The more poor the country more women pick up CS

the more poor the country more women pick up CS.
the more developed the country becomes, the less women pickup CS.

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>you mean I just need to sleep with someone to make him buy me shit?

adversity breeds strength
prosperity breeds weakness

my country is poor as fuck and practically no women study CS.

probably no men either

That's correct, if you consider India more developed than USA.

India is gonna surpass US in GDP by 2030

Dunno about 2030 but it will sometime this century only because of a larger population.
In terms of its foundation, it's still a country with economic, scientific, and political culture far behind the US.

India already produces half of all scientific papers, and its democracy more legitimate than that of US

>its democracy (x) more legitimate than that of (y) US
complete the blanks or

India produces half of all scientists who submit papers because they LIVE in the US.

They're all going back


Funny how you can trigger americucks with the inevitable and simple fact that India is gonna beat US in less than 15 years.

As China shows, volume means nothing if the study is counterfeit or complete junk.

I laughed so hard. Sure they are. Did Sundar Pichay or Satya announced any plans of reverting back to shitting on the streets? I'm not even an American but that's too funny.
The only way they're going back is if Trump sends them back and that's exactly why he shouldn't do it. But he's an idiot so who knows?
GDP total, maybe, not per capital. You'll still be piss-poor at that point. Who cares that a number is bigger than some other number when you'll still live in the slums?
Again, not an American, just pointing out the facts.

Wow spent 34 mins watching a video for a 20sec segment(fuck you dipshit but thanks) telling me that people in 3rd world countries are desperate for jobs so they'll take anything. Hence women in typically male dominated roles. Because !st world women have the freedom to choose the jobs they want
>Gender pay gap only in 1st world countries.
really makes me think

You wont be laughing when India and China decide the time is ripe for conquest

You cannot be serious. Most Asian academic papers are not seen as credible at Anglophone HE Institutions.

I haven't seen many female congolese or eritrean developers...

I suspect these countries (I'm assuming you mainly mean Eastern Europe and some parts of Asia) just place more of an emphasis on maths and CS for all school pupils.

I am from eastern Europe and I have seen final HS exams from germany and other countries, theirs is more complex and difficult.
Also cs women meme is just that, pretty much all intelligent females who had good grades at school either went to get some sort of biology/chemistry degree, or business management.
All the dorks who did shit at school except computers (me included) went into CS, all alphas who also had good grades business managemt or similar.

they are below the threshold of affordable computing

because niggers are just too dumb

From the UK but that story sounds v familiar.

Lots of my douchebag peers never needed to learn any skills and just got jobs at the companies their parents worked at or large sums of money for to get their own businesses up and running.

Back to the topic at hand: it's kinda hard to compare international exam results. Finland always tops the intl. league tables but their exams are piss easy.

The sad part about it is that not even these women exist anymore. Modern women want dudes who will support and appreciate them regardless of what they provide for the relationship.

See? you learned something new today motherfucker

I think I have a new fetish

islamic state doesn't count

That was a nice video to watch, thanks!


>a couple billion indian/Chinese soldiers with minimal training and absolutes shit equipment, to the point where some of them don't even carry weapons
>well equipped american and NATO involved country's troops with F16's and shit

I think its just gonna turn into shooting gallery fun time for us.

Anyone got sauce on that?


Muslim countries generally have more women studying CS than men. Iran is 60% women and Qatar is 80% women enrolled in the university.