Firefox is garba-

>firefox is garba-

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,2374,00.html




>project not finished and significantly lacking in polish
the state of free software

>they spent thousands on that billboard

>redesign to "fix" some things
>manage pissing off all of your users

found the jewgle shills

why dont they make their android browser chrome like as well? it looks like crap.

Actually I shill brave regularly. :)

>implying failing companies won't do whatever they can to make up for lost profits like selling your information to the highest bidder with no regard
>implying they're not the same pile of shit as chrome


Icecat = your friend

>i7 4700HQ
>16 GB ddr3
>840pro MLC ssd

Yet firefox takes like 10 seconds to load.

I'll just keep using chrome behind a VPN.

kek that's actually pretty good.

those the same ones that had the daily anti-ff threads?

Kek, they are you're browser.
Vpn won't help for nothing.

>they are you are browser

Whatever this means, I still chose the botnet over a slow piece of shit.

>buying billboard ads
>people actually believing it's gives anymore privacy that chromium

Something must be wrong with your computer.

The fact that they chose to spend >$2000 on a giant roadside billboard doesn't make firefox less shit.
It just means Mozilla are fucking idiots for spending >$2000 on a meme, when they could have spent that money improving their shit browser.

Firefox was basically the only browser I used for years, then I started using chrome for some things that wouldn't work on firefox, then for basically everything but Sup Forums, and about a month ago I finally switched completely.

I opened firefox the other day because there was something I bookmarked in it that I never transferred over to chrome and I could not believe how slow it was. I had just been used to shit for so long I thought it was decent. The only thing I miss about firefox was the setting that deleted your history every time you closed the browser, but guess what, there's a chrome extension for that.

>not finished

>install chrome and chromium
>disable evrything possible for better privacy
>monitor network
>still connects to google

>install firefox
>disable everything possible for privacy
>monitor network
>privacy is respected

>Google responded to the Detroit billboard by sending a rover to the moon, which drew out a giant pie chart depicting browser market share.


>all these retards defending googles lack of privacy
I hate neo Sup Forums

I'm not defending Google's lack of privacy, but I am also not defending Mozilla's monetary decisions.

You don't spends thousands of dollars on a billboard unless you expect to make money off it, so what are Mozilla selling here?

You must be doing something seriously wrong then. I have a Phenom II processor, 4 GB of RAM and a 500 GB hard disk yet it takes only around 5 seconds from opening Firefox (14 addons installed) until my home page has loaded fully (caching disabled).

not your data


after messing with about:config I improved performance even more. I literally cant tell a difference in speed compared to chrome.

""""not your data""""

>and were too fucking stupid to even put their name
They effectively only advertised to people that already knew what firefox was.

>billboard for open source software

>implying Mozilla is a company
wow you really are dumb as rocks, aren't you?

The main message is that nothing is private with google. They arent greedy jews.

>how new
+ botnet nigger
back to steam with you're wangblows 10

No, it's not a public service announcement, it's an ad for their browser, and they referred to it by icon rather than name as if every John Dipshit passing by knows what firefox is.

Of course its an ad. And of course they will put there logo on something they paid for even though it is small. And it should be a PSA as privacy is a becoming a bigger concern everyday even if people dont realize or care.

It literally has a message at the bottom saying to use their browser, I'm not sure how you're reading this as some selfless act to warn people about google. It's just a smear on google because they can get more donation money if they have a larger market share.

I'm not sure how you think I think its a selfless act. Mozillas cause and mission statement is better than googles. Plain and simple.

It's not fake

They had these in San Francisco for all hands for the week. It's a meeting where mozilla devs meet to discuss how to make firefox great again (tm)

as much as I dislike the practice, even tossing that cash at random normie pajeetware devs to bribe them to bundle firefox the way google got chrome included with everything would have been far more effective

They could always google for the phrase and find out where it came from

>Not opening your browser once a month and leaving it open

And get a Time article from 1994?,8599,2374,00.html

>including free and commercial copycats of the popular Mosaic program

>Netscape Navigator was later developed by Netscape, which employed many of the original Mosaic authors
>Netscape Navigator's code descendant is Mozilla Firefox.
Well, I guess I am avoiding Firefox and its derivatives like the plague from now on.

Netscape Navigator is OG

sjwzilla is wasting money on that shit? they really dont know what to do anymore after alienating their community... fucking sad...

Of course, they're sjwzilla they're stuck in an echo chamber of diverse people all with the same views without any sense of appreciation for tradition (see: what made them great in the first place).

>phenom II
>4gb of ram
how's your XP machine?

>10 seconds
Sure thing bro.

Reset your profile. You've got something fucked up.

i finally quit and used Opera.
almost perfect.
addons aren't as great as firefox.
missing simple shit like working youtube downloaders and my element hider (Remove It Permanently)

i stopped using it for a week (started using Opera)
when i accidentally click on firefox, it does take about 10 seconds

I wish they'd spend less on marketing and more on fixing some oddities.

>use android chrome
>for some fucking reason it locks up my phone and takes up to 10 seconds to get back to normal
>use android firefox
>just werkz

reset it

or just use a browser that works
(i did reset it a few times. for some reason, firefox has a problem with facebook and memory leaks)

Don't see anyone else having problems with it. Maybe something on your OS is fubar


>firefox responds by hiring 5 transwoman, 2 ftms, and 8 pajeets, beating out Google's lackluster diversity quotas for the hiring quarter of 2017

i never knew about about:healthreport

not my OS.
i have windows10.
pretty much stock since its used as a web browser & video player 99% of the time.

