I fell for the ryzen meme and now i cant get a read on any of the programs about the temps. Did i get a bad one?

I fell for the ryzen meme and now i cant get a read on any of the programs about the temps. Did i get a bad one?

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check the bios? of course you'll only get the idle temps

What about the AMD Ryzen Master Utility?

use Ryzen master

even bios shows the lower than ambient temp. Ryzen master doesnt help either pic related

are you trying to set the world onfire?

I dont think thats the cpu voltage, I didnt overclock anything except ram to its intended speed

I heard on here that temps are 10c lower than what they are shown in programs.

You have a good cooler correct? Try a benchmark and see what temps you get.

VID= the default voltage

>amd quality control
>made in china

whats that supposed to mean? I mean i didnt tinker with settings at all

now i have no idea about ryzens but at least pretty much every modern amd before that (pretty much all cpus after am2 socket) apparently don't have regular temperature sensors on the cpu, pretty much all software show very low temps on idle when AMD
read this, maybe its still revelant with ryzen, no idea: tomshardware.co.uk/faq/id-2122665/understanding-temperature-amd-cpus-apus.html

holy fuck did i fuck the grammar on that post, but anyway, it might be that ryzen still uses the same way to calculate the temperature, its some kind of "thermal margin" which seems to be very accurate at high load, so you shouldn't be worried about these low temperature readings on idle, i have seen it on all modern amd processors i have owned and on machines other people own and have amd processors

Yea but the thing is I've seen in videos people have tempretures on all cores etc, programs dont even show individual cores for me let alone the correct temps. Is it possible the bios i flashed didnt flash correctly yet still works?

update your bios and hwmonitor

I have the 1201 bios for crosshair vi which should be the lateast. Can I re-apply the bios? Is that a thing? Maybe my bios installation was fucked

as i said, i am not sure about ryzen but at least other amd processors do not have individual sensors on every core, its only one reading you should get. few programs might show a reading for every core but its very similar and usually differs only with few degrees if there is any difference. what readings do you see when you stress the cpu, if ryzen uses the same way to calculate temperature these low values are "normal" when your cpu is cool or idle.

can if you want, what hw monitor version are you running?

version 1.31.0
Driver 143
Maybe it shows only one stack for temp, on load it got to 19 my rooms 27C

well if even on load it stays low thats weird, i can confirm on older amd processors (FX-8350, A8-3870K and various other crappy cpus) that they show 10-20c on desktop usage or even under, but if the cpu gets loaded and heats up while compiling something for example i can see more realistic values of a bit over 50c. try another software, but if ryzen does use this method for temperature, then one reading is what you are supposed to get. aida64 and hwinfo64 were what i used on winshit back in the day

same version as mine, if definitely your bios reload and set optimised defaults

>VID= the default voltage

No it isn't, dumbass. Overclocking Ryzen chips also raises the VID, and it's a completely irrelevant number. It's not a measure of any real voltage, it's a measure of what the CPU is requesting. Actual vcore voltage is all that matters, and that'll be whatever you set it at.

Theres one small problem though. Sometimes my pc doesnt boot up because it doesnt see my gpu. Which i think is related to fucked bios. Because once it boots up no more issues. Doesnt bios update restart couple of times? What if it doesnt see the gpu again? I'm scared of bricking

Take it to geek squad user or head over to the asus support site.

>Did i get a bad one?
Yes. Too bad you can't return your brain.

reinstalled bios but temps are still the same

>2017 and AMD still doesn't fix their sensors
Jesus Christ