How do you store your tech?

how do you store your tech?

why the hell would anyone need more than one flashlight

Why the hell would anyone need more than one screen?

Don't the top ones fall out?

What is even the point anymore

in a closet with shelves that arent the cheap wire shit

Only if it's loose like your mom's pussy.

The foam "hugs" them securely.


Thats just silly








Imagine this collection belonged to your dad and when he died you inherited it. What would you do?

random nooks and crannies

Ebay. There are legit rabid collectors for this shit.

Pawn it and use the money for a new iPhone.


i don't get it

Nice lightsabers collection

>Elektro Lumens is gone

>unironically calling it "lightsabers"

these cuts on the foam looks hella loose man

Insert into anus

>Hmm should I use the 1000 lumen 100mm nightfire or the 1300 lumen 68mm wildspark to illuminate my gay partners gaping anus