How true is this


>lower tier than ungoogled chromium
top kek

You, Sir, are and Idiot. :)

Will firefox end up being removed in the Q4 2017 or Q1 2018 version after the update in november that changes extensions for firefox 57?

No, it's still top tier except much faster.

what's that next to Tor?

yes this is actually one of the most accurate versions of this graph ive seen

>while firefox is already x64 and multithreaded
its literally placebo autism: the browser

depends how many of the extensions get ported
if i can still use my vertical tabs, stylish and ublock origin, ill be fine, otherwise ill stay on esr until 2019 and wait for someone to make a good fork, possibly icecat


>cutting edge

Pretty sure they're outdated. Iridium is at 58, unChromium is at 55. At least this is on Windows.

WebKit nightly

webkit nightly
there are some browsers based on it such as gnome browser and a version of qt browser

so you're ok with botnets, as long as they're not google


Why is webkit nightly not recommended, but the technology preview version of safari is?

Needs to be in placebo tier or shit tier.

Opera is actually good though.

It's literally a reskinned Chromium with Chink botnets instead of an American one.

how is stylish botnet?
what is the alternative?

webkit nightly is pretty much only a page renderer, it doesnt have stuff like bookmarks or settings or codecs or any features to speak of

>instead of an American one.
in addition to*

w3m is perfectly capable of displaying images you dumb cunt

>doesn't even include the only web browser worth using

>how is stylish botnet?
by default collects user data for (((digital intelligence company))) . You can opt out but it will kill the in-site skin previews for no reason other than to punish you.

alternatives - Osprey, or just any userscript manager

The chinks probably route the Google traffic to Weibo.

that explains why my previews werent working, i dont mind lack of previews though but ill check out osprey

Should be in placebo tier.

Put nightly in bleeding edge and take out beta

Where's the webbrowser you were gonna make shit posters of Sup Forums?
Can I try it somewhere?
Do you not even have a prototype?

>no Netrunner

Why is Opera in botnet tier with Chrome.

Opera has never had any leaks that even hint at it's built-in (enablable and disablable) VPN being a botnet.

It also has built-in adblock and a mode that loads webpages as images to speed up connection times.

This threads gets posted like once a fucking week. Just stop, fucking stop.

Just get it over with

Only on the Chrome version, and if you're using Chrome/a Chrome fork, you have much bigger botnet issues to meme about.

Enjoy you're *free* vpn

>denying that the free vpn that they have money to pay for via donations from users is no good because its free, even though it has a big budget powering it and can successfully be presented for free

good chart except midori is legitimately useful on trash old machines or for using over ssh with x11 forwarding if you want to do that for some reason and i don't know what it comes pre installed with so it confuses me that that's where it is

What's the 'tier of qupzilla

I was going to write why this list is completely retarded/wrong, but there's too many issues with it, half of it is Chrome forks, and whoever made it doesn't seem to know what half of these browsers do.

Some standout retardation is:

Lunascape is intended for testing rendering between different engines, and is perfectly fine for that use.

uzbl *does* render images and formatting. I'm guessing the author has never touched it.

Lynx and w3m are for terminal use while remotely connected to a machine. Are you supposed to render Firefox over a remote X session instead?

Iridium, unChromium, Dragon, Chrome, Canary, Iron, Torch, and Coolnovo are *all* Chrome forks.

>icecat under iridium and ungoogled
>ekansovi abused webrtc even on iridium
Iridium should be dropped to placebo autism trier and icecat moved to God tier.

Nightly is SJW tier now.

>Disable things in chromium
>I made a new browser

>unable to login with google account
>unable to import bookmarks from chrome
Into le trash it goes.

That's the fucking point. Just copy Bookmarks, Favicons, and Favicons-journal into Iridium's configuration folder. You could probably even system link it from Google Chrome but I never tired that.

text based browsers are comfy as fuck, i would have used them if the web wasn't literally ruined by javascript, angularJS and web (((apps)))

FUGG forgot picture

Add Otter Browser for fun

>Scrolls down
>Shit begins to flicker

That looks absolutely repulsive.

I have seen that problem in Edge too.

>no arena

Why is Safari Technology Preview so much better than Safari?

>not Nik's Chromium with no sync and no webRTC

i use chromium-freeworld on fedora. its unmolested so i can actually do stuff. i compiled chromium myself (which would be optimal) and it worked great while it was working but it would crash every 10 minutes without warning.

yeah this is some hard bait.

What's the black safari icon on the top?

Swap FF Beta and Pale Moon

>Pale Moon
>God Teir


where Arachne

I see qutebrowser is missing from god tier.

On that note, I have now summoned the qutebrowser-dev, who I think has setup some scripts that monitor several imageboards for a mention of his browser.

Stylus is debotnetted on chrome and firefox

Safari Tech is my favorite browser. I agree with this list. Safari Tech Browser - Quad Core Pro 15' - Feels good guys.

Where's Firefox ESR?

Opera is worth the botnet. It's lightweight, has nice features, performs well and is modern unlike Firefox.

it's safari but with more diversity

Safari Tech - love these options when highlighting text or hyperlinks.

isn't that how it is on other browsers too?

I do agree though theres shit tons of small conveniences with safari that other browsers don't have. opening a new tab and backswiping to close tab automatically, muting all tabs in window, triple tap to preview links (great for forums), customizable toolbar, picture in picture, list goes on

Forgot to install gentoo.

Why is safari tech preview god tier? Wouldn't it be apple botnet?
Sorry I have autism pls no bully

Are you niggers ready for the new Windows version of Safari? Gonna be a top tier browser no meme.

This is a horrid list. I mean, just off the top of my head, I can agree with you about Brave never capturing more than a very small percentage of marketshare, but It's not like Pale Moon, Ice Cat, or Sea Monkey are any better.

I literally have an iPhone, and don't use Safari.