Is c++ the master rice?

is c++ the master rice?

unless you have low IQ, of course.

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C++ is for indian brainlets that think they are too smart for Java.

what language isn't for pajeets?

>learn C++
>now work 100 hours a week for 60k/year as a game dev
Thanks Sup Forums.

>unless you have low IQ, of course.
there is nothing hard in c++ to understand. just tedious manual work that every above-average pajeet could do. wasting the time of genius programmers with a language like c++ is literally setting back humanity. might as well write everything in assembly just to look cool and save milliseconds.




Then what languages should the genius programmers be using?

Couldn't be further from the truth. Everyone and their mother can write C.

I like python because I learnt it in a week and it got me a cushy job at work where I don't really have to do anything

Except for C++ tards


It's less like its Masterrace and more like its one of the few legitimate choices for a language

>Maximum ease of use

One for each of those, then assembly

Arguing between Haskell and CPP is pointless, but between CPP and C# isn't, coding isn't one dimensional but it sure as hell isnt 3 dimensional either.

haskell is dead who gives a fuck

The only reason C++ is still alive is because Microsoft shills it

>implying Qt isn't by far the best toolkit for desktop applications in the market.

>now work 100 hours a week for 60k/year as a game dev


languages that take the least amount of time to implement an idea. this rules out c++, javascript, and heavily hints at the likes of python, java, and c#. maybe some c for the psychos who handle lower stuff.

I wonder why no one forks Qt instead of GTK
Oh wait, it's an unusable garbage

That's like a fortune for indians

Why do you retards think this shit matters?
You use the language appropiate for the task/job, you fucking retards think anyone cares about language. I have been hired multiple times intending to work with a framework/language that I have never used before.
Jesus christ you fucking NEETs are shameful.

Hours and wage?

I get £15 an hour mon-fri 9/5


The mere existence of Rust contradicts your non-argument.

fellow britfag here: do you have a degree in comp science?

>plain ol textual interface from plan9's clib
It's bloat and it's disgusting. It's just raping the poor corpse of C. You know you fucked up when objective C is objectively better. /

C. Scheme. Erlang.

no I worked in customer care then just did some basic neat things for the company and showed my boss

I have job writing C and C++. Pays good. There is no reason not to write anything in C or C++. I only sometimes prototype things in bash scripts or python since using the interpreter makes things quicker to try out and you can modify the script directly on systems that don't have build environments.

But eventually everything I write is C or C++ because they're more deterministic, less error prone, higher performance than any other languages. Its also easier than most other languages to create a portable binary, only other language I say beats that is golang. And C++11 have pretty much all the features of most other languages, std sets / maps, auto variables and iteration makes it just as fast to develop.

Its also faster to develop software in C or C++ because there is more compile time errors than other languages, like in python where a typo can "just werk" when run but produces garbage results making debugging extremely hard (like "true" vs "True").

C++ has a ton of shit features, yes, but you are never forced to use every feature. You can write excellent code following an overall C-style design while using convenient C++ features when they are useful. Using C++ is like having a massive toolbox where you can use the best tool for the job. People only run into problems when they get too carried away in using every little C++ feature or being overly concerned about doing things "the C++ way" or obsessing over proper OOD implementations.

C++ is the ultimate programming language. Everything else is for scrubs.

But even uneducated warehouse workers can earn that.

yeh but they dont get to sit in a trendy office all day (:

>everyone shits on C++
>game engines are written in C++
>that time Jon Carmack went to NASA to tell them what they do is easy shit and video games is way harder than space and shit

Fair enough, now go negotiate more money ya wanker


Machine code OP. It is the master race because it came first, no computer or language can run without it. Efficient and organized. Nobody ever said the master race of programming needed to be handwritten. Prove me wrong Sup Forums.

And what did you do with your python skills, user?

just wrote a script to batch manipulate a bunch of images, could've done it i in bash desu

>just wrote a script to batch manipulate a bunch of images, could've done it i in bash desu

Top kek, why would you need to manipulate images in your job.

I manage a inventory and instead of juggling the papers around the Office like a fucking circus i just wrote a VBA Script that takes the independent entries and E-Mails the results of several sortings and listings to the different Depts.

color forth

Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to sharpen sticks.
Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark.
There are only two things wrong with C++: The initial concept and the implementation.
C++ has its place in the history of programming languages. Just as Caligula has his place in the history of the Roman Empire.
C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.
C++ is like jamming a helicopter inside a Miata and expecting some sort of improvement.
C++ is the only current language making COBOL look good.
C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.
C++: Simula in wolf’s clothing.
C++ will do for C what Algol-68 did for Algol.
Historically, languages designed for other people to use have been bad: Cobol, PL/I, Pascal, Ada, C++. The good languages have been those that were designed for their own creators: C, Perl, Smalltalk, Lisp.
I consider C++ the most significant technical hazard to the survival of your project and do so without apologies.
If C++ has taught me one thing, it’s this: Just because the system is consistent doesn’t mean it’s not the work of Satan.
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor and when was the last time you needed one? – Tom Cargill
I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.
It has been discovered that C++ provides a remarkable facility for concealing the trival details of a program – such as where its bugs are.
Java is, in many ways, C++–.
Java, the best argument for Smalltalk since C++.
PL/I and Ada started out with all the bloat, were very daunting languages, and got bad reputations (deservedly).

C++ has shown that if you slowly bloat up a language over a period of years, people don’t seem to mind as much.
The last good thing written in C++ was the Pachelbel Canon.
To me C++ seems to be a language that has sacrificed orthogonality and elegance for random expediency.
Whenever the C++ language designers had two competing ideas as to how they should solve some problem, they said, “OK, we’ll do them both”. So the language is too baroque for my taste.
Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out.

