Intel is always better

Intel is always better.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Intel Ryzen


>Intel Ryzen 7
top kek
get ready for the lawsuits


Bait harder, OP. This is pretty weak.

I don't think you guys understand

OP is showing that if you spoof the AMD chips as Intel, they do better in benchmarks.

this is obviously the beforementioned fake Ryzen Benchmarks
bait harder.

Then how do you epxlain the Intel one at the bottom? It seems more like the program just rolls a dice instead of benchmarking anything.

>Then how do you epxlain the Intel one at the bottom?
the user clearly said a joke you didnt get, normie

Why do you care about benchmarks though if they dont reflect any normal workload?

>ree ree normie ree ree
fuck off bac󠁨k to re󠁨ddit

Your a fake ryzen benchmark


Oh, wow. I wonder if jewtel CPU gets slower if it calls itself AuthenticAMD.

You guys are a few years too late with this
Intel is doing everything they can to stay immoral

shut up marion

This shit took me down a rabbit hole
I wish during fanboy shitposting battles I saw sources like this more often


Why is this compiler fuckery still allowed?

Free market :^)

Can't beat free. Found this rig a few years ago.

ayyymd can write their own but they have no drivers for a reason

Are you retarded.


>they dont reflect any normal workload?
Are you serious?

We know, nothing new. Do you think the Intel Jew meme is made up?

It's almost as if there's a point you're missing or something.



AMD hasn't filed a suit on this? IIRC they've won a couple of lawsuits they filed against Intel's kikery. Why don't they file a new one?

AMD is pretty easy going.
Their reputation is the nice and smart one.

Pretty much everyone rips off AMD's open source technologies to (Nvidia) and they know it.

They aren't going anywhere from the market, isn't much to worry about.

According to the link in there was an FTC case like 8 years ago which was supposed to make Intel change the compiler's behavior but nothing seems to have actually happened.


Not a problem in the free word since neither gcc nor LLVM do shit like this.
One more argument to stop being cucked by Wintel and convert to Linux or BSD.

>rename AMD processor to Intel
>suddenly huge advantage over same workloads
Really activates my almonds.
This should be illegal practice.

So the trick is to buy AMD and rename it?

It's troublesome to spoof it. Most of those tests are made in vmware (and yes, with intel compilers amd cpus are so much faster when spoofed as intel regardless virtualization overhead).
What surprises me is that there are actual "benchmarks" built with intel compilers and also games. I thought nobody does that this days and it was only used in some legacy proprietary commercial stuff which meant to run on specific intel configurations. Not sure if developers of this "benchmarking" software are retarded or blatantly deceive users.

Did you have emu meatballs as lunch too?

The benchmark is sponored by Intel.

>there was an FTC case like 8 years ago which was supposed to make Intel change the compiler's behavior
BWAHAHA cute, you thought the courts made Intel do something meaningful.

Nope, only thing Intel needed to do was to add a disclaimer that their compiler only optimised for Intel CPUs.

How do I do this?

By running all your shit in a VM.

I mean spoof the vendor to intel

That is the question that was answered.

Lose few IQ points reading through the first page

Jesus Christ video games are filled with children.

Just so people know, any program/games compiled with Intel compiler will be affected by this "intel optimization" "scheme". So its not just benchmarks (which most people use to show superiority of one cpu to another), but also games and programs that people run on daily basis.

What hypervisor does this? Hyperv still uses whatever vendor your cpu is

AMD should let you change the vendor name of the CPU just like you can change the user agent in a browser.
Intel would be fucked.

>Jesus Christ video games are filled with ignorant people who have strong opinions*

what do you mean by this?

>what do you mean by this?
He's referencing the image that the whole activated almonds meme originally came from.

oh I never payed that much attention to it.

Only shills like blizzard use Intel compiler for thier actual game.

I love how sudden the Internet forgets that Intel compiler gimps the competition


Yeah, good thing Blizzard games never gain any significant audience. Also, pic related is from Intels website regarding the issue, this is the only thing the court ruling made them do.

>Blizzard games never gain any significant audience
They are literally printing money

>not understanding sarcasm

Man, the autism is even higher than normal in here.




Blizzard are the worst and most anti community dev ever to have existed.