Weaponized ISPs

Word is spreading that CNN, which is owned by Time Warner, got a reddit users IP from their mods, and with their relation to Time Warner, got his identity.

Then extorted him to apologize or be revealed.

This is huge, and we don't even know its the only time it has happened.

VPNs may not even truly protect you if the ISP can connect the dots over time, with time stamps.

Holy shit, CNN just weaponized ipv4

Other urls found in this thread:


>hack neighbors wifi
>use it

why not this?

>Literally infringing constitutional rights.
What the fuck?

So now you have to commit a crime in order to keep vertical monopolies from extorting you for propaganda gain? Goddamn

That sounds pretty illegal.

Was reading this earlier:

The difference in narrative is significant.

>What is Mullvad?
There are solid VPNs, besides, you shouldn't JUST be using a VPN.
You should be using as many levels of abstraction as possible.

that's how you get arrested

Well, no so much that as violating customer privacy in order to help out the agenda of another owned corperation.

I think this is something so vile that it pisses off all internet users regardless of political alignment

Nothing to see here goy, go back to sleep.

Oh my god. I knew CNN was shit, but damn.

the funny part was the guy immediately apologized
if trump used one of my images and cnn came after me for it I'd post images of myself naked with my guns on Sup Forums again

If there was ever a time when h4ck71v15m was needed, that time would be now.

Yet more people trust CNN than they do Trump.



lmao this is hilarious

Just say you have a weak wifi password and the neighbor's kid must have hacked it and used it to shitpost or something.

>Using identifying information that "HanA**holeSolo" posted on Reddit, KFile was able to determine key biographical details, to find the man's name using a Facebook search and ultimately corroborate details he had made available on Reddit.

Wow, it's fucking nothing. Retards spreading personal information under stupid usernames.

(((Jon Cohen)))
oy vey

TWC is now owned by Spectrum/Charter, BUT ATT is trying to merge with Time Warner right now so CNN could maybe have pulled strings either with old contacts in Time Warner Cable, OR future owners of ATT UVerse.

They could have said some BS about "one of your customers is spreading hate speech online, possibly violating "terms of service" tell us who he is".

Assuming they didn't just have to snap fingers for it.

Joke's on them bc I got nothing to lose left

(((Donald Trump)))

stupid redditor

I don't understand what the problem is? You are under no promise of security from reddit of all places. They could dox their entire community and it's all legal. It's how they combated the creepshot subreddit by outing the creeps, or at least the moderator.

The internet and ipv4 is fucking dead.

Meshnet time.


You do have some premise of security that your ISP wont rat you to CNN, hell if it was the govt with a warrant maybe.

You're never enough of a good goy.
You can try but you'll never fit in.

trumplets btfo

>Posts dumb racists shit on a reddit account linked to his facebook account.
>Immedieately bends the knee when he realizes /reddit, /pol and fb are not anonymous and they sell all your data.

Go back to your Sup Forumsreddit circlejerk with this shit.

He deserves all this shit.


He does, but its also another look into how these media machines operate when pushed.

They've violated NY law according to wikileaks

He deserves the whole lot of nothing that he got.

> This is huge
how to spot a Sup Forums shitter 101

I really hope so, I'd love to see some litigation Gawker-esque occur.

>Unironically defending CNN here
I'd say go back to communist russia but pravda had the decency to be subtle when they publicly blackmailed people.

ProtonVPN through tor is a better option

No, they threatened to reveal who he was and publicly defame him if he didn't apologize.

What CNN/Time Warner did here is all KINDS of fucked up and illegal. Even reddit's in shit for giving away a user's IP address like this.

>weaponized ipv4
You're not wrong, but is "ipv4" there to say that ipv6 would have protected them? I thought it was the same shit but with more numbers and a pants on deadbeef retarded shorthand notation.

>bending the knee so fast

Lmao, what a fag. If I'd created some stupid pro-trump meme and CNN got so assblasted about it they threatened me, I'd just spread that around as much as possible.

Russia is our great ally and I would side with based Russia than Eurocucks any day.

The dude must have had more at stake than a neet living in his mom's basement

Yeah, he was a NEET living in his mom's garage. :^)

>literally blackmail, guy didn't lawyer up and retire on $2 billion settlement

added to List Of Things: Never Happened / 10

Yeah I dont believe that, we would have found it first like always if it was that easy.

>Defending a racist /pol /reddit /facebook poster.
>CNN is data mining and collecting peoples info.
>Reddit never gave any info on the guy.
>FB never gave any info on the guy.
>/pol never gave any info on the guy
>CNN is the mastermind behind all of this media circus

IP in general is fucked

Whats the issue is the lack of ISP choices and the ISP's being connected to propaganda outlets like CNN

literally this
the reddit guy is the world's biggest loser right now for not telling cnn to fuck off and getting a lawyer
he wouldn't even need to pay, the guy would be salivating for this case
easily get contingency fee going and walk away with millions
this reeks of bullshit

>sueing CNN and reddit
do you know how expensive that would be, to find a lawyer even willing to take such a case?

also, you're forgetting the part where its probably legal because ISPs can do anything they fucking want in America

this is the golden egg that lawyers live for and would easily use a contingency fee basis and get paid after eveything

>They could have said some BS about "one of your customers is spreading hate speech online, possibly violating "terms of service" tell us who he is".

It's me mystery user to tell you AT&T at least would tell them to fuck off.

