Elf Earphones

For 1980 yen or 17.47 US Dollars, you, too could temporarily become the Elf of your Dreams by buying these Elf Earphones.


What do you say, Sup Forums? Are you up for it?

They look like bat ears

Fuck off, weeb


Elves are for [ ]

post the sound signature or fuck off knife-ears



>its another shitty shed-operation chink company comes to Sup Forums to shill their bollocks shit thread again




At least one person here got it right.

can't rape the willing
cough cough

> thanko.jp
> thanko yuo foro youro purchaso

Stop self-advertising. It's pathetic.

they look like some freakish hearing aids

fucking asians appropriating european culture

>tfw no elf wife

hugging tightly on stressful days

and nibble on their ears

That's some chuuni shit right there

that's how they look on a hot waifu with white hair. how do they look on a 350 pound male weeaboo with a dark brown buzzcut?

no, that's a rhetorical question. i don't really want to know.

Is this less or more autistic than cat ears?

alot more i think




>"Uuuuuuuu, they're sensitive, user"

it's more acoustic than them