Did anyone use this?
Did anyone use this?
I dream of this being true
No, but I ran NetBSD on my Dreamcast.
Is it true you fucking underage fag.
this guy...
you need to die
No, but I ran Gentoo on my Xbox.
I did end up getting everything needed to run Linux on my PS2, but didn't feel like it would be worth doing so, by that point a 300MHz MIPS box with 32M ram was pretty restrictive, and I had already gotten an Xbox at that point, which was more suitable for this purpose.
I'm currently bedridden and I don't own a laptop.
Good enough reason?
I hope you die of whatever illness you have.
It uses the old version 2 kernel, how much work would it be to upgrade it to a modern version?
>omg u use a phone u need 2 die!!!!!
lmao what a child
You just proved his point right, underage kid.
Meanie :(
I bought it, but never actually did anything with it. It took me almost 10 years to finally get a monitor that supported sync on green, but by that point, I wasn't that interested in running redhat on my ps2 anymore. I still have lots of suitable IDE drives sitting around for it.
kys phoneposter
now you know why the ps3 was able to run linux for a few years
I used it on the ps3. Wasn't the greatest but it worked. Was called yellow dog.
One guy actually wolf packed 16 of the original ps3 models because they were so cheap and powerful... To calculate black holes.
Then Sony cut it out of their firmware. And made subsequent models uber cheap and not as powerful.
It did exist for the ps2 but wasn't much faster than a solar powered calculator and took forever.
>He edits the image because he was losing
"version 2 kernel"
that would count anything from 2.0.0 (1996) through (2011)
my guess is it uses 2.4.x
boy you sure showed me
those damn people using cell phones
man what a bunch of losers amirite
When did this phoneposter meme come in?
The stock kernel was 2.2.1 and could be upgraded up, not sure how high. I wonder if it would be possible to upgrade it to 4.9 or higher and how much trouble it would be.
A group I was working with used a supercomputer made with ~1800 PS3s for sigint stuff. Was good shit
Phoneposters ruined Sup Forums though, so he has a point.
i would imagine it depends on if the ps2 hardware has foss/mainline driver/arch support or not, if it does, then you can probably compile new kernels on it pretty easily
if it depends on proprietary drivers, then you're probably stuck on old major versions
smartphone retards posting mobile links, thumbnails, and pictures caked in compression artifacts and watermarks
I swear these shitposters are only here because OP mentioned PS2.
Sup Forums has been around since everyone was using flip phones, jackass.
linux was ebin on the ps3 at the time you could use it
whats real fucking neato tho is all the crazy supercomputer shit that people were doing I think it was the us navy that had something retarded like 10k+ because it was the cheapest option to get something so powerful
>haha pwned that n00b get rekt Reddit
No, I've been meaning to install Black Rhino Linux though
you replied to yourself??
>no fappening
no anonymous XDDDD???
we are legion and we do not forgive lel lol :D
Yes. Not very useful.
what do you expect when the PS2 is older than most posters here
this existed solely so sony could classify ps2 as a computer for tax purposes
So was OtherOS
I'm posting from it right now 8^)
There's a polish Sup Forumsuy who used it as his main computer he used to post on /bst/ all the time, friendly bro. You should look for him there.
why aren't you dead yet, give me a reason for that you piece of shit phonefaggot
Im a phone poster. Yet ive been posting daily on Sup Forums since literally 2005.
There is nothing wrong with phoneposting. If you wanna sit at your desktop like a loser them be my guest bitch. I have other things to do and my NOTE is huge enough to not be hampered down. Of course, i dont use mobile view.
Literally 2005. Sorry but no gamergate piece of shit is gonna call me out ad a newfag. Sorry but that wont do. Mind you, 2005 was the year Sup Forums ddosed and raided my home forum with lemon party bullshit. They completely crashed the site. Our entire community was ruined and inaccessible for weeks thats how i discovered Sup Forums.
What where you even doing in 2005 kid? Graduating from kindergarten? I bet you joined after gamergate didn't?
Newsflash, ive payed my dues. I've been apart of history. Ive posted on Sup Forums via desktop PRE web 2.0. I've posted BEFORE the fucking captcha kid. Did you even know that was a thing? Do you know all those epic raids kids like you grew up hearing about? Guess what? I was on the front lines for all of them. I was fucking there. I battled. I stormed the pools of habbo. I spammed gaia online. I fought viciously against boxxy fags claiming her as queen. I opposed project chanology. I fucking FOUGHT for this site and all of you little shits were still in diapers sucking on mommies teets as i defended your freedoms. I made memes. I wrote copy pasta. Ive checked em. I got singles, doubles, now these are triples. I failed at the triforce. I succeeded. I knew better then to fuck with football. Fall out tree. NEDM. Brbsoup. I went to the old man's birthday, etc.
Now you are gonna give me shit because i post from a phone. Shut the fuck
You should know that im an oldfag just by the way i carry myself
What's the point?
Is this a pasta or what?
