Tfw the only practical way to backup photos taken with my phone are giving all my private life to Google or MS

>tfw the only practical way to backup photos taken with my phone are giving all my private life to Google or MS

How does Sup Forums do it ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Owncloud running on Raspi or old pc.

I can't self-host, literally can't. I'll try in some years when I have a stable connection.

Can't run an instance on AWS or something?

How does it help me do automatic backups from my phone ?

Do I need to wipe your arse too? If you just want to backup your phone to your PC and don't require a server just use Syncthing

>>I want to evade the botnet
>give all your cleartext data to Amazon then !
Well, no thanks.

I give it to apple instead

>I don't know how to encrypt cause I'm fucking retarded

M$FT and Google probably already have your data anyway mate

Either OwnCloud can encrypt data on the server automatically and I didn't see it, or you are retarded and don't know how to follow a conversation.

You give all your data and your money to a bank to store, yet I don't see you complaining

They legally can't steal money from you, it's not the same thing at all with data.

How does my bank have "all my data" ?

Use Syncthing then you autistic toddler.

Hard drives and flash drives aren't practical ways to back up photos?

your identification, personal document numbers, address, all your transactions paid by cards etc

well, you're a fucking idiot! there are plenty hosting provider out there, even i.e. vultr who provide you with a fucking 2.5 bucks a month machine.
> give all your cleartext data to amazon then!
well that's a payed service not a free service where they can't fuck with your data like they want to.

educate yourself faggot mc tinfoil



KDE Connect

>take pictures
>go home
>put pictures on computer
>back them up like all the rest of my files
gee that was fucking hard

You could like ... put them on a HDD/USB drive?

Use NextCloud instead

If you really must have "cloud" storage, there is MEGA.