WTF is this microsoft
WTF is this microsoft
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at least they're not coming here to offer it
Ask for her nudes
Why are Microsoft shilling their cloud services so hard? Are they not doing very well? Doesn't Microsoft have more money than they know what to do with? Why are they burning bridges with their customers by forcing ads on to people when they don't even need to?
>money hungry faggots wants more money
wew i wonder
Her real name is probably Ghuripreet Sinjhaguniha and she's probably malnourished and gross. Still want nudes now?
bro its a pajeena; do not want
>please give us all of your data so we can index it and continue to personalize your ad metadata and sell the metadata when we're done with it.
Welcome to the future. Do you feel sick to your stomach yet?
There is no such thing as too much money. More money just means more to be reinvested into the business, or more to be paid out to investors in the form of dividends.
We use onedrive at the company I work for. Actually we use everything microsoft.
Considering the responses it's probably pajeet's AI
Why are you using any Microsoft product? Shy of MAYBE Bing, I just don't see the reason.
MS can't be doing well. Chromebooks replaced education computers (which is why they are shitting out an Win10 variant that is just like it), and tablets and phones are cannibalizing MS's home market, and the Xbox One hasn't been doing well, either. There is still a viable market for them, but it IS shrinking.
>I'm a tripfeg and here's my opinion
Go to hell
>bing is their best product
Can you think of a better product that MS produces that isn't matched or beaten by their competition?
Downward breakout from the meme triangle is a bad sign. Most likely caused by the exploits being discovered
Not just discovered, but used. This whole kerfluffle just confirms what I've been saying for years: the NT kernel, which was released roughly 1 month before the internet became available to the public, was rotten to the core the day that the internet became available to the public, and needed to be discarded and replaced.
Monolithic kernel architecture is beyond retarded in the age of the internet, and no amount of patching is going to fix that problem. It will keep happening until they are willing to let it go (and, more than 20 years later, they show no intention of doing so).
Bing certainly doesn't fit that niche either
good for searching pornography desu senpai
Even Apple Support doesn't shill this hard.
>the NT kernel was rotten to the core the day that the internet became available to the public
Well windows obviously
Except it isn't.
It's a kernel that gives everything it runs admin privileges. Every single program that you download from your web browser (and your web browser itself) is given absolute authority over your computer. You just need to trust that they aren't going to fuck with your shit when you click "Yes," on the UAC (and that's the BEST they've ever done). The store is a half-assed attempt at a remedy, but it's still lacking, and will never be seen in the same light as, say, the iOS store (which is specifically curated so that nothing can fuck with the OS, and you can't install anything except for what's on the iOS store without jail braking your iphone).
>Except it isn't.
Oh sure it is. A couple billion people need the OS that runs everything. And that's windows. They don't need a hobby or an expertise.
Which is why it's marketshare is shrinking in the advent of android and iOS tablets/phones, as well as Chromebooks stealing MS's thunder in the education sphere (at about 30k computers per month).
The layman doesn't need an OS that runs everything the way that Windows does. That said, BUSINESSES need an OS that runs the specific programs that they need, and sometimes those programs can only be used through Windows, although this is becoming less common.
Well if you include things that aren't desktop OS's then everyone's market share will shrink.
Include the operating systems in cars and android looks to be on the rocks.
That's fair, but when people are opting not to get new laptops because their iPhone has replaced it for pretty much everything except for an update of the resume (at which point, they just go to the library), then its fair to say that the marketshare is shrinking. This is why Windows has been trying revolutionize (rather than evolve) their OS, so that people who use Windows 8/10 will feel more at home with a Windows Phone.
It actually could have worked, too, had they been more on the ball back when the iPhone launched a decade ago (with Android becoming a major competitor around the same time). But they waited too long, and people grew familiar with iPhone and Android, so that when MS pulled this shit, it became an OS that wasn't very familiar to the desktop users, and wasn't very familiar to iPhone/Android users, and wound up alienating both. Windows 10 is a step in the right direction from Windows 8, but the damage had already been done. iPhone and Android were well established in 2015.
Now, you can expect gamers to use it, as well as businesses and professionals that need specific software that can't run on anything else. But if that "iPhone powered laptop," becomes a reality, you may very well see an even larger shift away from MS.
They cucked it, the porn results are shit now
Yandex replaced it
Huh. First that I'm hearing about this. It was literally the only thing that they did that stood out in any sort of good way.
Guess there's no reason to use anything MS makes at all, anymore.
Why do they shill OneDrive so hard? What is MS's endgame?
NSA pays for OneDrive maintenance, anything MS sells of it it's pure profit
Aside from selling user info, what is MS offering that is profitable at the moment? OneDrive gives them your info to sell.
anyone remember this?
Don't they already have access to all your files through Windows 10?
Yes, but your laptop isn't a reliable way to store and access it
Microsoft account integration, they want your encryption keys
True, but I'm fairly certain that the privacy settings of what they gather is at least slightly more restrictive than what you volunteer to them. Due to small businesses and the like, it almost HAS to be (though I'm not reading the EULA of both to try and parse the legalese to confirm my suspicions.
I figured they already had them. I don't trust MS as far as I could throw their corporate HQ.
Free data storage is shilling?
Nothing is free. If some dude on the corner was trying to give away free food, I would instantly be suspicious. Ditto for free cloud storage.
>on windows you don't have to type any commands in terminal
No, you type them in a command prompt. Entirely different from a terminal (emulator).
you're missing a sarcasm markup
>Bitching about privacy
>While posting on Sup Forums, probably on a smart phone
You're all hypocrites
If you're not paying for the product, you are the product.
pls upload ur personal data to our servers :~)