Why isn't there a major open-source project to make a binary-compatible clone of Mac OS X and iOS given their popularity? Surely they would be popular given their popularity and far easier to make than something like Wine given the dumpster fire that is the Windows API
Why isn't there a major open-source project to make a binary-compatible clone of Mac OS X and iOS given their...
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Hackintosh is fairly simple, given you have an Intel CPU, NVIDIA GPU and popular Motherboard.
You need to learn about Darling, dear.
Who want this shit
Well, there's the whole freedom aspect, plus running Mac OS X software natively on other platforms ala Wine would be really fucking useful to a lot of people. Plus, doesn't OS X run like a garbage fire when virtualised, or has that changed?
There's also a ton of cool iOS games that would be cool to run on the desktop, much like emulating a games console.
Also, selfishly, I kind of thing all the current OSes aren't great for various reasons and an OS X clone could be a good basis for a better one. Bit of a Haiku never quite came together to be a modern alternative.
Nice. Bit of a shame about the license, though, not even LGPL.
Is there an equivalent for iOS?
Because macos is an even bigger dumpster fire.
There is, but I don't remember what it's called.
>tfw you can easily and successfully port Linux software to macOS
>tfw you can't do it the other way around
macOS is kinda awesome
>macOS is proprietary garbage
>Why isn't there a major open-source project to make a binary-compatible clone of Mac OS X and iOS given their popularity?
When has that happened before?
It will happen. You think Apple will stand by why some autists try and clone their shit? Only the chinks could pull it off, but they'd rather sell their backdoor infested homegrown chink shit.
there's a WINE for OSX project in the works.
but most people just Hackintosh and get 100% compatibility. apple doesn't sell the OS and doesn't use serials so the only obstacle is drivers but that can be easily remedied by picking compatible hardware.
There's not much interest, because OSX sucks.
Every OS sucks.
GNU/Linux is a fractured crap-shoot of un-co-ordinated half-baked volunteer-driven software and everyone has their pet project so nothing can be polished into a cohesive product. Linux even has two major fucking UI frameworks.
Windows is basically spyware at this point and MS can't figure out how to push a framework that devs want to use so all the actual software is clunky as fuck.
Consumer-grade commercial applications are slowly dying for Windows and Linux never really had them.
Mac OS X is focused too much on fancy animations and shit and the cost of ownership is sky high (or using unsupported hax, which no-one normal wants to do)
is this butthurt or shitpost or both?
>Every OS sucks.
That's something Sup Forums can't comprehend, it's wannabe fanboi fucks have to like something and hate everything else.
Most of people here literary are one OS fags.
>GNU/Linux is a fractured crap-shoot of un-co-ordinated half-baked volunteer-driven software and everyone has their pet project so nothing can be polished into a cohesive product. Linux even has two major fucking UI frameworks.
It gets worse than that. The kernel is a clusterfuck.
There is some hope in proper microkernel design. Look into minix3, genode and seL4.
As a stopgap while these aren't ready, there's openbsd (clean code, lightweight, secure) and dragonflybsd (smart instead of linux-like (freebsd) decisions on smp and scaling).
Isn't the Windows API a notorious clusterfuck simply because it's so fucking old and bloated?
No, it's extremely well documented (for parts that aren't private), msdn tells you everything you could ever need to know
Ms also ships public dbg symbols for a lot of ntos/win, allowing you to debug easily
Their tools are also amazing, windbg is years ahead of gdb/lldb
It runs fine in QEMU. Not sure why there needs to be a new version, otherwise you wind up with something like React OS. It's really great in concept, but rather shit in execution. Just spin up a VM or buy actual PowerPC Mac hardware and use that.
If you just like the look, then create a desktop environment for GNU/Linux and BSD distros that looks and feels exactly like Aqua. Pull image files from the old ISO/DMG images of the OS X 10.3 and 10.4 systems to do it. It's not like Apple is going to sue you as long as you don't make money from it.
QEMU gives me near native performance, as long as your hardware is powerful enough for it. General rule is that you should have at least double the hardware on your host system that would be required by the guest system. So if you're running an OS in QEMU that requires a 1GHz CPU and 1GB of RAM, then you should have at least a 2GHz CPU and 2GB of RAM installed. I run PowerPC OS X on a Core 2 Duo laptop with 4GB of RAM and 128MB of video memory. Everything runs great. You really don't need much by today's standards, as long as you set things up right.
>it's easier to port software if you have the source code
No shit, Sherlock.
I can partially agree with this. It's not as bad as you make it sound, but there is room for improvement. In my opinion GNU/Linux is the least shit option. I use Debian with XFCE.
