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Technology #612
If i had bought bitcoin when i first saw it on Sup Forums i would have 8 figure net worth right now
Is data hoarding a mental illness?
Tfw can't use Sup Forums at work because there is always local ban, fucked up too because all those faggots use VPN's...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
AMD are releasing a Vega X4 as part of their top tier pro card line
RIP Ethereum
Perfect OS doesn't not exi~
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity
Temple OS
Have you ever been blackmailed by your operating system, Sup Forums?
Windows 10 two different prices?
Does anyone know the function of this component on the motherboard? On mine it's damaged and I'm not sure what it's for
The cryptocurrency mining is the very definition of a ponzi scheme...
My mom's laptop completely shitted itself and cant even take in windows recovery cds without doing a BSOD loop after...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Python is overrated
The iPad can't multi
What is the best Motherboard + CPU combo for watching 720p/1080p videos?
How the fuck do you get a job as a programmer when the pajeets are doing it all remotely?
Your technolo/g/y stack?
Lol boi you bought a gpd win
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Unity is kill
/spg/ - Smartphone General
This is the thinkpad killer
OS uses storage for RAM
How the FUCK does AMD keep up with Intel? they have less than tenth of the workforce of which many are working on GPUs...
These are Indians that work at Microsoft
Looking at these two competitors to try and get you to join their ecosystem, which is better?
Redpill me on why someone should be using Vim?
Older Apple Mac shit
Is c++ the master rice?
Improved email experience?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Nice service discordbabbs
So apparently nixiepixel is back, and she's cucking a sandnigger
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Why the fuck does Vim jump lines when I'm trying to edit a file? For example, I'll be on line 40...
Republicans want this
Looks like she's back
Can we have a projector thread?
You can make minimum wage by just running a bitcoin miner
What does Sup Forums think of JetBrains software?
In need of some advice Sup Forums
Text editors
Normies screwing up with technology
Floens you cuck why is clover not working
If you're not cryptomining, folding or running simulations, why do you need a powerful GPU...
Hey Sup Forums
Macbooks are overpriced
How do I stop spending money on stupid hardware upgrades?
Has anyone considered adding a CPU to a CPU?
Ever steal BTC?
Got an apple watch series 2 as a gift (42mm). Problem is... it's rose gold (I mean...
Sweaty hands problem
Name a better laptop
Good quality audio is so expen-
Is anyone else considering/has sold their relatively new gpu to minefags and then going to buy a much better one when...
Why does every Linux user I know have a beard?
What phone do you currently own?
Better better booru developer fucked off because of a bug
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Thoughts on Vivaldi compared to other browsers?
Starting a computer repair company. I can't come up with a good name. I'll be based in central Texas...
Well Sup Forums would ya hire him?
Does cosmetic damage bother you?
What operating system would Adolf Hitler have used?
Why aren't you using a BlackPhone, Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
He pirates with torrents
Can you recommend some actually good Sup Forums YT channels?
When it became known that primary Intel but AMD too put backdoors in their Hardware...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/pmp/ Portable Media Players
Searching for perfect distro
Password must contain:
The internet has killed
/mpv/ - The FOSS Video Player:
How do I start using Linux?
How do I become a lInux power user /g?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's the point in 5k when people have barely started to use 4k?
Why is linux either super slow and buggy or super minimal with no functionality when compared to windows and os x?
Decide to get back to linux after using Windows for a couple of months
/mpv/ - the Sup Forums media player
Figure out I should probably check out linux since I havent used it in ages
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Is LinusTechTips Sup Forums?
ITT: we post reasons you are tied to windows
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Student with sticker on laptop
The torrent protocol is a joke and was born dead
Proprietary software is not logical...
Rate my pc
What's your preference for monitor panels?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
What the fuck are you going to do when 2020 comes?
So how does Sup Forums stream their VR porn to their phone to use with Cardboard...
What is the best free antivirus?
Speccy Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's the best IRC client?
Is there any point in learning programming if you are 25+ yo?
What is the best distro+DE combo and why is it antergos with gnome?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Rust graduates from meme language state
Global gpu shortage
Why do you amerifats hate freedom so much?
