Older Apple Mac shit

Want to mess around with the operating system but not get price raped. Never used an Apple before, what would be a decent old model? I don't care about the performance as much as compatibility.

dunno I like ipads

they never depreciate, if you want old you gotta go real old

Dont go for anything that isnt intel

2011 macbook airs are a freaking a sweet buy atm because most of their batteries are worn out by now

Aren't old MacMinis cheap?

The fuck? Why are there bullet holes in that Macbook?

Because someone shot it, retard

I know that, but what is the reasoning behind shooting it you 'tard?

I have a 2011 MacBook Pro 13 inch. I upgraded it to 10GB of RAM and a 275GB SSD but it's running Fedora because OS X is trash. Not quite the garbage fire that Windows is, but it's pretty fucking awful. Only good part is the decent battery life, but batteries are a messy chemical process and your results may vary. If you're going to buy a Mac, get one that has support for the latest version of OS X. You might as well get a ThinkPad since they run GNU/Linux just as well and they're infinitely more durable than Macs. You'd think that the aluminum housing would be strong but it's not. It's made of soda can like material. I can dent it with my thumb nail.

Honestly, just don't.

Forgot pic. I'm booted into OS X right now. I've barely been using it.

Try buying an X220 and replacing the wifi card, it's like $100 for the computer and $10 for the wireless card and you have a completely functional laptop that runs better than a mac.

Because this is AMERICA land of the FREEEEE

Battery replacement is a breeze.
Batteries are cheap and easy to get.

kys tpg fag

>land of the free
>nsa surveillance 24/7
>anti encryption
yeah, Madagascar doesn't have this problem

mac battery replacement is a big pleb filter

i basically got a MBA for free because the charger and battery were busted and the owner was convinced it was beyond economical repair - hence my advice 2011 MBA are a sweet deal at the moment

I was curious about trying OS X so I bought a 2007 iMac 20" in February. I got it for $184 AUD shipping included, it runs most things fairly well (besides muh games) and I use it for netflix/youtube videos. It has a surprisingly great screen for a 10 year old TN panel.

>using a ten year old computer

I only wanted to try OS X so I could see if I liked it, you fucking idiot. Only materialistic fools would yell "POORFAG" at someone for not blowing $7000 on a new iMac.

there are a multitude of cheap and free ways to try OSX without buying the hardware - just admit you wanted the apple bling

i have a mac air with debian and i find it funny to this day people do the opposite and put osx on thinkpads

meybe i just put my foot down i have enough os's in my life.... win7 17 media desktop, debian MBA, iOS iphone 6s

it really all is fucking distracting ///

Literally just got a early 2011 MBP for free from family member :)

download a VM

Yep its a good time to be alive... enjoy