Firefox does NOT care about your privacy

1. Delete your browsing history completely
2. Go to about:support and click on the button to open your profile folder
3. Open SiteSecurityServiceState.txt

Here you go, a plain text list of websites you've accessed even though you deleted the history.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is a decently formulated page on what this thread is about:

... and way more extensive information on why Firefox does not respect your privacy:

So what is your solution? Stop browsing the internet?

>he thinks invading privacy is simply tracking history
Shoo, pajeet.

tails :^)

turn off cache and history

learn before you shit post

More than half of that isn't even privacy related. I don't even get what your point is. It's not like any other browser is doing a better job.

hes talking about 3rd parties not mozilla

you seem to be very confused OP

>he thinks invading privacy is simply tracking history
Stop shilling chrome, rajesh.

Just use icecat, it's firefox without the google shit and other bloat spyware shit.

It lists way more reasons than OP did, with links to explanations.

The small ones like QupZilla, qutebrowser and all those little shits are doing a better job at privacy.

You seem confused.

>not using "Always use private browsing mode"

firefox doesnt have spyware

user is linking to fingerprinting by a website and implying hes being spied on by mozilla

also what does firefox have to do with google?

>also what does firefox have to do with google?
go to about:config
type fuckin google...
You already seem like a windows fag desu

The safebrowsing option checks the sites you visit on google's list of potential malware sites. But you can easily turn this off, which is recommended anyway since uBlock Origin is a better and more customizable domain blocker.

Quick reminder that Firefox is ran by SJWs and as such they use the same tactic of making stuff up and then shutting down the conversation when asked to provide evidence.

google and firefox share api's

you implied google was using firefox to spy

>talking about sjw
>pretending google doesnt exist

Except even chrome is developed by SJWs and there's nothing wrong with most SJWs anyway.

funny how it quickly went from spying to sjwism when the OP was proved wrong

firefox gets most of its money from google, so really this should not be a surprise

>should not be a surprise
learn to read the thread

OP was proved wrong

wew that was hard

What does this setting even do? What does the txt file exactly store?

Your stomach hurt; you need to poo
But I won't let you near my loo!
Begone from here, my son Pajeet

its to verify certs

obviously its probably not the best idea to turn it off unless you have a alternitive

thats why its on by default

ie says HTTPS but how do you know if that cert is legit

if you werent such a cock sucker, you could have looked at the linked posted literally on the fist reply, summer

Stop spouting BS. HSTS has nothing to do with TLS certificate verification. It just enforces that websites that enable it can ONLY be accessed over HTTPS (to prevent downgrade attacks).

Is this a hidden pref? I don't see it on Nightly. I just set sitesecurityservicestate.txt to read only.

>They don't use Waterfox.

Enjoy your SJW crap.

yes and no, its a settings that shouldnt really be changed so its preference is not presented/available by default. creating it will apply properly

>nothing wrong with most SJWs
Are you seriously that naive? SJWs are by definition "activists" (actually slacktivists) that shove their shitty diversity agenda down everyone's throat.

Oh, ok. Having it set to read-only always worked, so I didn't really try to do anything else.
I don't get this thing of having invisible options though. I mean, about:config is not exactly a bunch of settings you end up editing by mistake, if I'm looking for something there I probably know what I'm doing.

Edge does a far, far better job at respecting your privacy then FF does.

So basically the same as a bunch of httpseverywhere-like addons?

>I don't get this thing of having invisible options though. I mean, about:config is not exactly a bunch of settings you end up editing by mistake, if I'm looking for something there I probably know what I'm doing.
mozilla is filled with idiots who dont really know what they are doing besides forking chrom* looks and now functionality (webext, etc). mozilla wont stay afloat for long, now that they have alienated the remainder of their software users, not even rust is going to save them

edge is closed source and cant be modified

you can contribute or fork firefox and audit it

Once Firefox 57 comes out, I'm probably going to be forced away.

It was fun while it lasted.

>he thinks mozilla is a corporation who directs firefox

>he doesnt know that the commits are all by individuals
>he doesnt read the change log contributors

youre a idiot

dude havent you heard of decreasing your attack surface?


GNU icecat

That's what noscript and adblock are for.