Consider the ramifications of AT&T even giving the appearance of handing out private data in the absence of a subpoena or DHS order and if you don't believe they can be ethical about it believe in how that would impact FCC view of their upcoming Time Warner acquisition in a Trump presidency.

This is between CNN, Reddit, and the user only.

His personal information is literally open to the public. That's not doxxing.

straight shot blackmail+defamation case = raining benjamin for the guy and attorney

>this is the golden egg that lawyers live for
he would've been contacted by dozens of lawyers by now then.

polls said hillary had a 99% chance of winning

which is why everything smells so fucking fishy
cnn is really ballsy or this is more FAKE NEWS


See here is what happens, someone at an ISP tells CNN by secure phone line who it is, then CNN has an anonymous source, and that's that. They can make up whatever bs about using facebook or whatever after the fact.

(((Right wing parties)))
Face it, its the truth. Jews are always one step ahead

I thought /r/t_d and Sup Forums were so big they could flip all online polls?

>after the fact
You've watched too many Law & Order episodes. ;)

Oh no! We have to protect that poor redditor at all cost!

But technically, nobody knows this kid's name, so he can't be contacted by dozens of lawyers.

What's the has to do with ISP? That kid literally posted his info on reddit and fb

This isn't another CNN staged shit? so they can "scare that Sup Forums green frog hacker"

They can contact him on reddit

This goes for anything, CNN or some major connected news outlet gets your IP, gets it "anonymously sourced" to them who is associated with said IP, and your goose is cooked.

>Not muddying the waters by roleplaying a fake alter ago with a different gender/age/career/location than your IRL self and confusing the hell out of any investigators

>Not deleting your account and creating a new one with a new alter ego every month

Why do people think the admins were involved? Doxxing from post history is easy.

Or you can just be a redditor that connected your real name to your shitposting handle

>reddit normie with his actual name on goybook posts identifying information tying his goybook to his reddit account on reddit
>wow cnn is like hacking an isp and blackmailing them through coercion and violating his civil rights he should sue them right fellow based magapedes

U-uhm... Kerry... if that even is your r-real name... c-can y-y-you p-please delete t-those nudes? :'(

As a deafblind transgender Zimbabwean basket weaver who immigrated to Denver, Colorado at the age of 11 to open a Trappist brewery, I agree.

Except when that happens usually some one here, or anywhere, gets the info prior to a news outlet, THEN the news outlet finds out. This is totally suspicious

this is my opinion

Maybe they are playing 5D chess and made the gif themselves

Maybe they're playing 10D chess:
>Had Trump run for office.
>Turn media outrage against him to spark a faux-populist uprising.
>Act outraged when he won to further divide and conquer.
>Keep pressing this narrative, ever increasing his power within his cabals.
>Create the GIF as part of this plan.
>Release the GIF.
>Trump uses the GIF, spreading it further.
>'Dox' the 'real' creator to maximise public/populist outrage.

>talk shit get hit
seems about right

Corporations can do whatever they want.

I don't like Trump but how is threatening someone who made a satirical video and different to how Muslim extremists threatened newspaper cartoonists?

is it okay to threaten people if you're rich or something?

Reminder everything posted on this site is satire, & parody.

>Holy shit, CNN just weaponized ipv4
have you ever looked at the composition of CNN? it's 95% jewish or something. from execs down to reporters... it's all jews. and they just love calling you anti-semitic.

welcome to capitalism

No, these (((people))) should face as many years of prison as possible for blackmailing an individual. I should be able to express my opinion loud and clear, fear be with those in power.

There's no reason to believe they found his Facebook from posting history.

How the fuck did cnn find out his real name just using his reddit name?

I didn't say otherwise you fucking retard.
Also, naïve idealism is all very well and good, but the real world is vastly different to your headspace and actually requires precautions and tools.
>See Machiavelli's realpolitik.

>when is about net neutrality
"lmao companies should be able to do whatever they like MAGA"
>when said companies fuck you in the ass

Be congruent trumplets.

Exactly, I'm not buying their story.

That's doable, just google the username and see what happens, but what I do NOT believe is that CNN somehow did it before we did; everytime this happens, the internet hivemind finds the name prior to some slow moving media group.

This is fishy.

The whole thing is STAGED HAS FUCK

no this is extortion you dumbass
we don't live in anarchy, there are laws
capitalism barely functions in the modern US of Corporatism

Why would magapedes target their own guy?

>showed his remorse
what the fuck, it's a logo over a face in a gif

even vox is calling this blackmail

This is backpeddling because the first one paints them in a bad light

>Trump and Republicans try to kill net neutrality and FCC laws in order to to allow ISPs to sell user data to the highest corporate bidders

>Trump? Then it must be good! He can't do any thing bad! Since it's Trump it's even a good thing then :p

>CNN does X

Just stop already, after what Trump and Republicans did, you will have to learn that internet privacy isn't a right anymore, it's a privilege. If you can't find ways to protect yourself, it's your own damn fault.

Probably because the reddit admins are massive powertrip faggots like that. From what I've seen, they do everything they can to shut up that part of reddit. However, while I entertain the idea seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if CNN just found out through whatever methods they usually use in investigative journalism. Either way, CNN needs to be burned to the fucking ground financially so that they can never utter another jewish lie from their mouths ever again.

>mfw people complain about ISP snooping while using facebook and google, the largest privacy violating botnets in the world

>Net neutrality
>Anything to do with selling of customer info