Major-Willard} C++ damages the brain … – EWD
C++ is the best example of second-system effect since OS/360.
C++ is an insult to the human brain – Niklaus Wirth

All new features added to C++ are intended to fix previously new features added to C++ – David Jameson
C++: glacial compiles, insane complexity, impenetrable errors, laughable cross-platform compat, basically useless tools.
Life is too long to know C++ well.
If you like C++, you don’t know C++. There’s a mutual exclusion going on here, and I’ve yet to see a counter-example other than possibly a few of the members of the standards committee.
*Oh, definitely. C++ may not be the worst programming language ever created, but without a doubt it’s the worst ever to be taken seriously.
C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung.
I think maybe the guy who invented C++ doesn’t know the difference between increment and excrement.
C++ is more of a rube-goldberg type thing full of high-voltages, large chain-driven gears, sharp edges, exploding widgets, and spots to get your fingers crushed. And because of it’s complexity many (if not most) of it’s users don’t know how it works, and can’t tell ahead of time what’s going to cause them to loose an arm.

C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.
I believe C++ instills fear in programmers, fear that the interaction of some details causes unpredictable results. Its unmanageable complexity has spawned more fear-preventing tools than any other language, but the solution should have been to create and use a language that does not overload the whole goddamn human.
I may be biased, but I tend to find a much lower tendency among female programmers to be dishonest about their skills, and thus do not say they know C++ when they are smart enough to realize that that would be a lie for all but perhaps 5 people on this planet.
C++ is a language strongly optimized for liars and people who go by guesswork and ignorance.
c++ is a pile of crap.
With C++, it’s possible to make code that isn’t understandable by anyone, with C, this is very hard.
Whenever I solve a difficult problem with C++, I feel like I’ve won a bar fight.
C is C++ without BS.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell
How many of you are actually employed in software dev?

>why would you need to manipulate images in your job
basically customers always send in photos that are big in filesize so the managers make the employees resize all the images manually lol, i just made a script for it and got promoted

I love C++ and use it on a daily basis, so I can not provide objective commentary on a comparison between it and other programming languages.

You do know that links are a thing, right?

not at all. I'm a hobbyist who has the time and natural curiosity to, at my own pace, learn explore and unravel things that would have you punching your coffee-stained desktop under a row of fluorescent lights in your 3'x3' cubicle. I guess I'm sorry for having it so good, but then again I guess I only have you and your tax paying buds to thank

after all I live off benefits


>t. brainlet



Holy fuck how will C peepee ever recover

C++ doesn't have and never will have async IO

English for one

I thougth they shilled c#?

As little C++ as needed while sticking to C. The classes from C++ for example. The amount of loops you have to jump through to do class style things in pure c is a mess.


>All new features added to C++ are intended to fix previously new features added to C++ – David Jameson
lol, this so much

> Official language of India
We're fucked lads

C++ has many useful features
It also has many awful design choices.
If you're a C programmer working alone with a reasonable capacity for criticism, you can find many features without falling into some of the traps. It's walking on eggshells until you're very familiar with it all.
But you're rarely working alone and you're rarely working with people as smart as you. Some nigger will do something retarded that breaks your whole project, or uses some dodgy OOP design pattern that leaves everything tightly coupled and unmaintainable, and then you're fucked.

>I just made a vba script
As someone who routinely yanks crap like this out of production because it's always an unmaintained mess, fuck you.

C++ is a pajeet language

I want to learn c++ but I find the language tedious. Should I just sedoku?

C++ is a complicated language. What's tedious though, the code you're writing or the language's complex feature list?

the complexity of it

C++ is anything but a pajeet language.
It's the language of going fast.

Do you know C already?

no should I go back? I was told to just go ahead and start with c++

Personally, I would avoid C++ until you're good at both C and Java.

C# is the language of choice of white supremacists

Here where I live they pay 50% more for c++ junior first job than for java first job, both with 0 documented experience.

>All C++ compilers can incorporate C
>All C compilers can incorporate assembly
>Thus C++ compilers can incorporate C
No reason to use anything else outside of edge cases

Why will a unique_ptr not be implicitly converted to a raw pointer?

At least it's been deprecated in C++17. ;_;

That would kill its purpose.

That's like saying the & operator kills the purpose of stack objects.

That's not even remotely the same. I don't necessarily agree with the idea, but the C++ comitee wanted to have a notion of ownership of resources in the language and that's how unique and shared pointers were brought to life. C pointers are kind of numb, they don't give you any hints.

It's exactly the same. I want to pass non-owning pointers to objects as function parameters. That's why unique_ptr::get exists.

Shit, you're right, it's been too long since I last wrote code.

Everything is made to make your life easier.
If you think it doesn't, then read the documentation again.
When you are learning, you should implement data structures and stuff you know how should work in order to get comfortable with the language.
When you do this, you realize others have made the same thing as you and there is a reason for the interfaces.
Then you use those tools others have built because using a common library makes it easier to read for other people.
Think of it as tools in a toolbox.
You learn the tools so you can solve problems, but at some point you just have to build something.
There is so many things you probably don't need so unless you are focusing on learning this aspect, wait until it is relevant.

If you can read documentation and then solve your problem, you know the language.

C, Perl and lisp

If you're gonna do any C, may as well drop the ++.
I personally write C# for a living, but now I am currently working on a project in C.

Completely different languages.

Implicitly converting anything undermines the strength of the type system. It would be senseless given that smart pointers were added to the standard to make error-prone memory management more structured and enforceable by the compiler. If you're going to wrap something in a unique pointer just to hand it off to another function that can free it or store outside of its intended scope, you're opting out of its primary benefit. That should be done rarely and explicitly.