Phoneposting moved the barrier to entry down quite a bit, but shitposting wasn't worse before that, though more normies are here now.
IMO, mobile posting is not bad at all. Almost all techies are normies or gamers in the beginning ( no, not all are autists). I'm happy to see more of them familiarizing with my hobbies. Even I started to like computers when I got friends with a linux user back in 2006/2007.
t. autist mobile poster
You fell for the b8, m8.
I'm going to start using m. to trigger autists
Fuck autism, it's just annoying as fuck to be on a desktop and click a link to a website made for a cellphone.
Hey what's going on in this thread?
ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ ˢᵒᶰʸ ˣᵖᵉʳᶦᵃ ˣᵃ ˢᵐᵃʳᵗᵖʰᵒᶰᵉ
You're confused again. It's not mobile posting that's the problem, it's mobile posters.
99% of Sup Forums, including Sup Forums, was never good
"Good" is subjective. Regardless. Sup Forums, and all hte other boards I've browsed, were better objectively better a few years ago than they were today
>tfw you're going down with the ship
>tfw that's not true, the ship's at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and somehow managing to sink even lower
Why don't Sony and Microsoft allow to install Linux or Windows on the PS4 and Xbox One?
They could have the greatest selling computers if you could install an OS on it and sell it with a mouse and keyboard and dual boot between console and OS. Are they just afraid of piracy?
Are you an failed >an hero
Itt. Being Virgin and proud
It's time to leave you disgusting mobileposter
What objective measures are you using?
What was gamergate again?
The amount of fucking bullshit
Do you have an objective way to measure bullshit?
It leads to piracy, you can run linux on ps4 if you're savvy!
Yes, on a scale of 0 to 1. A few years ago it hit 1, and has somehow climbed even higher.
2009 here
I can't imagine another 4 years here
Please leave for your own good
You can tell by your replies this place is scorched earth
>reddit spacing
>been here since 2005
Yeah, okay buddy.
Maybe they should put in a cheap low power CPU with really shitty integrated graphics just for the OS and not allow the OS to use the console GPU to prevent people from playing games on Linux or Windows.
dump frogposter
>You should know that im an oldfag just by the way i carry myself
This pasta is an instant classic.
The US Air Force built a supercomputer out of 1,760 PS3's
I'm trying to ask you what you are measuring.
You're dancing around because you haven't measured anything.
It is, saw it on Sup Forums one time.
Tax payer money well spent.
Mobile posting is for people that actually have jobs and lives and can't afford to sit in moms basement on the gay men machine all day.
I'd say so
>At a total cost of about $2 million, the AFRL estimates the cluster costs something like five to 10 percent of equivalent computers built from scratch. It also consumes just 10 percent of the power.
Dumb Maki poster.
Wow, as smartphones got less shitty, more people started using them to browse Sup Forums, who would have thought
>when game consoles were actually good
>didnt need shit load of updates
>games were not unfinished shit
where did everything go so wrong after ps2 and the competitors of it, ps2 was awesome
If that were the case one would expect to see much slower curves of increasing usage (like the pre-gamergate growth), not large spikes or stair-climbing.
Only a someone from reddit would mistake the correct formatting of paragraphs as something from reddit. You sir have simultaneously confirmed your redditness and your stupidity
you are a phoneposter, therefore you must leave
large, permanent storage + always-on broadband internet = feasability to patch games easily and cheaply, which in turn makes it easier to devs to rush things out and "fix it later"
there's no huge recall+remanufacture needed to fix a console game like back in the day, the risk is far lower
That's what the PS3 did.
So if piracy isn't the problem, why don't they allow people to install Linux anymore?
And i mean a proper implementation not an unofficial workaround on the PS4.
and yet all we get is unfinished shit and DLC ridden crap games, not many modern games appeal to me. maybe because im getting older, i dont know man but PS2 has a special place in my heart, this console was awesome and a big part of my teenager age, and modern shit just doesnt appeal to me anymore when it comes to games
Call the firefighters! This man's ass is burning!
>since 2005
lmao how are things going at the retirement home grandpa
if you are over the age of 25 and still visit this shithole unironically, may god have mercy on your soul
There was a class action lawsuit against Sony when they announced they would void your warranty if you installed Linux on the PS3. Not sure why they changed their minds like that.
There's a 300+ reply thread on /vr/ right now saying why that generation was the beginning of the end.
same, i didn't even get a 360 or ps3
those just pushed me more towards older systems and games, which i've found to be much more interesting
I've measured the amount of bullshit.
I've never been to reddit. I do know that formatting posts that way is quite annoying though. And no, that's not correct formatting. You don't switch between single and double spacing.
>You sir
Go back
pretty sure they said that because they were bleeding money with companies and the navy buying so many PS3s
>games were not unfinished shit
There were lots of games released with gamebreaking bugs especially on PS2.
How many layers of newfaggotry are you on
Use a redirect plugin. Stop being so autistic.
I shouldn't have to.
>phone poster
theres nothing wrong with mobile versions
they work better on the experimental browsers