Just saying
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - 3 Week Countdown
Where is your god now?
UEFI or Legacy?
Will there ever be a phone more comfy than the Nexus 5X?
I need some help, im trying to put a computer together and i've been watching linus tech...
Alright Sup Forums, what is your opinion on this CPU? I just pulled it out of an old laptop
Fedora Unix-like computer operating system based on the Linux kernel and GNU programs
Have you cracked your neighbors wifi?
/mlg/ Machine Learning General
Consider all the things that occur within a single square meter of the universe
Post Locations
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Daily reminder that...:
What can't you solve 7 captchas to create a thread?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Autistic Audiophile Formats
New linux distro
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why the fuck do you autistic fucks need 18 cores?
This African child created an infrastructure to generate electricity for his whole village
Is there any reason to use newer versions of Office over 2007 (which doesn't need to be cracked)?
ITT non plebeian programing languages
Name a better high visibility mouse cursor set. Protip: You can't
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Went to go look for some extra ram for my PC
Zo might tried to talk about Tay
Anyone knows why manufacturer don't offer laptops with linux pre-installed?I sort of get american companies don't it...
One of these threads
"user why don't you have facebook? That's so weird. Is it because you don't have any friends? heheh"
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Want to play star wars battlefront & mirrors edge catalyst on ultra 1080p 60fps. R9 390x, or something from Nvidia?
Friend gets on computer
Screenfetch/neofetch thread
Name a monthly Sup Forums related service that gives the consumer more value for under $10/mo than Spotify
Let's see what Wi-Fi names you get Sup Forums
ATT cracking down on proxy/torrenting?
Do you think my fan made with recycled materials Sup Forums
Is 21:9 a meme?
In all seriousness and honesty, why is Sup Forums so racist towards Indians?
How do you feel when you see this pic, Sup Forums?
AMD GPU prices
My mom's laptop completely shitted itself and cant even take in windows recovery cds without doing a BSOD loop after...
Why is Microsoft getting away with spying on literally everything we do?
Do any of your hoard media on your computers?
"Are you user? We must inspect all of your electronic materials. If you have anything encrypted...
How to change language on windows 7 premium K
Python IDE??
Sup Forums BTFO This guy creates a video game without using loops or Arrays
Lineage OS
Arch linux
I bet you can't compress this image as much as you can
Is this an Ultimate Gentooman g?
How do you learn to code? Tips tricks? Trying to learn c++
Why Install Gentoo?
Oc Sup Forums wall papers?
Battle of the ages, which is better? Deluge or qbittorrent?
IoT / AVR MCU Thread
Installed windows 10 just because I find it pretty and it runs new games 2-3 FPS faster
If you are so stupid and worthless that Pajeet can steal your job, you deserve to have it stolen
Do Sup Forums think this guy is able to change the world with all his crazy idea?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
6 years old
Linux is progressing fast
Holy fuck Stallman BTFO by an animal rights activist
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Would you rather get have no sex the next 5 years, or code PHP every day for the same period?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Temple OS
You care too much about privacy to use gnu/linux. But why care about your OS if your hardware is all backdoored...
Ryzen is No.2 most popular CPUs at Amazon now
Xfce or MATE?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Entry-level Programmer Salaries
As a Mexican immigrants in the US, where is the best place to work for a software engineer?
Why aren't you using fedora 25 Sup Forums?
What's the oldest working piece of technology you have in your possession Sup Forums?
Is C still worth learning?
What is the best font for writing documents?
Linux poorfags everyone
How can Word and Libreoffice manlets compete?
Favorite Windows Version?
Why isn't your computer a V8?
Battlestation thread - awesome meme edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Nigga Wut?
He still uses Clover
What's the most weeaboo linux distro?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why aren't you using gnome?
Own my own laptop
What happened to all the optimism for robots?
Winfags on suicide watch
Sex robots: innovation driven by male masturbatory fantasy is not a revolution
What do Sup Forums think about hacker news ?
Hey Sup Forums some butt hole sold me a frp locked galaxy s7...
What kind of techonology is needed to time travel?
