Is my privacy protected now?
Is my privacy protected now?
Absolutely. Nice fonts bro!
Yes, trust the duck.
what search engine should I use then?
startpage, it's a proxy that googles for you
how do you know that Startpage is safe
I use this, is absolutely dogshit compared to google, but don't have any alternatives.
i'll give it a shot, ddg search results were awful
Read the ToS.
OP here. Thank you Sup Forumsanons, I feel safer now.
>thinks has privacy
eat shit and die, normie fag
No, you still need a VPN
Do also Ubuntu and Firefox have privacy issues?
No, that guy is full of crap, FF is the best privacy browser and Ubuntu is perfectly fine. You need a VPN to encrypt your traffic so it can't be monitored by third parties.
there is nothing wrong with Firefox
There is no single solution for your problem
replace your botnet cpu
> Ubuntu
I been searching for CIA niggers and still haven't got the v&
What about opera lads?
Libreboot is easy to flash onto an X60 senpai
what about
Thanks for this thread, newfag here. I will from now on only use ixquick
Stop fearmongering.
Every time you visit *any* Web page you send your User Agent as an HTTP header. You're free to obfuscate this using an add-on at your own discretion. Geo location is also easily retrieved by a simple WHOIS lookup of the IP address you send traffic from.
*Everybody* can do this simply because you're sending normal HTTP traffic from an IP address. Use a network anonymiser such as Tor if you want to obfuscate this at your own discretion.
And any website that handles any serious amount of requests use reverse proxies. These servers can still push your traffic over TLS and this not a red flag by itself.
Try to understand what's really happening here, user.
b-but muh jews
NO. Shut up, Kevin. Go read a book for once.
>You need a VPN to encrypt your traffic so it can't be monitored by third parties.
using a VPN you shift your trust from your ISP to whatever VPN provider you're using, who are probably less trust worthy.
don't be a fag, roll your own vpn with streisand or algo.
4cancer taking things out of context? say it ain't so.
Both sell out to amazon
You're fucked, user
No. You just fell for the thousand of shilling articles about this search (((engine))).
Congrats, you bin jewed!
I use duckduckstart. All queries starting in "!" are sent to duckduckgo as !bangs, the rest are redirected to startpage. It purely redirects and does not store any of the queries. It's also open source and I trust that the authors are running the same code, but that is your decision to make.
>Not using private window
Nigga u fucked
Ok so let me explain: To make sure no one can keep track of your search history you need a Virtual Private Network, use a TOR browser or use a Proxy. It is imperative that you choose a quality VPN service that does not store data or communications logs in the event that a government agency demands the VPN provider to reveal logs. Furthermore, it is important that the VPN service implements proper load balancing and server randomization so users always connect to a different VPN server.
A proxy, like a VPN, directs your traffic via another computer instead of your own. While there are public and private proxy servers, only private proxies, usually paid, provide any type of stability or reliability. Drawbacks: The primary proxy protocols in use today are SOCKS and HTTP/HTTPS. SOCKS and HTTP proxies provide no encryption, whereas HTTPS proxies offer the same level of encryption as any SSL website. However, proxies were not designed to protect all of your Internet traffic, usually only the browser. Furthermore, many proxies pass the users original IP address to the destination site, making them unsuitable for security or privacy conscious users. Finally, proxies must be configured separately for each application (email, browser, third-party apps) and some applications may not support them.
Tor is a service created to allow people to anonymously browse the Internet. It is a decentralized system that allows users to connect through a network of relays rather than making a direct connection. The benefit of this method is that your IP address is hidden from the sites you visit by bouncing your connection from server to server at random, in essence, losing the trail. Drawbacks: While your data is encrypted along each of the relay nodes, the final connection point at the last relay in the chain can be compromised if the requested site does not use SSL. Tor has a known drawback of substantially slowing down your browsing because of the numerous hops your data is relayed through. For those concerned with the prying eyes of the government. Many governments are watchful of Tor users. This could potentially lead to you being earmarked as a criminal type and having all of your online activity monitored. INCOGNITO MODE DOES NOT MAKE YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER FROM COLLECTING DATA AND DOING WHATEVER THEY PLEASE WITH IT, IF YOU WISH FOR ANONYMITY ONLINE USE ONE OF THE 3 METHODS I LISTED.
startpage is worse than ddg
the results aren't 100% identical to google (even without logging into the botnet and without cookies), and they take forever to load