complaining that their approval process is quite long. But there's not a huge amount of negativity towards them, and their parts leave some room for upgrade.

Oh well. I guess it makes sense to buy a prebuilt and then upgrade it in the future.
I actually like studying a bunch of shit and doing manual work, especially with electronic stuff. But at least I have someone to blame for eventual errors. I'll weigh my options with this in mind.

I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.

>Of course they're cheaper.
They can be, but you get worse quality when they are. Shit cpu coolers, shit PSUs, shit cases, shit motherboards. Of course there's the prebuilts that are basically built out of custom building parts, which then can be decent quality but isnt gonna be significantly cheaper than DIY.

And no, they don't have the mix of parts you should buy. Aside from stupid CPU/GPU combinations, they pretty much never have the best price/performance parts.

Companies have the advantage of buying in bulk but once they do they are locked in. Also, guess what store like amazon and newegg do...? Buy in bulk just like say, HP.

You have the advantage of more sources and being able to snipe deals and get the most price efficient parts RIGHT NOW.

Picking the BEST pc parts takes some reading, but if you are too lazy you can get free help online. Putting it together is about as hard as lego.

The only reason to buy a prebuilt is if you're computer illiterate and have no friends to help you.

Take your PC apart and rebuild it again.

The prebuilt I'm looking at is built out of custom parts. And pretty much the same ones I was considering to buy individually.
Of course, my other option is to buy the most expensive parts one per month and pay in cash for that sweet discount, and then pay the cheaper parts in installments.
I actually know how to build computers though, so that's not a problem.

So I used that pcpartpicker to make a build. I want to reuse my PSU and Optical Drive, can anyone tell me if these parts are compatible with my PSU and CD drive?

>building a PC takes 20 minutes
Maybe if you throw in the parts inside and hope for the best
If you do a proper build you have to put some love into it, that takes more than 20minutes
But the point still stands, OP is a fagot

>restart and PC says no boot device

M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-OTHERBOARD possibru on it's way out the door.

i cannot comprehend how someone who has already allegedly built a PC cannot run a virus scan without Sup Forums prompting them. Perhaps invest in an ipad and call it a day on computing.