My fucking screen just spontaneously cracked with a quiet but distinct click. Is that seriously a thing?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Sticker thread
It's time to buy a new phone, is S8 worth it, or should I by S7 half price? My one and only concern is the camera...
Found out some faggot hacked into my wifi
Tfw you want to convert to Thinkpad-ism as an alternative to the "expensive" Apple-ism but the Thinkpad laptop that you...
Open Source Bios - Is it worth it ?
/mpv/ general. Open source, cross-platform media player
Bored. What can I code for fun?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Have you burned one of these?
What e-mail client do you use, Sup Forums?
I bought this to shitpost on Sup Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Dude, where's my Essential?
When are you going to join the Ryzen masterrace user?
I'm a Windows user and what is this?
I need weapon schematics!
Rate my url shortener
How do you store your tech?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Best Text Editor
Why are women not interested in technology as much as men?
Anyone here know C?
I am very interested in learning programming. Specifically Python
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which is your favorite lightweight distro?
Okay i installed linux
Be told by Sup Forums that adblock is evil and I should feel bad for using it
The web is full of degeneracy
Fucking windows 10 updates
I think the government gave me malware
Proper mouse placement when moving between monitors with the same size but different resolutions
Anyone know how to get past the good ol' iCloud lock? Thanks in advance, guys
What's Sup Forums drinking?
Battery Life
WD is for cucks
Smartasses of Sup Forums please help me out. Recently i lost my mouse...
Water Distiller
Sup Forums-humor thread
Is jail breaking your phone worth it...
Should I get the VG248QE for gayming or is there a better alternative at that price range?
Mfw I just figured out 100% uncrackable cryptography for 2 parties to exchange messages indefinitely provided the...
Found out windows 7 doesn't support ryzen but there is also I way to get it working anyone have any idea how
Find a better combo for web dev
Arch make users do what developers should have done
You should be able to answer this
Are prebuilds ever worth it? Have you ever seen a pre-built that was worth a damn...
How do I into real h4xx0r
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: ad hoc edition
What evidence is there of Russia hacking the DNC?
Be me
Salam alaikum brother
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
This is why macOS is the greatest operating system in the world
Supplementing Programming
Settle down boys, class has started
Samsung 960 NVMe Evo
What's their end game for all of tech?
AMD Radeon Vega clock to clock with R9 Fury X: no IPC
Why are all ergonomic chairs made for manlets
AMD uses dishonest business practi-
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
Old software you miss from the days of internet past
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Let's talk about e-ink devices. Have you ever used a e-ink device? when? what? Do you like e-ink devices...
/retro/ - Retro Computers
Firefox does NOT care about your privacy
How do we solve the forearm and wrist pain from using a mouse problem?
They are UP. SET
"grsecurity didn't violate a single point of GPLv2"
Sadpanda is the pornhub of hentai and yet it has no ads, no tracking and no malware. What's their endgame...
Well congratulations, W3C, you've got yourself bought. Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Why isn't there a major open-source project to make a binary-compatible clone of Mac OS X and iOS given their...
Modern Day x220
strongly typed fags will defend this
Gym wont let you get gym clothes out of locker unless you pay them $400 because of a policy change while you were...
What upcoming technological advancements are you looking forward to?
/sqt - Stupid Questions Thread
What does Sup Forums use to browse IRC? Also, how can I keep track of everything...
Any piano players here? I'm about to start learning and need a good digital piano to practice on
Help me decide Sup Forums
I need attack my university with wanna cry, any have idea? :)
Should you always encrypt your data before sensing it to a US-based cloud provider?
Gaming laptop
Install Fedora 26
So, I wanted to build a pc today. And found out that all fucking gpus cost an unbelievable amounts of money...
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
The best thinkpad
Temple OS
/tabgen/ - tablet general
Is it true that Linus Torvalds uses Fedora?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
ITT: Programming languages that NEED to die
Post 'em, Sup Forums
150 wpm on computer
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why the japanese don't care about Linux?
Talk with coworker about which CPU cooler is best at the moment
Why is this pointless garbage so popular?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Wifi interference thread
Which one would you choose, and why? I don't particularly care for exclusives for either console...
What does Sup Forums think of ProtonMail?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Police break in
What's an normie friendly way to teach your gf the art of thinking like a programmer?
