Anybody knows what TTS is this? voice? software/website?

anybody knows what TTS is this? voice? software/website?

Other urls found in this thread:

who is this hottie?

A boy. There is a penis under that skirt.

brittany venti

You'd best not be fucking lying

Pretty sure it's Daniel from the Mac OS TTS

Who is this qt3.14?

I want to fuck brittany venti so bad

Who is the dude with a wig in OP?

thank you good sir

I love BrittanyVenti.
She is such a role model.

yummy, where can I see him/her unsheathed?

brittany "sugar tits" venti

The guy looks like a chimp, get a grip

Beta orbiter detected

$10 bucks says she's an octroon

You could have...
She fucked the first 5/10 she found at #HWNDU and fucked himwithin days of meeting him.

She said she was interested in the ugly chink too at first.



better yet:

horsesh•tttttttttt, total bunk, buuuuuunk, lier, utter bunk

Fuck off chink


Fucking faggot OP baiting replies with a pic of a girl who's eyes don't even share the same post code.

>Sup Forums wop whores

>who is this hottie?
queen of Sup Forums

>tfw no THIC nigra Venti gf


how beta are you guys?

obsessing over 5/10 nobodies over the internet?

Is this the one famous for screaming and bitching in twitch before getting banned or something like that? Looks like a normal human being in this photos.

shame those tits got wasted on such an ayylmao face

/r/the_donald pls go

nice tatas on the pol broad

>my daddy taught me a few things to, like how not to tear the skin using somoene else's mouth


damn fit got better pictures of this bitch then pol

Brittany "Aint white? Aint right." Venti
Brittany "Zyklon Bae" Venti
Brittany "Hydewars" Venti
Brittany "Divide my legs" Venti

She's literally insane.

From experience
4 out of 5 women are insane

yes i do

i'm not gonna tell you though, but i'll give you a hint: the setting for his voice is "Daniel"

that camwhore is 25% black, so literally 100% non white

>10/10 style & presentation
>8/10 build
>6/10 hair (Tard dye = no.)
>7/10 eyes
>4/10 facial features

Would play bicycle seat for.

Bootleg Cassidy Banks

but those thighs though

b-but she say things i like to hear!