
T470 or T420 ?

Depends on what you plan to use it for. Do you need faster speeds? Then go with the 470. Otherwise, the 420 is just fine.

I will use it to
>Sup Forums

But I want something a little bit speed so I can browser over 9000 firefow tab + run gcc + watch aa film without crashing my gnu

>great keyboard
>coreboot support

maybe the compiling will take some time, but you should be fine


w530 with the i7 and 16gb

t420 is best for installing cloveros on

I'm gonna install ubuntu, debian, fedora or gentoo on it.
I don't know which one yet


If it doesn't say built for XP then you are wasting your time.

Mine says built for vista. Is that fine?

I just got my t470 yesterday, the battery life is crazy good and for a chinklit keyboard its the best I've ever used. It was 1.1k i wasn't paying so i got a 512gb nvme drive but get a sata drive to save some money the speed difference isn't noticeable.

Bad time to buy a laptop if you ask me. CPU war is being fought in consumer/high end desktop but by q1 next year it will have moved onto laptops.
x86 emulation on Snapdragon 835 based laptops is going to be the single best solution for almost every user.
If you're one of the few who it's not enough for I think Zen will be the way go simply because intel hasn't said anything in regards to their response.
If u series goes up to 4 physical cores in the same power envelope it'll be insane.
Either way t420 right now or wait.

everytime I come to Sup Forums I hope to be enlightened, instead Im met with retarded neckbeards who are unable to name one reason why an X1 Carbon thinkpad isn't the perfect laptop. Light, cheap and powerful.

Name one realistic thing any other thinkpad can do that a 2nd hand 1st gen X1 Carbon cant do.

Cost $150


please accept my apologies

Would recommend getting at least a t440 for the IPS, especially if you have t470 money.

420 blaze it faggot

The T420 will be useless in a couple of years

Physically connect to a network...

Can you play CS:GO on a thinkpad t420 running linux?

frick off then

In low settings yes


my t410 does less than 60 fps at 640x480, so yes but not well.

Gentoo. Always gentoo faggot.

if you don't like compiling chromium for 8 hours, you don't belong on Sup Forums

you can do exeternal gpu and run it ez pz
but without that, it's not going to do any graphically demanding games well, so recent titles are bad.

however i do play half life on it, css, wotlk, and some other lighter games, nice for emulating too.

however, if you plan on gaming regularly then don't expect much with these older thinkpads and their onboard gpu.

i love my thinkpad t420 though, it was a great investment, been doing perfectly for me for over three years now with no issues whatsover aside from how shit the screen is, it is my fault for being too lazy to change the panel but still. it has literally no good angles, even directly looking at it is somewhat of an eyesore. otherwise i genuinely enjoy it and feel very satisfied for how i use it.

Thinkpad Retro

So again..IT...cannot physically connect to a network...needs a fucking adapter.

I love how almost no one mentioned how shit the screen is.
>inb4 u can mod it to 4k dude lmao
Yeah good fucking luck getting those kits. Also kills the point of buying such a cheap craptop because the screen replacement will cost about as much as the laptop itself.

That's why I asked what he needed it for. If all he wanted was a workhorse for college to do essays and code then he doesn't need a good screen and he's better off saving money since he's a student. Otherwise, yeah, if he wants to use it for media (which he stated) then he's better off with a newer model that has a better screen. In fact, I wouldn't recommend he get a T470 either, but go for the T570 with the WQHD display, or the X1 Carbon, if he wants a decent screen to look at his porn and anime with.

I didn't mean to leave it out but for the price it's something you have to accept.
While I love thinkpads if you are going to get heavy heavy use out of it I've started suggesting this acer that comes with a 1080p 13" panel, shitty little pentium cpu(fine for 90% of normies) and has good battery life. It's $300 new in box.
For my personal machine I bought a i3-u 13.3" ultraportable dell with a gorgeous 1080p panel for $500.
It's just important to keep in mind that t420s are like $120. I've spent more on a hard drive.

1600x900 isn't TOO bad

Get a PC already you dumbass

>he doesn't need a good screen
if you don't really need the CPU/GPU horsepower I'd consider the screen (and the keyboard to a certain degree) the most important part of any laptop because you're staring at it/using it the entire fucking time


Go with T430. Keyboard is pretty good, you can swap it for old one if you absolutely need it.
Performance difference between X220/T420 and X230/T430 is very significant.

have a RJ45 jack

useless for a network engineer

>installing core boot
If op needs to ask which laptop to buy, he's not going to do that.

>not t430
>inb4 shit keyboard
>then mod it