What went wrong?
Web Design General?
Vim gets :terminal
How can we get less blacks and indians to use technology? Bonus question: how can we get less women to use technology
Daily reminder that all ships of the Federation run on a 100% proprietary operating system...
Home Server/NAS thread
Facebook's War on Ad Blocking
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post your last commit message
Why arent you using the greatest browser user?
Tfw ordered a T440s $300 12 Gib RAM and 1600x900 screen
Sup Forums humor / ylyl
Hey Sup Forums, I picked up a nice 26 inches LCD TV from my workplace...
Free MacMini
Mac Install Base is 66 Million
If c++ is so good then why did they invent other languages?
When do we get to break away from binary as the core of computing?
USB killers
Single Responsibility Principle
Intel Core i5-7640X
Loonix security fags on suicide watch
Intel blown the fuck out
/Femgramming/ General
He's moving again
Thoughts on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed m8s?
Pascal is dead, or not?
Angular 2 vs React
Am I fucked? Should I replace this drive? I've only been using it for a year and a half
Which programming languages do High Schools teach nowadays?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Just got one of these bad boys to start learning some ARM assembly
Does it really matter which programming language you start with?
/uptime/ thread
Elf Earphones
What's the simplest way to share files with myself/my (Linux) server
Code monkeys making useful application
It says here you have no work experience
Why is Fedora the best distro?
What is the technological equivalent of Jahans?
X does not have a type?
Last Computer
Don't buy Nvidia
OpenBSD now has systemd compatibility
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Android Emulator
There is no ThinkPad of phon
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which Smartphone to get?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
If you don't have one of these, you're not a real computer person
*blocks your hacking*
If Sup Forums can tell me what this data represents, I will be SERIOUSLY impressed
Audio on Linux
First day sysadmin job
"Anti-Internet Cancer"
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How did this shit become popular? Literally everyone and their mother has it now...
Push Trump Off A Cliff Again
Which programming language do most girls program in? Ruby? Rust? I wanna know so I can have a cute girl (male)
Why is iOS superior to Android
Literally a rebranded and overclocked R9
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?
AMD Threadripper bench leak - 7.16.17
Sup Forums, I'm really stuck
What's up with modern mobile phones?
Starting EE degree in September
You're on the internet and this goldeneye ransomware slaps your OS's ass
Issue : fire a trans
What are some durable earbuds that will last me a while...
Reading a story on a news website
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What do you think about Bitbucket? It's a good alternative to GitHub?
Speccy thread
So someone spoofed ID on Ryzen CPUs so they report as intel, resulting in pic related
Can't see a screenfetch thread
Sup Forumsore Thread
Averaging pictures
/hdg/ Hopes and Dreams general
Decentralized Imgur
How to crack into password protected PDF
Look at my phone
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
I built a fairly powerful desktop and I'm looking for a cheap laptop...
Stop using non-free software
He's into tech
/wt/ - watch thread
Why don't we have practical and robust designs anymore...
Old thinkpad laptop died. I have a career now so money is not an object. What laptop should I buy?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
GPL is a cuck-license
Good old Sup Forums humour thread
At what point did Apple start to gain momentum and build the name the company has today?
Thoughts on new Rebel?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ Web Development General is back
Just how klossy are you guys?
I dropped my iTouch in the sink for like 1 second, completely submerged. I don't have any rice right now...
Anyone with access to supercomputer?
Get job writing test code for a start-up
Macbooks are overpriced
Is Waterfox really better than FF Sup Forums?
50% on average
Hi user, my laptop with AMD A12 just made hist last breath, and I'm dead broke
After latest updates my Windows 7 perfomance went to shit
My household is WINDOWS-FREE!
Sitting in public space, Uni for instance
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is this lady insane?
Ryzen Ram Settings
So is Sup Forums being DoS'd by radical lefties or what?
Intel and TSMC on suicide watch, IBM Nazi science rules once again
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Is this worth learning, Sup Forums?
He fell for the amd vega meme
Why can't normies into Linux?
4c/8t is the BARE MINIMUM for everyday computer use today
Does Sup Forums use their mouse mat in landscape or portrait?
