"user why don't you have facebook? That's so weird. Is it because you don't have any friends? heheh"
"user why don't you have facebook? That's so weird. Is it because you don't have any friends? heheh"
Other urls found in this thread:
But I do have a Facebook
I also don't have a job sucking off lower management. Teehee
I have Facebook, but I'm not giving it to you.
I'm too busy with my high earning job to bother talking with the proles on faceshit in any official capacity. That's why I'm anonymous online.
It's not you honey, it's me. Now get back to work.
Facebook is non-free. Please see stallman.org
*exploits proletariat*
I do have facebook, though. I even post TGIF! once every couple of weeks, and put up a funny pic or two once or twice per month, just for potential employers.
Because my mother, three of my aunts, my grandmother, two of my uncles, and my grandfather have one. It's all old people.
I deleted it shortly after high school.
You're cute wanna fuck??
Yeah that's right.
I want to feel her cheek against mine while I lovingly kiss her neck.
She is adorable.
Imagine being so lonely you'll get off to having a girl touch you and not in a sexual way.
>good things that can come out of using social media
>bad things that can come out of using social media
>no limit
Have fun getting rejected from a job because they googled your name and saw that back in 2003 you called someone a faggot on MySpace.
because im not middle aged and balding, grandma
alpha as fuck
Yeah, hahahah, imagine that.
Even if I have a Facebook account (Which I don't), what am I gonna use it for?
Go jump on Chad's dick and post it on Facebook, you openly whore of a bitch.
Well I don't post much of fb, but my group of close friends will plan activities through messenger. If it weren't for that I wouldn't login for long periods of time..
My face isn't as pretty
Pfft. Because I prefer real life friends not digital pixels you look at on your screen.
MySpace 4 lyfe
I feel bad for you
this thread is fucking stupid
>But you don't seem to have one either! I searched for "cutest girl I've ever seen" and your picture didn't show up. But that may be just because I don't know how to use it properly. I wouldn't even know how to create an account for myself, maybe we could grab something to eat later and you could help me out with that.
so is you're mom
I have lots of social media accounts. However, all of them are 100% curated to maximize my outward appeal to normies. Why? Because the faggots in charge of hiring often look at that retarded shit. I tailor it to social climate of my current city. So for now I look more right leaning, Christian, and love all the local sports teams. If I were to move to, say, California, I'd change it to be more left leaning, with a focus on caring about social issues.
Smooth as fuck. Someone's getting laid tonight.
Facebook has their own Tor page, moron.
Social justice and hating Trump of course
That's all it is now
I want normies to leave... REEEE... get the fuck out of here.
Bacause Facebook's dead. And good riddance of that. Fucking glow-in-the-dark Facebook niggers will die off now.
ZRUMP is surely finished this time. Impeachment any day now.
People who use facebook:
>post videos of themselves killing other people for laughs
>spend massive amounts of time reposting the same dozen or so memes until someone dares to make some *GASP* ORIGINAL CONTENT
>spend the rest of their time whining about dumb shit
>when they aren't saying dumb shit and reposting, they're trying to shove their personal favorite politician down your throat
>they're more likely to be depressed or otherwise mentally fucked, according to some psychologists
>they also seem to think that clicking a button on a website is equivalent to giving a hug, and that clicking the other button is equivalent to punching someone in the face
I don't have any reason to use it and I have half a dozen reasons not to.
>user, do you have a Facebook?
>"I'm not really into social media good sir"
>Well if that were the case I am afraid we can't hire you
>We want people who are team players and social
>We're not into stiff lemons in our company, have a good day!
I have Sup Forums.
The best norman excuse I've come up with is that
>I found I was spending too much time there so I stopped using it.
Not perfect, but it's good enough for casual reasons.
>Cut the crap already. Is it because of my feminine penis, you bigots? See you in court :^)
who's this cute boy
>using the smley with a carat nose
>using memetext
>using text
>has no money
>wants to sue a company
Having a tor page doesn't make them free.
Zucc must be getting scared if he's having to resort to this.
>Is it because you don't have any friends?
Actually yes
>I still use myspace
Are fake accounts not popular with US Anons?
>implying some lefty lawyer won't take the case on for virtue-signalling & marketing purposes
No I got banned in highschool for posting my dick on my wall when i was drunk. Never bothered making another one.
go on...
>do you have a facebook?
>me: no
>oh that's cool I really wish I didn't have one sometimes
t. everyone
An openly gay faggot had been playfully flirting with me and making sure everyone knew it. It was a weekend night and my buddy showed me the fag posted on facebook i must have a small dick and am afraid to show it and thats why I won't fuck him, so I went in the mcdonalds bathroom snapped a pic and that was that, my friends were laughing hysterically but i was banned before i even got home.
Lol reminds me of smokers/potheads
>you smoke?
>thats good
lol yea, people who drink alcohol will say the same shit
it's like, hey I surf the internet more than any of you.. that's my drug
go on...
thats the end of the story you fucing dolt, lived happily ever after
post dick
I'm such a hopeless romantic
"That's a big part of it, Stace! But really, I just find it so damn boring."
yes, actually
I do have a Facebook Stacy. I use an anime name and avatar because I post on the Sup Forums image board.
pick one
Let me tell you about the jews
>I am just so damn boring
I use Facebook as a ZEITUNG
That second from the left dude is totally out of place and don't even know what's he doing lol.
I have friends, you're not one, why are you talking to me ugly landwhale?
Isn't Sup Forums social media?
That's correct I don't have any friends nor would I be interested in social media if I did have friends.
Eurofag here, you are allowed to remove yourself from google here
Because I connect with my family on Line, I communicate with my students/friends on WhatsApp and with my work colleagues through Slack, therefore I see no reason to have a facebook. Your point?
Too nice, doesn't work, you have to tease and play more the asshole role
But I give you a 4/10 cause you tried
he looks alpha as fuck, i bet he is drowning in all that pussy juice.
>Is it because you don't have any friends? heheh
>Here's your address:
>Here's your mother's maiden name:
>Here's your SSN:
>Here's your CC:
"Now would you like to take a minute to think about why you raped yourself out of your own privacy by using it?"
>implying I can't greentext irl
Replace "facebook" with Instagram & snapchat.
>fucking hate these people
Because I like anonymity and freedom of speech. I use gab instead.
Lol, some people quit facebook because they spend too much digital time instead of physical interactions with their friends
replace "facebook" with "a smartphone" and thats me every time a normie notices my blackberry
No, they really do. They have a .onion address.
I'll never use a facebook. It's a waste of my lifetime. Sorta like Sup Forums, but at least it's 'anonymous' shitposting that won't come back to bite me or put me in handcuffs.
Most of my friends don't even use facebook anymore, it's on the way out.
my "friends" use IRC
My friends and I use IRC.
>what the fuck is I...
*turn around and leave the dumb normie be*
Its not managed by them, its just a proxy
I go out with my friends you sad cavemonkey.
Ah, my bad. Sorry user-kun.
I do have friends, it's just that i choose friends who are not as retarded as you are and go out to have fun in the city with them or on car trips.
That's where you are wrong, user.
Literally anything you say works as long as you're not unattractive and is able to talk to girls with confidence.
Hell, you can even make up for being a little ugly by being smart or funny and vice-versa.
Women really aren't that hard to get like some of you guys believe.