What the fuck are you going to do when 2020 comes?

What the fuck are you going to do when 2020 comes?

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And what happens in 2020?

Windows 7 EOL, I think.

Windows 8.1. 2023, bitch.

Continue using GNU/Gentoo

Why does it matter? It will not magically stop working.

We all get excellent vision.



implying i will be alive by then

It will though. Microshit gonna make this happen

Mastering machine learning.

Kill myself

>Implying the world won't end in december 2012

If the 18.04 Ubuntu LTS flavors all suck I'll just stop computing.

2020 the year of Linux Desktop for the masses. Screencap this.

2020 the year of shakeups and uncertainity in Linux development leaving the masses afraid to switch.

Oh wait that's every year.


Install CloverOS

??? People still use XP even now.

Still run Windows 7 but browse the net with Virtualbox+OpenBSD.

2020 = Windows on ARM for the masses

They'll just pull the same shenanigans as with XP and support it for another half century.

More like the year on android desktop

>OP pic
>mfw it's Madobe pov handholding

Time to delete "that" I guess

Install gentoo

Nothing because thankfully I don't use an operating system with an expiration date

Save up for GPU-passthrough compatible hardware, since it doesn't seem to work with my GTX750ti

which one is that?



How can certain combinations of one's and zeroes be illegal?

I don't know. Probably migrate to a Linux distro. Even though Windows 7 will still work past 2020 we will run into an issue of software support eventually. At some point new programs will just not be compatible with Windows 7. At that point I don't know what to do. I may be forced to run Linux for personal business and dual boot with a sort of sterile version of Windows 10 which I only use for running applications. Of course I'll de-botnet it to the greatest extent I can but you can never be sure.

I'd honestly be a bit worried to dual-boot Linux and Windows 10 though because I have to wonder if there is some way that Windows can access the files on the Linux partition. I might need to consider using physically separate hardware for the different OSes.

Implying you won't get a virus through windows 7 update center

Encryption my dude

How can certain combinations of protons, neutrons and electrons be illegal?

Go and try running Win9x on modern hardware. At some point you'll need a newer OS if you want to use new hardware.

openbsd doesn't have this problem

run pci passthrough for vidya with linux as main OS. any faggot with a ryzen chip has the hardware to do it

or run tails for sensitive material

I've already switched to Linux full-time months ago. So, nothing? Keep being happy in the Linux ecosystem and laugh at malwareOS users.

Why would anyone ever upgrade from their 440BX system? Throw in 1GB RAM and a 1.4 GHz Tualatin Celeron, and you're set for life.

Openbsd have the same utility and software as a brick

I still run hardware from 2011 and it perfectly fits most of my needs, I could see upgrading a GPU but I'm pretty sure the OS has no say in it. My point being you could probably get some 2020's hardware, apply whatever patches will be available at that point and you're good until like at least 2025 so you have much more time and I'm pretty sure MS will go full damage control and extend it anyway when they realize that a huge share of the desktop systems will be still running Win7 at that point.

continue hating my life like usual and on my computer i will use debian sid like now

I'm going to suck w10-tan's cock for all eternity!

>update center
nigga, I just get the security only updates of microsoft's shitty site if I have to update. But I will probably do the virtual box idea he had for web browsing. Shit's going to suck when mozilla drops win7 support.

Year of the GNU/Linux Desktop.

Who the fuck uses Win10? For what purpose?

y-you don't mean... "that", right?


Ok, "nigga" go fuck off to your nigger windows and never post here again.

I hope you get cancer

There is literally nothing wrong with W10 LTSB
Not even pedos or isis terrorists got V& because it and you give a fuck about your privacy?

keep using 7? or use Linux. I won't be into videogames by then anyway. I barely play anything as is.

I used 10 for about a year and had NOTHING but issues. Crashes, bugs, blue screens, other smaller nuisances like when I wanted to install something and got a literal popup telling me to use the Windows Store instead etc. The day I install 7 all of these problems magically go away.

>They aren't currently doing this, despite giving themselves the right to in their EULA and Privacy Policy
>This means they never will!

Keep using Windows 7 until web browsers are barely usable like IE6 and then build a new machine running GNU/Linux and keep the old one for games.