Imagine being so autistic that you believe this would be an improvement for 99.9% of people
What makes Windows 10 so comfy?
Which distro has the ugliest default wallpaper?
Tracking device
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/bst/- battlestation thread
R8 my amazing web design skills Sup Forums
Adduser [0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Explain to me why people are okay with devices in their home that spy on you 24/7?
Screenfetch thread
Hey faggots how wuold you switch the value of 2 variables with only one operation?
This probably belongs on Sup Forums or /sqg/ buttfuck it. I recently sold my Rx 480 and am about to buy a GTX 1080...
Why VS?
Fuck am I doing wrong?
Using linux on the desktop
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Does anyone have a good reason why phones were allowed to film in 9:16?
Micron Fab Incident Disrupts DRAM Supply
OpenBSD has a history of over 60 years of development by highly knowledgable software engineers
Got a job doing webshite
Snapchat question
Sup Forums survey
You wake up in an unknown shell
Is he a good programmer?
Man your tubstations Sup Forumsoys
What was computing like in the 90s?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Same clocked Vega vs Fury X
Why doesn't Sup Forums have a Code of Conduct...
Screwing with Worst Buy
So I commute 4 hours a day on public transit and have lots of downtime on the bus, what's a good Ultraportable Laptop...
Does ryzen overclocks? 1600x sounds nice, but best consumer OC report i found so far was 4.1 GHz from 4.0
Why ubuntu is bad for a newbie to distros? what is the urinocally the best choice?
I might be the reason GPUs are so expensive these days... Not sorry at all
God forbid any of you fucks would admit to using Windows 10 at all, but do any brave enough to admit it also use
X299 vrm disaster - 500w edition
Have you thought about giving up on all that technology bullshit and start living the life? Look at that river...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are used mining GPUs a good buy?
Why are you not using me?
CNN said they found the guy who did this, but nobody else can figure it out? How is that possible...
Why robotics haven't gone mainstream yet?
What's the most secure linux distro in terms of privacy ?Tails ?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
IPad Air first gen
Does a master degree pay off?
Why do redditors always downvote my posts for no reason?
Is there a gaming mouse up to $30 that's not shit?
ITT: Pajeet code horror stories
Getting the first job
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I work for an AI lab I don't want to say which one...
Temple OS
Daily reminder that using Linux is using communism
Guys i am stuck with this homework problem for C++, how do i print this 2d vector array by only using the loops once?
Cpp features that dont suck
Is this the best smartwatch on the market right now?
You have 10 seconds to decode AMD's stock situation to humanly comprehensible terms
He doesn't rip, stream, or download music in the godly .flac format for lossless music
Speccy - 1.31.732 Edition
Does Sup Forums use Firefox Sync?
Privacy thread
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are ((design patterns)) just meme or are they useful?
What moron would use this?
Bruce Perens - Warning: Grsecurity: Potential contributory infringement and breach of contract risk
/ptg/ - Public Tracker General
What the hell happened to the 1070 prices on Amazon?
What's the point of SSDs if their failure rate is as bad as HDDs?
ITT: GOAT computer mice
Iphone DO NOT just fucking work you cant even connect a fucking bluetooth controller to the bastards unless its a...
New meme: evil CS grad
Rate my set up ^^
Best ways to watch free premium channels?
Let's settle this once and for all
Really gets the neurons firing
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Why hasn't anyone made an Open Source chan that doesn't use Google ReCaptcha?
SJWs in Tech
Nvidia cucking vm users
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How fucked up would your life be if
/pmp/ Portable Media Players
Post your radio
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Do you think the average user these days, even the average teenager...
OpenRC vs runit
For photo edition and video encoding which one?
Why do a lot of programmers use old laptops?
1080p vs 1440p @144hz
Can girls love girls?
I want to touch Yagami-san's feminine parts
Study medical engineering at college
What went right?
Remember that if you don't know Lisp you don't know what a powerful programming language really is
Use iPhone
Why don't you own a rubber ducky yet?
Can LineageOS even compete?
GOOGLE is getting BTFO again!!!
