>salam alaikum brother.
>my name is rajesh and the boss said you would train me to do your job for your last few days.
how do you respond?
Salam alaikum brother
Other urls found in this thread:
Understand that he's my senior and follow his directions. Or
Be an edgy Sup Forumsbabby and quit --so I can retain Sup Forums's NEET status
>post some random indonesian guy
get your eyes checked
Teach him everything wrong and say that it's "by the books" , when he screws up beyond repair I get rehired. You can't jew me, pal.
You're supposed to be training him to replace him. Reading comprehension.
I would comply and if he requests head I will give it too.
t. female
>a salam alaikum
shut the fuck up trappy
brb calling my union
that guy does not look indian. are you retarded?
Use the fucking odoo forum you pakistani nigger
Well he sure doesn't look white and that's all that matters.
I'm not a muslim, rajesh isn't a muslim name, why the fuck are you greeting me with that pisslam shit?
>being white
>placing this much faith in melanin production
If whites are supposed to be so clever, why are you so fucking stupid?
Check. Mate.
Tell him to go fuck himself, I don't have a job.
>If whites are supposed to be so clever, why are you so fucking stupid?
>he thinks ad hominem is a good argument
>They don't say it like that in Pakistan, India; Malaysia or Indonesia.
>His name wouldn't be Rajesh.
>He's Indonesian, probably Javanese, not Indian.
Try again.
Pick one. Sup Forumstards need to leave
>salam alaikum
setup some canaries and train him badly while updating my resume and watching twitch.
if an h1b takes your job, you weren't doing anything productive anyway.
>what are pakis
>what is universal muslim greeting
Are you really this unironically stupid?
>What are dialects of Arabic?
>Why are some dialects of Arabic almost intelligible to another speaker of Arabic with a different dialect?
you're both clueless and retarded kys
I have an Indonesian Muslim girlfriend, you fucking pricko.
I know more about the subject than you. :^)
gas yourself
Fuck off Pajeet
Race mixing ftw. ;)
Train him wrong as a joke.
salami alakum my brother
"Dont behead me bro"
It's a data point
Wonder what kind of weird MKUltra nigger management hired and fuck off in that instant since the place will be crawling with CIAniggers within days
pls repeat after me my dear friend
Welcome to forestry 101. Grab the saw and hold on for dear life.
Shake his hand with your left.
Poo in the loo, Rajesh.
Nice shitpost retard kys
>All of the triggered H1B Rajeshis in the thread
Wow, look at them pour out of the woodwork
Well, actually that was more of an ad personam argument
Explain everything in the most complicated manner , he will get lost and quit. They tried to get a turk to do part of my job but he failed to do it.
>t.belectronics bengeneer
wa alaikum salam rajesh. first, you should do a toilet training.