>Single Responsibility Principle
>Open/Closed Principle
>Liskov Substitution Principle
>Dependency Inversion
>Don’t repeat Yourself
>Single Responsibility Principle
>Open/Closed Principle
>Liskov Substitution Principle
>Dependency Inversion
>Don’t repeat Yourself
>>Single Responsibility Principle
Sound as an aspiration
>>Open/Closed Principle
Not fit for real world
>>Liskov Substitution Principle
Too stupid to understand implications
>>Dependency Inversion
Dependency injection? Sound.
>>Don’t repeat Yourself
Very sound
That's the only thanks I ever got. Why are people so fucking ungrateful?
>big data
>revolutionary blockchain technology
>made with cofee and love
>made in california with pride
What does that have to do with sound?
They sounds solid to me.
What sound do solids make and how is it relevant?
The word 'sound' has more than one meaning.
It does not mean only the vibration of air through your eardrums.
>blast processing
>not giving variables arbitrary one to three character names
>event driven architecture
>structured programming
>workplace manners
>web development
>Object oriented programming
A real programmer would have declared the meaning of the word before using it.
>functional programming
All programming is functional. If it wasn't then people wouldn't be using it baka
>Liskov Substitution Principle
It's just like, interfaces and shit and if two objects of a different type have the same interface they should both work properly when being replaced with each other. No?
> Dependency Inversion
Pretty much the spring-core framework.
> Domain Driven Design
> Event Sourcing
> Message passing
> DevOps
>Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!
>deployment story
It's in the standard library
>Forward-deployed Engineers
>open-plan office
>Single Responsibility Principle
Works for functional programming, not POO.
> Open/Closed Principle
Absolutely retarded and devoid of fundament.
The other three rules are good advice tho.