Why does Sup Forums dislike iPhones?

Why does Sup Forums dislike iPhones?

because its literally phone for dumb people

I'd prefer a phone with rooted and ungoogled Android over an iPhone if given the chance but i don't get people sperging out about iPhones with blind hate.

Because its propietary. And expensive.

its just inferior

green bubble nerd virgins

because it's from Apple, which is now a politically correct, anti-white, anti-men agenda filled shit show. Losing Jobs will go down as one of the saddest stories in tech. Remember when Apple refused to hand over the San Bernadino terrorists information? Yeah. That tells you everything you need to know right there.

I like them but not enough to pay over $200 for one. I also would never buy the newest one.

iPhone SE is the best iPhone and it's $150 in the right stores.

>>Sup Forums

>Apple refused to hand over the San Bernadino terrorists information
>government eventually figures it out
>Apple says they have to tell them how they figured it out
>government doesnt

It was pretty funny.

>not being cucked to the government makes you anti-white

Youre an idiot. The decision not to hand the info over was all for political reasons. Kys

>government wants to get info on radical islamic terrorists who killed 20+ people

Yeah damn the USA government. Screw them for doing their job and protecting the country.



hows your poojit ceo?

>Apple protects users freedoms at all costs
>Not a literal advertisement/data collection company

Tell me again why google is better?

can't afford it

>When some Phone testing channel on YT droptests a newly released IPhone SE there will some poo dropping out of jack stick

Only a shill or retard would get a Google Pixel (the reason why youtubers have it), otherwise most normies uses a Samsung which has perfectly micked everything that makes IPhones so great.

flooded the internet with normal fags

i like to spend 30 minutes to do something it can be done in 10 seconds

So what?

>Implying google isn't either

Enjoy your Analdriod.

If android (including its apps) was as smooth and fast as ios I would have made the switch already.
I don't like iphone but really have no choice. The difference is embarrassing.