Reactos was built more for documenting how the windows kernel works more than anything, it's great to use it as a research tool
Qemu is also great for fuzzing via afl
>run WINE on OS X to translate BASH/WSL to run Quemu to host a FreeBSD environment with Linuxulator running the darling binary to run OS X notepad
There's no better way to sandbox your applications.
you're using words wrong
the kernel is open but the libs are not, so while opensource darwin projects exist they're rightly considered to be bsd's retarded cousin.
running actual macos software would be a wine-tier effort and there's no reason to start completely from scratch when you can work on fixing basically just creative cloud in wine anyway
also, creative cloud is for people who can earn enough in their spare time to just buy a solution. 500 bucks extra for a mac would break even at ten hours of config-futzing for me. an oem windows from leddit is literally worth about the time i'll spend shitposting this thread. so demand is minimal.
>so while opensource darwin projects exist they're rightly considered to be bsd's retarded cousin.
OS X itself is rightly considered BSD's cousin.
>No, it's extremely well documented (for parts that aren't private), msdn tells you everything you could ever need to know
The most common complaint by ReactOS devs have is they have to figure a lot of shit themselves, since a lot of important stuff is undocumented.
Specific os implementation shit is undocumented, but the API that is exposed is well documented
Basically anything with public symbols is documented (i.e. the entirety of kernel32.dll has symbols)
Linux *allows* you to run its software on Mac OS
Apple does *not allow* you to do it the other way around
Linux is awesome
what about netbsd?
Hackintosh works with AMD CPU and AMD GPU.
So its not just Intel and Nvidia.
Delicious 200kb kernel on my old laptop. Runs on my amiga too. I love how lightweight it is. Although do prefer openbsd if the hardware can run it.
Minix3 uses a netbsd userspace, with the microkernel on top and userspace tasks doing a lot of work the netbsd kernel would instead do.
>Delicious 200kb kernel on my old laptop.
that running a GUI? Id love a screenshot if so
Not within reach sadly. If I booted linux (too lazy now, been playing hatsukoi 1/1 on win10) I'd look into some pictures of the Amiga running netbsd, which is imo considerably cooler.
what amiga? what cpu?
A1200, blizzard 1230mkIV (030@50, 68882@50, 64MB).
>windows API
>dumpster fire
Why do people perpetuate this meme? It's one of the easiest OS APIs to work with, it's extremely well documented and has incredible backwards compatibility.
No. All that means is there's usually more than one way to do things, as they add new things between versions but don't remove old stuff for backwards compatibility's sake. That doesn't make working with it any more difficult.
>it's extremely well documented
>implying documentation matches implementation
>and has incredible backwards compatibility.
>implying backwards compatibility is implemented well
>I have never worked with winapi: the post
You realize shit from windows 95 works on Windows 10?
It's not even the same kernel anymore
it also works on wine :^)
>>implying documentation matches implementation
Have you ever looked at MSDN? Even technically undocumented functions are documented well enough that I can easily implement them.
>>implying backwards compatibility is implemented well
What? I make sure everything I write is backwards compatible to at least Win2k, and for smaller projects that don't need fancy new winapi functions I make sure they work all the way down to Win95.
They iterate and break backwards compatibility too quickly so a project like ReactOS but for OS X wouldn't be able to keep up. Windows has the huge advantage of a stable ABI.
You're one of the first people I've seen on here with any idea about winapi, I really like the meme where windows maps the current desktop object heap into anything with user32, so you can read the window titles of every process from your own memory space in usermode
I think that's how toolhelp32 works
The venn diagram of people that care about open source projects like this vs people that care about/are fans of apple are two circles that barely touch.
The free desktop foundation is probably most of the union area.
>QEMU gives me near native performance, as long as your hardware is powerful enough for it. General rule is that you should have at least double the hardware on your host system that would be required by the guest system.
That implies you actually get only 50% of native performance.
Yeah, I really enjoy working with winapi. I write cross-platform software and it is always easiest by far to write the Windows implementation. I don't get all the memes about winapi being garbage, I can only assume they've never actually written any software for Windows.
Are you retarded? It means that I get near native performance and use the extra power for the host OS and emulator software. You're pretty dim, aren't you?
What do you mean, given their popularity? Even in the desktop space they're only twice as popular as GNU. In all spaces combined they're a global joke, not even worthy of being said to be insignificant.
0.2 rupees were deposited in your poo account. Please go to the nearest loo to collect.
Nonfree software users were a mistake.
please tell me 1 OSX only application you want this for.
>1 billion active devices in the world running an Apple OS
>"global joke"
>not win32
>"easiest by far"
>not Cocoa
Sure thing kid.
>100 = 1b
huh...... appletards?
>forgot iphones and ipods that haven't fallen apart yet
Apple is a Lifestyle Product.
I like what I can do with winapi but I don't particularly like how inconsistent it is. But that's the price one pays for something that's grown over 30+ years and had untold numbers of different teams working on it adding new shit...
Raw window and GUI stuff is a bit of a pain but easily wrapped up by some lightweight classes in modern C++