Holy fuck laptops fucking suck. I just bought my first one for college 2 weeks ago and I already hate it...
Mpv general
Rx Vega official bench thread
He has a Hackintosh
I already know some C and Python, should I sepnd this summer learning Java or C++? Thanks senpais
Anyone heard of this brand before? Opinions?
Does vim still have advantages over GUI text editors in 2017?
Alright Sup Forums I'M FUCKING PISSED
What controller do you use and recommend for PC gaming?
Terry/TempleOS thread
Should I spend the extra dough on a 1080, even though I only do 1080p gaming...
10/10 programs for Windows
Public Library IT Security
RIP! We have tracked down the Sup Forums server
Is there any user who can help me identify the name of this font?
Why don't phones have IR blasters anymore? I've been thinking about replacing my S6 later this year...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is the 3ds as powerful as the gamecube?
Wiki is fucked
Co-worker claims to have fixed a bug
Is there a browser that doesn't use resources as intensively as the mainstream ones but works just as well...
What does Sup Forums use to anonymize torrent downloads?
Solve the captcha and click on verify
Would you trust linux enough to install it on your brain connected device in 2030?
Why hasn't LLVM/Clang taken over MinGW as the main MSVC alternative on windows yet?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Help Sup Forums
Whats with the ancestry analysis meme? Does DNA technology really reveal your ancestry?
My trusty laptop is past her prime, I bought her in 07, and it's time to upgrade
OpenSUSE --> best KDE implementation
Sup Forums, what browser are you using?
Sup ' my niggas just got this sweet ass fella today and Im looking for some swag juicy apps
Intel is always better
We can all agree that this was the peak of MS GUI design, right?
Virtual reality
What makes mac os so comfy?
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: serial experiments lain edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
The more poor the country more women pick up CS
Did anyone use this?
Is the 3ds as powerful as the gamecube?
*uses 2% of your CPU for intensive tasks*
Best windows 10 uncucking software
Fedora 25 - It Just Works®©
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Linus Sebastian a shill?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Weaponized ISPs
Which linux distro do jewish people use?
What's the best text editor program?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Lack of standards in the desktop computing market
ITT post programming meme
What's the point of using pic related instead of Android? (serious)
How to avoid Intel botnet?
TFW you realize you've become too complacent with electronics and accidentally become aware of how fuck awful you are...
I've fucking had enough. Not just from Sup Forums...
Hey Sup Forums i am building a small website for my business...
Plan 9/9front thread
Thoughts about this phone? Should I wait for the 5T?
AppleCare failed me/cheated me
I'm a poor college student looking for a <$800 laptop that I can use for school and also run basic games like league or...
So is diceware useless for use as an actual password? It's just half a dozen regular words without spaces...
So I got a nice windfall of $8000 from cashing out my memecoins I mined in 2013 and I want to replace my aging shitpad...
Apple cares about your priva-
*fetch bread
The perfect web browser doesn't exsi
Why aren't you using USB type-C?
Black on white or white on black?
I need 2.1 Speakers for a medium sized room with a projector for some loud movie audio
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
How's internet in your area? I pay $26 for this shit. And in Kiev you can get 1gbit for 6 euro
Ryzen shine #2 ',:^)
What's the FOSS way of syncing files between computers? Do you guys just do cron jobs plus ssh/ftp?
/dpt/ - Daily PRNG Thread
Are you already hoarding your porns and animu Sup Forums?
Who Smartwatch here? Which one and why? Is it a meme device?
Apple customer service rep here! Why haven't you switched to us yet? Our products just work...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Which one, Sup Forums?
What password manager do you guys use? Is there any you would recommend?
Firefox isn't bot-
Linus actually PAYS a "PROFESSIONAL" camera cam for this footage
Generate O'Reilly Covers
A friend of mine wants to buy a mac with 27" 5k retina display for photo enjoyment and minor editing and asked me for...
What email client does Sup Forums use? Since Thunderbird doesn't get the attention it deserves from Mozilla...
Why do you use discord Sup Forums? IRC will always be the best instant messaging protocol...
OnePlus 5 jelly scrolling
Why aren't you living in the past Sup Forums?
