Need some processor advice

Hello Sup Forums. I was thinking about switching over to an Intel processor to go with my EVGA GTX 1080 FTW. I currently have an AMD FX 9590 right now. I want to switch but I am not sure what processor to choose. My computer is strictly for gaming and I'm looking for a processor to match. Most of Intel's CPU's are way too overpriced in my opinion ($300 minimum) and the new AMD Ryzens are priced even more. Is there a good i5 or i7 that is not very expensive and won't bottleneck my gpu? Or should I just keep the processor I have now?

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Ryzen 5 1600

1600 or 1600X is the way to go. 1600 if you want to OC, 1600X if you don't want to bother with OC.

get an i5 if you only game.
If you need some future-proofing then get a Ryzen 7 1700 and OC.

Are there any boards for the 1600 that support DDR3 ram? That is what I have now and I don't really want to upgrade from it due to DDR4 being over $100 for 16GB

>get an i5 if you only game

Fuck off, retard.

What is a good i5 to go with a gtx 1080? One that will not bottleneck at all.

DDR4 only.

I just don't really know if I want to spend over $300 on an i7. That seems to be overpriced for a gaming processor.


No such thing exists. Even an overclocked 7600K produces garbage frametimes and stutter in many modern games. It's either Ryzen, an i7 or giving up and going the super poorfag G4560 route. There are no other options that make sense right now.

The R7 1700 is the only real choice

Buy an R5 then, it's miles better than FX.

Mainly I am looking for a processor that I can run Fallout 4 and GTA V on at ultra settings at 1080p without my computer having massive frame drops... and catching on fire.

just get a ryzen 1600, the ryzen line is more than the r7 processors, also the i5s are shit don't get one over a 1600

You might be stuck with Intel because those two games don't run as well on Ryzen.

ryzen 1600 or 1600x.

But you won't be stuck very long before burning to death.

>those two games don't run as well on Ryzen

Yeah, he'll really miss that extra 17fps from 145fps to 162fps. Truly worth buying a $350 quad core on a dead platform for. PooMD BTFO!

So what processor do you think I should go with? perhaps a decent i5?

>dead platform
While I think the 7700K is overpriced it's not technically a dead platform, Coffee Lake is already confirmed by MSI to be LGA 1151. Cannonlake is a die shrink, Ice Lake will be on a new socket.

Source? Heard it was LGA 1151v2

>Coffee Lake is already confirmed by MSI to be LGA 1151

In your dreams. Coffee Lake is going to be LGA 1151-v2 and will not work on current boards. The same Korean that leaked what proved to be 100% correct X299 details has already confirmed that.

i5-7600K is your best bet but it may not last for very long. Basically, it's already half obsolete.

I'm just wanting to game at 60fps at 1080p and have it not be completely useless in a 2 year period

You will be fine with Ryzen if all you need is 60 FPS 1080p.

Then why the fuck did you get an overkill, super expensive GPU when you have a shit CPU and seem to know fuckall about anything? The ONLY options for mid-low range (read: anything under $300) are AMD's R5 line, until intel releases an i5 that isnt shit and overpriced again.

Alright so what should I do?

Kill yourself probably.

get outside, faggot

Killing myself isn't a good idea.. at least time me and outside is too dangerous. Outside is where the Civil War occurred.


my bad

Get a Ryzen 5 1600
OC it to 3.8GHz with the stock cooler
Get a B350 motherboard

7800x. AMD is shit

Your best bet is to get a used i7, something like Devil's Canyon will be very good for your purposes and will be a very nice jump from the FX 9590 and you can find em for very cheap nowadays.

That shit's even more expensive than i7-7700K (not even counting the motherboard/liquid cooling) and performs worse in most games.

right now it's 6 cores and up, even 7700k/6700k have big difference between maximum and lowest fps (1% lows), so either get an i7 6850k/6800k/5930k/5820k or Ryzen 5 1600/x

Currently on the 7700k had enough with the 90c spikes and poor multi-tasking i want to get into streaming, is it worth jumping ship to Ryzen? it would be paired with a GTX 1080.

I have an 8350 @ 4.5ghz and a 1080 FTW2.

As most of the thread has said get a fucking Ryzen 5 1600.

Almost everyone is saying this yet you're still asking like a mongoloid.

Take the advice or fuck off.

Ryzen is pretty good at streaming using software encoding while gaming.

Totally if you can sell your 7700k + mobo.

>buying a quad core in 2017

You can get 7700k if you REALLY want ebin 144hz cumpetetive gaymen. That's about it.

get a 7700k if you want 400 FPS in csgo instead of 325

God damn 1080p60 encoding and playing a game on the same PC. This is amazing.

