>The iPhone is the new welfare queen Cadillac.
What did he mean by this?
>The iPhone is the new welfare queen Cadillac.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone who can't afford $1000 smart phones buy iPhones because everyone knows that they're $1000 in an attempt to show they're affluent while ironically putting themselves further in debt.
I thought it was pretty self-explanatory.
>reposting the same thread one day later
what did op mean by this
They're a status symbol. I have a brand new, cutting edge laptop I bought for $2000 and a six year old Thinkpad I just bought for $200. Guess which is my daily driver.
People often buy that expensive shit because they feel the need to prove that they can afford it, even if they can't.
Why are boomers so obsessed with cars?
They used to be really cool, now most look the sameish.
It's kind of why our generation is obsessed with the new tech gadgets. It was a status symbol to own a big/heavy/luxury vehicle or a big/heavy/obnoxiously loud muscle car.
Basically every generation has some form of autistic money pit and boomers just happened to do it with cars.
What is the latest generation's money pit? Roblox?
fidget spinners
frogposting/mining cryptocoins
rare pepes
heck, I know couple people that took a loan to buy a phone
and they are far from rich, or even able to pay it back without hurting monthly expenses
This. Smartphones in general and the way normalfags treat them has kind of always baffled me.
My sister-in-law had "purchased" a phone under this really confusing payment plan on behalf of my brother in which Target distributed the phones on behalf of her carrier. Yes, Target, the supermarket/grocery store/bourgeois equivalent of Wallmart or Wallgreens or whatever the hell they call it. Apparently they sell phones?
I know. It's confusing. I asked her to explain it to me twice, and I still can't quite comprehend the logic behind it, and the fact that I was confused offended her, so I just let it go.
From what I gather, Target will give you two $50 gift cards if you use their payment plan, which is at an increased price of $20 per month relative to if you were to just go with the vanilla carrier plan. She didn't tell me that last part. I just did a little research. I don't remember the specifics, but I think her payment plan was supposed to last two years at that point. Two years with payments on, like, a monthly basis. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure $100 in Targetbux isn't a good deal on that.
I feel like she just thinks it's a good deal because she had to jump through those stupid, arbitrary loopholes custom-tailored for shallow, bronzed, Updyke-ian MILFs like her who belong to a women's tennis league and whose kids--my poor, poor neices--participate at any given moment in a minimum of two extracurricular activities.
It's ridiculous. I don't believe people are so stupid that they'd let themselves be taken advantage of like this and then sincerely believe that are the one's getting the good deal. I feel like, subconsciously, people know that they're being abused. The stupid loopholes are, in a way, there as--I don't know how to explain it. As a distraction? As a way to mediate the ego. A product of our distorted, hyper-capitalist society, that can't simply consume through the primitive, simple markets of yesteryear.
You mean faggot spanners?
Better a $700 phone than a $7000 ride cuh
what are roblox?
>it's a social media post thread
did i read this right?
it's $20 more per month, for a 2 year plan, making it $480 more expensive over the 2 year term, in exchange for $100 in in-store credit?
that can't be right
CS:GO skins