Terrible Linux Distros
Last update was nearly five months ago
Why are techfags so concerned about a few framerates all the time and not worried about getting the best value for the...
Neovim or Vim?
What is the appeal of the iPhone?
Sup Forums's thoughts on personal cloud storage drives? What are some reliable ones/brands?
Win 10 update
Ad blocking
Why aren't you using a Core i9?
Be me
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
/wt/ watch thread
How to take revenge on someone low key through only a computer and personal information?
Windows native on ARM + Emulated x86
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's a good alternative to code C++ on linux? Visual Studio is so bloated and big...
Horrorweld Thread
/fpt/- Functional Programming thread
How do you guys store and organize your techno shit?
Thoughts on robot vacuums?
So, physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists (KEK)...
/gee/ what smartphone should i get? (max budget €500)
I did an IQ test for shits and giggles and saw a result that I don't feel like I deserve
Install mpv:
What email domain starts with @e****.com????
Dubs decides my hostname
Bought an iPhone 5S in 2013
Ask a web developer that was just fired anything
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
How much do you hate this thing?
Where did this "if you're connected to the internet...
Explain to my peasant brain why did the R9 390 and the fury have such low clocks...
Dubs decide my new wifi name
Is FreeDOS good for netbooks?
Thots on "Sonnet"?
I just bought raspberry pi 3
Post yfw you don't care what OS you use as long as it runs what you need
/ptg/ Private Trackers General
Which one, Sup Forums?
Linux criticism
VICE says they will be disabling "right-wing archiving sites" like Can they do that?
I can't wait till the day systemd gets ported to FreeBSD and OpenBSD
First off, I’d suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards, and NOT read it. Burn them...
>CTRL+F >no Terry/TempleOS thread
Oh dear
Just bought a 1060
*blocks your path*
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Microsoft, please
So what do u guys use and why
Sticker thread
Linux Kernel 4.12 released
ITT: Reveal your true autism level
Do I have to be an attractive woman to code?
Aside from bodned xDDDD tinfoil, what other reasons are there to use GNU/Linux above windows?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Miner gets btfo
What makes MacOS so comfy?
Is this gaming laptop worth it?
Is there comfier way to eat your dietic sandwich and tarator while browsing Sup Forums than on a surface? I say no
At work we use this Windows application called Xelion for phone calls...
Just changed distros for the 7th time this week
What's the best Unix-like OS for a Thinkpad T420?
Systemd compatibility patch for openbsd
Drier fastfoos
Are normies seriously starting to learn to code proficiently, or is it just the newest hip trend?
Being too poor to afford this
If the FOSS movement led by Richard Stallman a mental disease?
Nearly all successful programmers stop programming after becoming successful
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Streaming video on Android
What went wrong?
Ubuntu vs Linux
Why did so many people choose the 1060 (6GB and 3GB) over the 480?
Tired of fucking around with unstable settings, spyware, and driver failures on WINDOWS 10. Is ubuntu what I need...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Typo/g/raphy thread
Is the Logitech g403 a good mouse for gaming?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
/Stupid question/
Apple possibly removing TouchID from next iPhones
Get new thinkpad
Does any one actually use these buttons?
R8 my rig
VMs and stuff
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Get a VPN after Sup Forums shills privacy and stuff
Altcoin Mining
Is this legal?
Why don't you run your own Plex empire, Sup Forums?
1500000000 unix time in 10 days
Okay Sup Forums Challenge time, build the best computer off of this base for 250 dollars
Best Buy employee here. Ask any questions
I just accedentally the whole thing
When will hiroshima nagazaki add emoji support to Sup Forums?
Can't buy PC to run Win 7 WTF?
Is this garbage still the best thing to throw on a family PC?
Sup Sup Forums my roommate scammed me and im moving out soon...
If I only want to watch anime and read manga in the most accurate colors possible, and have literal terabytes of space...
Post the Best game soundtrack
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
There are people who trust their data to spinning discs of metal in 2017
Current there are people on Sup Forums who do not know
Math teacher here, I've got a question for you guys:
I fell for the ryzen meme and now i cant get a read on any of the programs about the temps. Did i get a bad one?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...