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it just werks

Daily life of a linux user. Just works unlike winblows

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Pulseaudio cant work if you kill it baka

>pkill init
>it only kills my session instead of the whole system
woah nice system freetards i'm installing windows now

If pulseaudio stops working, you get no sounds, this is what we have to do to fix it

>pulseaudio stops working
That's a thing after 2011? What are you using? Arch Penus?


just werks, innit




I use pulseaudio with no problems :^)

use oss

I installed Ubuntu Server the other day. Couldn't get sound to work with ALSA. Installed Pulseaudio. Now sound works for most programs, but not Chromium. Also, even though my wireless chip is supported, and the firmware and kernel module are loaded, and my wifi interface associates with the router just fine, it won't work for the first 5 minutes after I turn it on. Then it suddenly starts working. If I enable it at boot time, the boot process is stalled for 5 minutes while trying to bring up the wireless, then after 5 minutes finishes booting, and wifi works.

I'm getting tired of the Linux version of "just werks" and having to sift through a half dozen forum posts full of outdated, hacky workarounds just to get basic functionality for supported hardware working.

> killall pulseaudio
> not from root
How do you expect this to work?

Pulseaudio isn't supposed to be run as root.

You sound like you have a life or something.
Stop larping and just fix your shit.

Some years ago sometimes I had this kind of problem, and learned to just ditch the distro that caused problems and try another one (non-derivative, of course)
There is plenty of choice, no reason to fixate on something that clearly wasn't tested enough with your kind of hardware.

I use Ubuntu Server also with pulseaudio with no problems. Install pasystray, add it to your taskbar and check your settings.

>PID 1 should not exit by itself unless something really bad happens
>init doesn't commit suicide when it gets SIGTERM
working as intended i'd say

>PID 1 should not exit by itself unless something really bad happens
shit os

I switched to Ubuntu because of some problems I was having in Arch. I don't want to use Slackware (no native dependency-resolving package management), or Gentoo or LFS (have tried both, source-based distros are a pain if you have things to do other than compile software), in openSUSE a lot of small annoyances built up, and so forth. I used CentOS and Fedora a number of years ago. I suppose I could try that again. Distro hopping is getting tiresome, and I've never found one with no pain points for me. It's just a matter of finding the one that pisses me off the least for a while.

I'm not trying to be a dick, and I'll give it a shot, but how will that help the sound in one application, Chromium? Sound works fine in all of the other audio-related apps I've tried.


>jews not found

>forgetting to check the /usr/bin/attic

apt-get autoremove --zyklonb removes the remaining files just fine.

>A good and secure OS should be easily crashable by killing the main process, which acts as the parent process to everything else

Why the actual fuck do people use Mint? It's literally just broken Ubuntu, I have no idea who it's meant for, who is able to defend it... it just perplexes me.

If it runs from its own user, you can't kill it from unprivileged user.

what if u want to do it
like you can for example remove/format root partition/disk just fine

pulseaudio is meant to run as an instance for every user seperately and thus as that same user, only when you run it as root and use system-wide mode - which makes 100 warnings pop up telling you that this isn't how it should be used - it'll drop its privileges and continue running as the "pulse" user

kill yourself you dumb fucking retard
kill yourself for not calling him out on being a dumb fucking retard

Sometimes sound stops working for me too and the only solution I've found is to reinstall the kernel.
Going back to Windows as soon as I fix my main computer.


If you want to do it, you can with a workaround or by using a special init program that allows this (using /bin/sh and calling exit, for example), but it kills all other processes (as they are all direct or indirect children) and results in a kernel panic. I don't see how unmounting or formatting the root partition would require killing init.

> 2017
> an important part of any OS doesn't restart itself after crashing
> this is the current state of GNU + Linux

Don't know if I should laugh or feel concerned. Actually I'm wondering now: Does linux restart the graphics drivers if they crash like windows does?

The Linux kernel doesn't know what's going on in the userspace other than the fact that everything is a collection of PIDs. For Pulseaudio, yes, you can restart pulseaudio if you have a service supervisor like runit or systemd. Graphics drivers are in kernel, not even init 1 can do anything about it if it "crashes". There's a variety of graphics driver crashes in Windows that can't be handled; plenty of BSODs related to graphics drivers. Same thing in Linux, if you write a shit piece of code and you exploit in userspace, you're gonna get a panic or an oops. In practice you don't know what Windows is handling and what they consider a "graphics driver crash" is. In Linux if it fails it at least gives you something useful in dmesg or in Xorg.0.log.