This is just unacceptable. Why does this place have so much Sup Forums overlap?
Other urls found in this thread:
lazy mods and leafs come out at night to shitpost, like myself.
>pepe is a Sup Forums meme
Fuck off newfag
Pretty sure they loaded the last round of janitors with gaymergaters.
t. Sup Forums
cry harder faggot that'll fix things
a lot like a certain group of people they love to hate and talk about gassing, Sup Forumsfags really lash out when exposed...
Pepe posts are a pretty blunt tool for measuring Sup Forums shitposting. At least apply yourself and count all the threads with poo-in-the-loos, feminist programming, something-something-SJW, transsexuals, alt-right-bimbo-of-the-week pics, etc etc.
Sup Forums works exactly like Sup Forums. Some retard teen is enticed here by internet rumors of edgy nazism. Then he discovers all the other boards and not knowing better assumes that they too are interested in the same paranoia and conspiracy theories that Sup Forums feeds on. The concept of a containment board is unknown to them.
which is precisely why containment boards DON'T work, but you'll never see Hiroyuki "jap who out jewed an actual jew" Nishimura get rid of that goldmine
>"jap who out jewed an actual jew"
>Sup Forums
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Lurk for 2 years
>mentioning jews means I'm from Sup Forums
calm down. I don't hate all jews I only hate the jews who act like jews, or in this case, japs who act like jews
>frogs are NOT a Sup Forums thing!
maybe not at first but a lot like reddit (coincidence?) they've taken it as their own and the only people who frogpost are without fail from Sup Forums
I haven't been here since 2012, why y'all suddenly hating on sadfrog?
pepe wasn't always an indicator of Sup Forums shit. it used to just be an indicator of pathetic beta males but now it's combined with retarded right-wing rhetoric.
How am I supposed to show sadness without frogs
like this:
>Pepe is not a Sup Forums meme
Technically correct.
>Pepe is proof of a Sup Forums poster
I thought the frog represented stupidity.
All frogposts are stupid and only few of them are sad.
top notch with your deduction, sherlock.
They can be an expression of helpless retarded stupidity and sadness .
have a rare pepe OP
also gtfo and get back to libtardleddit
>calm down. I don't hate all jews I only hate the jews who act like jews, or in this case, japs who act like jews
Frogposting is literally the only way to ensure you're not talking to newfags. If people ignore the image and talk to you normally, you know you're talking to someone who's been here for a while, if they focus on the image, you know they're new and that you can discard their opinion.
you must be lost
>we have gotten to the point that Sup Forums claims not liking frogs means you're new
delusion. Literal delusion
Frogposting originated in /r9k/ you fucking spastic regardless of how it was co-adopted by Sup Forums. It's pretty easy to tell which frogposts are /r9k/ and which are Sup Forums
Okay so I deleted my reddit account, gone through gender correction surgery, have a gay jewish-african boyfriend and I deleted all the frog photos on my computer, except this one. So, what is the next step, comrades?
>they've taken it as their own and the only people who frogpost are without fail from Sup Forums
Newfags actually think this.
Everyone else pepe post because it feels good man.
Cool Pepe
>the state of Sup Forums
you're fucking stupid OP, now everyone ITT are gonna frogposting
I think the original pepe is about sadness and all the retarded derivatives like are about stupidity.
Also I agree that frogs are not an indicator of Sup Forums. If anything they are an indicator of laziness, people just save them and post them when they don't have anything better to post.
[spoiler]just like anime[/spoiler]
You haven't n here long enough to complain.
found the newfag
I'm not even Sup Forums and I agree that frogposting needs to go away, but I it's pretty sad to think that every time someone posts a green frog they're part of your personal boogeyman.
frogposter >>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moeshitposter
I wonder who is behind this post
Hate the poster, not the frog
Now there are eight, funny how you are bigger problem than individuals will ever be
It might be my personal bias, but I have to disagree.
it ws mi
I miss the days of rare pepe. What the fuck ever happened to that?
we ran out of them
They got reprints
>pepe wasn't always an indicator of Sup Forums shit
and still isnt
why do fucking normalfags like you need to assign everything to something
>someone who i don't like posted this image so this means that this image represents people i hate
Federal crackdown
>Sup Forums getting triggered by silly images
Never change, Sup Forums
None such stupid rule is necessary. Sup Forums shitposting is easily identifiable to anyone. Here's a blatant Sup Forums shitposting thread with no frogs
Looks more like a funpost and not necessarily an Sup Forums.
yeah it can only be a Sup Forums post if a green frog is attached to it
just as pepe does not equal Sup Forums, neither does cuck meme
Sup Forums is Sup Forums, nothing more, nothing less.
>Frogposting originated in /r9k/ you fucking spastic regardless of how it was co-adopted by everybody
>yeah it can only be a Sup Forums post if a green frog is attached to it
Post had nothing to do with Sup Forums shit desu.
Stop gay
10/10 editing
it's our site you are just shitposting in it
>Pepe is only about retardation or sadness
How fucking new all those twitter posters on Sup Forums are. Also no pepe doesn't originate from /r9k/ if you believe that it only shows you're a fucking reddit poster who showed up to chan a year ago. /r9k/ started sodomizing pepe cause of butthurt normies created by using it wrongly on facebook etc. You could see original feelsgoodman pepe back as early as 2009 on boards like Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Newfriend, please..
Sup Forums is long dead. you have to deal with it because it won't get any better
The market crashed
What does Pepe have to do with Sup Forums you filthy normalfag? Don't believe everything CNN tells you
what a handsome young man
lel I remember when the creator 'killed' pepe months ago, the shitposting never stops.
prime example of Sup Forumsack
I agree but not because of Sup Forums
frog posters in general post very poor quality things in here. there's a ton of good pictures you could use for your posts, pictures that would illustrate your feeling or give an example of what you are talking about, but instead they go for random unrelated pepe pictures for some reason that i have yet to understand. Whenever a frogposter is asking for help (/sqt/, /pcbg/ and all), i don't help them. Same goes for people that post pictures of handsome women thinking that it will get them attention (and sometimes stating "posting this pic to get attention"). Animeposters are always cute and kind though so i immediately help them.
Just like how reddit took double spacing as their own? Why are we letting reddit take everything?
Take this
This guy has never touched a girl and from the looks of it he never wants to either.
>random unrelated pepe pictures for some reason that i have yet to understand
you admitted you're new in plain text
This. Pepe is pretty much trollface-tier these days.
>go to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to /tech/
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to lainchan
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to endchan
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to wizchan
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to meguca
>see Sup Forums shitposting
>go to NNTPchan
>see nothing but it also has Sup Forums shitposting somehow
These guys have really stolen the imageboard world. They're the dominate culture; can't be helped.
It's just that Sup Forums in general is overrun with Sup Forumstards.
You know the saying about finding joy in acting like a retard and getting invaded by actual retards?
>retarded reddit migrant lurks Sup Forums for a year and suddenly thinks that he has the authority to call others new
I'm actually begging you to leave. Please stop ruining this website.
The website has already been ruined. Here are your options:
1) Start your own website, make it better.
2) Become a moderator on an established website, and make that website better.
3) Use another website that you consider to be better.
If the Sup Forums moderation team wanted to make this place better, they would have done so ages ago. You can't beg people to leave and expect them to leave. They must be forced, and the Sup Forums moderators are clearly against that forcing.
I don't see any of them.
My filters are fantastic.