That's it, I just deleted firefox and I'm not going to embrace the botnet...

That's it, I just deleted firefox and I'm not going to embrace the botnet. I'm sick and tired of firefox constantly crashing and not even allowing me to post pictures on Sup Forums. What do lads?


Chromium innit

use gnome web or qt browser

delete chrome and re-install firefox but in stable version dummy

Simple Google Chrome. Logged in. Come on. EMBRACE THE BOTNET. COME ON. JOIN US.

>not using stable release
>he fell for the nightly meme

>firefox constantly crashing
but it isn't

At least use the chinknese botnet

>firefox constantly crashing
Never happened, nice try pajeet.

lol the fuck is wrong with ur computer? im on ff 54 and everything works fine. faster than chrome even.

use waterfos or if you're really sick of ff, iridium

try firefox ESR 52.2.1

>it didn't happen on my machine therefore it couldn't happen for anyone else ever, OP must have poured water on his computer while downloading viruses or something

>doesn't use addons

For god sake, what happened to opera ? It's becoming slow as shit.

when was opera not shit?

>I have no evidence
I know pajeet

Pale Moon.

>Pale meme

If firefox crashes on his machine there's a good chance Chrome will too.

Flawless rebuttal.

Possibly, it's a pointless argument to have without more information though. The same way "Firefox crashed on my machine" is an indirect attack the same way "no it never does that it must be your fault you idiot" is an indirect defense of it.

But why have a civilized thread on Sup Forums reaching the conclusion "yeah Firefox can be unstable sometimes especially now that they're reworking the whole architecture of it" when you can throw retarded insults back and forth.

>But why have a civilized thread on Sup Forums reaching the conclusion "yeah Firefox can be unstable sometimes"
Because you already know the conclusion before having the discussion. You're a fraud.

I'm not the OP. If you think his thread is stupid, making it even more retarded won't help.

I find Pale Moon is pretty good for most things, much faster than Firefox too

Opera master race reporting in

If you're coming from Firefox and want customization, try Vivaldi (it's Chromium-based but customizable).

I feel bad for you OP, must be bad to be poor. To own regular working hardware.

>have ten year old computer
>firefox is faster than chrome on my work computer from 2015


Brave browser

Dont use the internet for a year waiting for netrunner to be released.