I bet you dont even use about:config

havent messed with that in years.
if only i had the motivation to screen record starting up firefox and waiting 15 seconds on a SSD, then loading up facebook and google news, then clicking on random web pages for an hour before firefox balloons to 3GB of ram. then watching how laggy it becomes as it slowly starts to die.

You're seriously doing something wrong, there is no reason that firefox should be performing like that, nor any other application.

firefox has always done this to me.
no matter what computer or OS.
memory leaks.
i normally have 10 tabs open.
and after about 2hrs, even if i were to close all tabs, it will still hover around 2GB.

chrome never had this problem.
Opera hasn't crashed on me yet.

>a bunch of obnoxious SJW fuckups pay for ad space to point on the most obvious shit instead of doing actual dev work and improve their piece of shit software
>some fucking idiot makes a post like they are suddenly good

OP, you will never stop being a huge fucking faggot that needs to get shot.

Firefox has always worked well for me
Does this mean I'm a computer genius?

The fact that Chrome is botnet doesn't make Firefox any less fucking garbage. I'd rather use Chromium and risk a backdoor than use a shitty browser.

I have firefox installed on 4 computers. Both windows and linux. Never had issues, performance on par with chrome. I must be one lucky sob

Is that an actual billboard? They really missed the fucking mark if they're trying to advertise to the average person

I work in computer repair, about 40-50% of the clients I help don't know what the term "web browser" means. They also wouldn't recognize the Chrome colors, and probably not the Firefox logo either. Literally the only people this ad will make sense to are people who already know enough to have chosen Chrome over Firefox.

If Mozilla is this shit at advertising then no wonder Firefox is hemorrhaging market share. That and Firefox has been getting progressively worse.

That billboard may spark some interest in people who already don't know about Firefox and start doing some research on it. They may take privacy a bit more seriously afterwards

Nowhere on the billboard does it say the word "Firefox", it just has the logo. Anyone who would recognize the logo already knows about it. The only people this would spark interest in are people who know enough to recognize browser logos, but not enough to know the difference between the browsers.

The only non free browser right now is Edge.

You're forgetting Chrome. Chropera, Safari, and a few others.

They never alienated their community. Firefox is still the browser of choice for power users and people who value their privacy. Chrome is the browser of choice for moms and simple people who like having their options taken away from them.

>hurr durr muh sjw buzzword
>m-m-muh traditional values
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, inbreds. I bet you voted for anti-internet freedom Trump.

I tried it on osx a few years ago and it kept causing filesystem corruption for some reason. Kind of impressive level of fuck-up.

Have a chromebook I installed linux on, and firefox is the way to go. I have multithreaded on and it's still much, much easier on resources than chromium, more stable, and more customizable.

Maybe I'll try it on macos when grand tetons drops and they have a different fs. I'm also eager for servo to be integrated since it seems a lot better than gecko, which is a bit shitty with font rendering.

>inbred Trump voting retard calls software engineers fuckups while contributing nothing to society besides shitposting on Sup Forums
>uses "sjw" buzzword
>claims people should be shot because "stop liking what I dont like"
Yup, it's a Trump voter alright. What are you doing on a computer?

Damn Mozilla. Nice.

>What are you doing on a computer?
haven't you seen the videos of these larping "protestors" or pictures of pepe cake guy? These nolks spend a lot of time on the online.

nice try SJWzilla.. I'd rather get fucked buy chrome in the ass, than use an browser made by cultural marxists

I can just picture you getting fucked in the ass, smirking at some software dev and saying "yeah, how do you like that!?" as your hemorrhoids keep growing and growing with every shove.

Mazel tov.

Chrome is made by SJWs too

>implying I like google, that was just hyperbole.

Ungoogled + safari every day. SJWzilla can fuck off

jesus christ

Is that on the Goanus

>that was just hyperbole
No, let's face it, you want to get fucked in the ass.

Anyway, apple is plenty sjw too, and ungoogled is constantly out of date. And worse than firefox.

Fuck SJW fox. And fuck you commie garbage.

>not using the surf masterrace

yeah, apple is shit too regarding their politics and world vierws. but at least I can be semi sure that they dont sell my data.

how does SJWfox make money? Why the incentive to get more users and even pay for advertisements.

I love Firefox. Use it every day. Very customizable with its about:config (you can disable tracking bullshit like websockets, etc) and improved further with addons like uMatrix and uBlock Origin. And it doesn't come shipped with botnet as a feature.

>how does SJWfox make money?
mozilla is a nonprofit retard

Chrome is technically open source, since it's just Chromium with auto-update and some extra codecs.

where do the paychecks for the SJW developers and nigger females they employ come from lol?

holy shit, learn about the stuff before arguing against it.

>implying your ISP isn't fully aware of your browsing habits already

No, Chromium is technically open source, since it's open source. Chrome isn't.

>not using a vpn

from making yahoo the default search engine
>can't altavista shit for himself

even then there's a lot of fishy "report back to mothership" crap in chromium