Hey Sup Forums, what are some shitty Linux distros so that I could point and laugh at?
Terrible Linux Distros
Other urls found in this thread:
all of them
Gentoo und all *buntu
every distro that uses systemd
all of them
the ones that have a floppy pussy.
Any except Slackware.
Ubuntu satanic edition
unlike the Sup Forumstards trying to be edgy in this thread I'm an actual linux user and have been for many years.
When it comes to all distros no matter if they're alive or not, my worst of all time is mandriva. It just failed to work so hard.
Between the living ones, Korora. It takes something awful (Fedora) and makes it even worse. Jesus Christ.
arch and anything based on it
Hannah Montana Linux
Apartheid Linux
Ubuntu Satanic Edition
Damn Vulnerable Linux
I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.
Why did you quote my post retard
I just said arch, arch derivatives, void, and debian were shit.
nothing wrong with arch (except systemd, I guess) or void
aka "look mom, I'm a hackerman now!!1"
I think you are a little confused as to where you are, buddy. This is not /informatics/, this is /legos/. Also, did you read OP? Why the Fuck would you expect serious replies to that?
Coming from a Sup Forums faggot, I don't think you get to even shit talk skiddies.
I came here to laugh at you. What do you use?
Mint, Damn Vulnerable Linux (on purpose)
To send you Sup Forums faggots home: Vidya and game design isn't CS, buddy. ;)
>Sup Forums technology
>Shit tier thread about operating systems
What does this have to do with Sup Forums, vidya, game design or cs?
It is only the Sup Forumsictims who don't actually understand technolo/g/y and you tell this from their posts.
I'm gonna puke.
RHEL, Gentoo, Manjaro, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch, Slackware, LFS
thank ms skeltal
is there a weeb linux or something?
Yeah it's called Linux
That doesn't even make sense, you faggot.
Burger Buntu
Arch Deluxe
>game dev isn't CS
>probably the biggest market where top notch programming happen outside the academics
Sure buddy, keep in denial.
Sup Forums is technology, vidya IS tech related as we here talk shit about dev not muh graphics/gameplay or how to beat X/Y/Z.
Fuck off retarded and go treat your austim
stay mad :^)
>Using prepackaged tools is computer science.
No it isn't, otherwise we'd call plumbers chemical engineers and electricians electrical engineers.
They aren't and you aren't a computer scientist.
You've more akin with graphic designers and other 'digital' artists than you do with computer science or STEM.
Fuck off you denialist faggot, wake up and treat your spastic diplegia.
Microsoft Windows
Computer Science is applied mathematics
>it's not bait if I say it's bait
The worst are windows, mac os, and solus.
Do NOT bully the skeletal
Christ, she's disgusting.
It is.
How is this bait?
cyka blyat vodka putin
It is a good word.
She looks like a monster from Skyrim.
thats not skyrim though you fucking casual
T2 is a terrible broken distro.
*teleports behind you*
Is it a pentesting OS, or anonimity based security?
no idea, just found their web page somehow and thought it was funny, reminds me of geocities era sites
Wingdings is math
>>game dev isn't CS
By no definition of these words are they even remotely similar.
Game development is mostly "art" and programming.
CS is applying mathematical techniques to Modells of computers to understand them better.
CS has very little to do with programming, you do not need to go to university to learn how to program.
Te fact this actually exists
elementary OS
It's pretty dank IMO
I find your lack of faith in the dark lord disturbing young-ling
Don't forget Moebuntu and TempleOS
b-but I want to hack my schools wifi :((
Looks like you installed bloatware.
Good speeds for me and this HDD is old.
Pic related
*buntu and all other bloated distros
Any distro that is just Ubuntu or Debian with some preinstalled packages
Every distro except Debian and Slackware.
So manjaro is good then. thanks Sup Forums
Mint, Slackware, SteamOS, Arch, elementary, deepin, LXLE, Ultimate Linux, Netrunner.
Alright, I'll take the bait. How is Slackware shitty? What is a good distro in your opinion?
All those useless distros that nobody uses like
- PcLinuxOS
- Frugalware
- Sorcerer Linux
- Mageia
- OpenMandriva
- Rosa
- elementary OS
- Bodhi
- Black Lab
- SparkyLinux
etc etc
why do they even exist? The devs would be better off contributing to existing, big distros and help improve them. Or fix bugs in existing programs instead
dependency resolution
When I remove a package, will slapt-get remove unneeded dependencies?
And who developed thes prepackaged tools? Who did the R&D before monkeys play with magical bricks in their neeto unreal engine interface? Surely some people who hate games, am I right?
You're so fucking clueless, it's disturbing..
dunno/who cares
This is why nobody uses your meme distribution. People expect basic functionality from a package system.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
why is slackware good ?
why is it better than arch ?
archfag here btw
>Surely some people who hate games, am I right?
Programmers develop these tools. Game developers are mostly NOT programmers.
Also CS and programming are completely different things.
And the analogy made was very fitting.
>Being this dumb
CS is not programming. Go look up CS on Wikipedia.
It's a parody of Ubuntu Christian Edition, which is actually serious.
The thing that is wrong with Arch is that its a toy where the devs give zero fucks about anything.
>the pic
>the question
You are pathetic, OP. Install Aloonix so that it can point and laugh at you.
2spooky for me
that thigh gap is bigger than my future
I'm from a cunt where we also use Informatics. "Informatics" makes more sense but it just doesn't roll of the tongue like CS unfortunately
manjaro and elementary
all *-based distros , arch, slackware, fedora, lfs
debian and centos are decent
gentoo is still the best
Red Star OS
She needs 3 big fat oily half pounders, her weight's worth of fries, and a 2 litre bottle of non-died coke to be human. This is what capitalism is making people do - act like zoo animals and prostrate themselves to heartless human beings wanting to be entertained. This is just one of the consequences of having a free market for companies - human beings are exploited/exploit themselves under both the socioeconomic circumstances and the pressure of corporations to yield profit by supplying non-busy workers entertainment. And of course the corporations earn a part of the profit in this diabolical circle of futility, stagnation and decay, both in general and of the cultural values upon which every society has formed and evolved. However, to comply is to be a part of the problem. Comrades, raise your hammers in the air an be heard! Spread the values that a system based on Marxism yields and build a future where physical labor will be a thing of the past and mental labor, light entertainment and research shall be used to further the reach of human beings!
i want to take this bitch to popeyes and get her some emergency chicken asap