9x can even run on an Athlon 64 (if you find the right motherboard).

I always thought that "end of support" was just a term they used to scare people who think you get viruses by playing video games or something

>Keep using Windows 7 until web browsers are barely usable like IE6 and then build a new machine running GNU/Linux and keep the old one for games.
Not using the computer that runs on FreeBSD.

So is windows 11 happening?

Why would you want Android on Desktop?

No, they will keep fixing Windows 10.

Buy an open source sexbot and build myself the perfect house cleaner/cook/sextoy combo.

Nope. Eventually, Windows 10 will drop the 10 and just call themselves Windows. Any hope you had of Windows dropping the NT kernel, which was never designed for internet use, is forever gone.

Gates can spent 4 billion dollars on niggas to kill malaria and he can't just give us the w10 code?

Didn't Bill gates sell company share years ago?

>oK, "nIgGa" Go FuCk oFf To YoUr nIgGeR wInDoWs aNd NeVeR pOsT hErE aGaIn.

Dunno. Know he sold his soul more than 2 decades ago.

Please go die. Propietary software bitch you are worthless.

Just dont click the exes man

I use Bitdefender Total Security 2018

because they are recordings of 4yo Russian orphans being dismembered and skinned alive by the jewish mafia

What the fuck are you going to do when 2023 comes?

How do you know you are still going to be alive by 2023?




its 2017, gramps

I use a superior operating system for superior people with superior incomes and superior intellect.

Continue using botnet 10 enterprise edition which will continue receiveing updates for life because muh rolling release.

This actually happens but they are not ruskies, mostly from ukranie, a lot of unwanted children is sent to the "organ farms" and the guts sold to juden and jewish overlords to keep the chiki and jewi kin alive and well

Continue running Linux like I already do. The bigger problem at that point is how everyone other than gamers and most enthusiasts will be moving to shitty disposable locked down ARM based laptops, smartphone dock desktops, and maybe even smartphone dock laptops, more limited storage in new machines as non swappable SSDs become standard due to falling prices and the prevalence of cloud based storage, and the possibility of there being a breakthrough in cloud based gaming (now that splitting GPUs between multiple VMs is actually happening rather than them needing a separate GPU for each person using the service, which will greatly lower the cost of providing such a service) that will push gamers to those shitty ARM devices as well and drive up the cost of normal hardware.

>windows thread

>oh shit yotsuba's back?
>google search
>sad panda
>Female: anal birth defloration mind break pregnant

oh no.

Bitch pls, we all fapped to 4 leaf girl

wannacry didn't need any user interaction to infect a machine

>summer faggotry
>le fap to le 4 leaf girle XD
epik comment my dude, upboated and subscribed XD lole

That's incredibly disturbing.
What the fuck.

How do you think Rockefeller got 10 hearts before kicking the bucket

I was just 6 but yeah, that organ farms are well know and no one gives a fuck

Everybody will be tired of Poettering by 2020. SystemD will be either forked or killed off.


Probably use Windows 8.1. If shit gets dire, I would use ZorinOS or Linux Mint.

not clicking that shit
what is it though?

Exactly what he said

>le loonix
98% of W7 users will rather go 10 than go lulnix and lose all the fucking software there is

>no security updates
Enjoy your ransomware

>What is Common Sense 20XX Edition
>What are regular backups
Are you literally retarded?

Isn't the internet great. It allows shitheads like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate fucking cunt.
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor. Shitbag.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human, faggot.
Die painfully okay? Preferably by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets. Fucking bitch
I would love to kick you hard in the face, breaking it. Then I'd cut your stomach open with a chainsaw, exposing your intestines. Then I'd cut your windpipe in two with a box cutter. Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you.
Fucking bitch I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain. Faggot
Shut the fuck up faggot, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit. You're dead if I ever meet you in real life, fucker. I'll fucking kill you.
I would love to fucking send your fucking useless ass to the hospital in intensive care, fighting for your worthless life.
I wish you a truly painful, bloody, gory, and agonizing death, cunt.

Enjoying Urbit.

I only use Windows for when I absolutly need to, everything else is Linux. Games are the only reason for Windows anymore.