Just keep the 9590 it's still good, there's no need to upgrade yet. Hell, I have an [email protected] and I don't feel the need to upgrade. Wait a year or two and in the meantime save up some more to be able to afford the best you can get.

This. You can most likely reuse your ram too.

That i3 is pretty good.

>2600k with a standart OC still better than oced r7 1700X


>1 FPS
>What is margin of error
Also Gamersnexus always puts crazy high OCs on their charts, look at the 5.1 GHz i7-7700K.

Is ryzen the Trump of Sup Forums? Such monotheistic faith in it and everyone disagreeing is "shill".


Ryzen is fuckin intriguing man. I never wanted to upgrade for at least 2 more years, then ryzen came out with it's per core customization, MOAR CORES, etc.. and I really want to sell my parts just to fuck around with it. But I'm also to the point where I'm not poor, and I just get a kick out of having a nice cpu. Not going to spend 1500 bucks on one, but for less than 500, maybe.

>competitive gaymen
choose one goyim

gamers nexus aren't shills, they're just clickbait trash like wccftech

You were told yesterday that if you just wanted to game then a 4790k, or any unlocked i7 would be an upgrade. Maybe even an unlocked i5 would also be an upgrade.

All three of those cost in excess of $400 CAD

while you can get a 1600 that outperforms two of them and only barely underperforms the third - and ONLY in singlethreaded tasks - for $100 less.

There's no reason to go with anything other than a 1600 for the mid/high end right now.

Or a 1700 for productivity/moarcoares

Unlocked Intel for pc gaming, or console for anything else.

Get a 3770k and overclock that then. Reuse your ddr3.

>There's no reason to go with anything other than a 1600 for the mid/high end right now.
OP mentioned gaming. I don't know what games the op is interested in, so skimming through steam's top 100 games I'd say an unlocked Intel i7 with a decent overclock would be the best. OP wants to spend less than $300, so used most likely would be the best option.

The i7 will only outperform the 1600 if you're aiming at a steady 144 HZ. The 1600 can do 120 Hz fine in most games. It's no slouch, but the performance per dollar can't be ignored.

The i7 will outperform all the and CPUs in every game that is currently on steam's top 100 games that are "poorly optimized". Some of those games perform ridiculously poor on amd. It's up to op to decide if time, and money will be spent playing those games. If not then sure an amd is fine.

>The i7 will only outperform the 1600 if you're aiming at a steady 144 HZ
There's games on steam's top 100 that the 1600 can't hit a steady 60fps on with playable settings, and will hover at around 25-40 fps in action heavy game play. This is the only reason why I recommend Intel for "gaming" when no preferences are mentioned. It's a general stab in the dark answer for a Sup Forums related question.

Spotted the silly nigger

Pick one.

>Unlocked Intel
You mean the same ones that Intel themselves advised against overclocking?

i7 7700k


Yea you dumb faggot. Those are the only ones that can run all the Sup Forums horseshit gayems at over 60 miles per metre. Now 360 out of here fucker.



Sup Forums is an anime website, get over it

>did not provide an argument
>just anime post
Neck yourself user. People are here to conversate about thread related.

You are the one who started conversating about my waifus

>any boards for the 1600 that support DDR3

No. First, you want the 1700 or 1700x. Second, you will want the fastest DDR4 you can afford ... so, 3600 MHz if you can.

>You are the one who started conversating about my waifus
You responded to my comment with secondary piggu. Your waifu a shit user.

Spotted the faggot with an i5.

Enj-j-j-j-joying the st-st-stutter m-m-m-m-m-m-mate?

Does anyone know if there is a tangible benefit in buying the 1700x over the 1700? I'm also interested in overclocking my RAM to 3600 if possible, would that be affected by it?

1700X lets you avoid the silicon lottery for the most part.

A complete lie.

>As of 3/13/17, the top 26% of 1700s were able to hit 4.0GHz or greater.
>As of 3/13/17, the top 29% of 1700Xs were able to hit 4.0GHz or greater.
>As of 3/13/17, the top 73% of 1800Xs were able to hit 4.0GHz or greater.

The only way to get a better bin is to buy an 1800X.

Does it have to be new? You're already gonna have to buy a new motherboard.

You can get great used i5s. If you want strictly gaming, get a used Intel. Ryzen, whilst offering great performance, is still being beaten on the single-threaded performance.

If you can't afford a 7700k, don't go intel.

Older k series i7 can be cheaper, and op wouldn't have to buy ram.


Fuck off, you retarded piece of nigger shit with down syndrome. Even the Intel shills have given up on i5s.

Get the small mod that disables rendering of shadows that you can't see. For whatever reason, Fallout 4 renders shadows in a radius, regardless of whether or not your character can see the objects. This is why it's particularly noticeable in that Corvega car factory area