>all changes made onto the code ship in firefox
>mozilla employees are not the ones that chose what goes where
>you can commit code without any access to the repo
>there are no rules to commuting code, not even a code syntax structure you have to abide to
you know not what you are talking about

>leddit enhancement suite

every addon adds more vulnarabilities

so by this standard all of the *bsds are shit?

also the linux kernel is shit?

mozilla doesnt own firefox

thats how icecat/iceweasel was forked legally

This, guys. Seriously we have super fast internet and you still use disk cache, haha.

this has to be bait

these guys were outed on f-droid for tracking users

>mozilla doesnt own firefox
excuse me? they do legally own the firefox brand and all its logos.
also, before killing yourself out of shame, show me one thing anyone, other than linus, decided, based solely on his wanting, to include in a kernel version. you wont because there isnt

they only own the logo and the brand name

they dont own the software

Me too. I'm using Nightly right now. Once it reaches 57 I'll have to roll back to regular Firefox. Once even that gets to 57 I'll either use ESR or a fork. Guess I'll have to try palemoon or waterfox.
Been using Firefox for over a decade and never looked back. Thanks for trying to drive me away SJWzilla.

how are they SJW?

they are pretty tame compared to google/chrome






>he doesn't block homepage elements with ublock


>he endorses literal botnet + infused ultimate sjw cuckoldry

>childrens application




I use secure sanitizer (pic related) because assholes post random CP on Sup Forums. I closed Firefox, reopened it, followed your instructions and SiteSecurityServiceState.txt was blank.

cant find it in waterfox : ^ )


>he doesnt know Firefox already deletes files securely by wiping over them


i wonder when googles going to sell that racial algorithm to california courthouses against privileged white males

and what is FIREFOX if not the branding, you fucking nigger?
also where is those "community decisions made into prod" commits?
jesus christ the retardation levels during summer time...

sorry but they dont own the software

you were proven wrong

also look at the change logs

>trying to subvert muh summer

face it you have no ground and you got BTFO

>inb4 muh sjw
google out cucks them in every aspect

go cry some more else where

it's the refugees from Sup Forums calling anything that is slightly pro African/pro women SJW even if it is legit work.

I thought every country got it

We got it here.

that's pretty neat!

I see no indication that anything but history is overwritten there.

>Some items in databases are privacy sensitive, such as deleted history items. Users have the expectation that deleting items in their history will remove the traces of that from the database. As a result, Mozilla enables the SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE preprocessor flag in db/sqlite3/src/ This flag causes deleted items to be filled with 0s on disk.

hey. remember that story where the terrorist put in a copyright claim on some guy he didnt like on youtube, and got his address, becaue it says on teh dispute form thing, that you have to put your real name and information or .. its like against the law, so you can't do it. Then so, like you know. Anyway They use youtube. and taht story , if you remember it, like that day or afternoon, got buried quick. I remember i was like, uh wtf, for real?! then you konw, 6 hour later it was like, what?

Are you high on Monster or Redbull or something, what the fuck did I just read.


yu have trouble speaking english? you didnt fucking hear?

the dispute a copyright claim form on youtube requires you to put your real information and its a law.

.. I think i explained it in a way that everyone understands taht pretty much the usa uses any internet websites to promote terrorism, and you are mad about that.. am i right?

Its their rules, so a terrorist can say, i make a copyright claim, on somebody they dont like. becuase of a comment they made to them, or any reason, tehy dont like a video or something they made. whatever. Put a copyright claim on them, and gets their information, cause its required for them, youtube can't make that claim.

ok need me to explain it more in lamens terms, i know thats what you are realy mad about, cause, i dont recall ask you a thing

Holy shit what is wrong with you.

I rate that 8/cringe

>what are journaled filesystems

hes talking about the dispute system

when there is a copyright claim or DMCA you can appeal to it

the problem is that youtube(google) makes you two settle it personally without their involvement

basically the person issuing the dispute hold all of the power and youtube(google) enforces it without investigating

there has been cases of people taking this outside of youtube by abusing the system

for example david irving the historian gets disputes on all his videos to get taken down

the problem is that google doesnt authenticate these people before they make their claims so basically anyone can dispute content and get it taken down without proof

even if its common creative license

pretty fucked up tbqh

You didnt hear then? OH it was a story that came out one day, I think I opened my browser, and went to one of the sites I visit. Dont really know what it was, but it was a search hit for about 6 hours that day.


then they ignore pic related content even though its reported for mature content

also its breaking intellectual property of disney and marvel(owned by disney)

also these videos of monetized

yet nothing happens

>that pic
What in the absolute fuck....

yeAAA and it was fucking BIG NEWS one day. for like 6 hours it was everywhere. Then mentioning it got replies like these dumb fucks who didnt get me just saying exaactly what you said...

yea, you know, this is what im talking about. You would ask about i tand they would say, "What"?

these are all found in the kids youtube app
(for children under 10) so dont ban me mods! (ive been banned multiple times)

if its safe for children its safe for this board!

Fuck sake...

File is still being written even with that pref set.

it gets way worse

reminder these are all viewable within the children application so dont ban me damnit!


Switch to Waterfox then.

>it's just telemetry goy

I am 25 and what is this?

>disable telemetry

>bad baby
$50/mo to colocate a rasPi is almost worth it to fuck google right off.

When I get kids I will add youtube to the blacklist in the router. Vimeo should be good enough for them or just normal dvd cartoons.

>dat pic
David Tenant is so charming. Also I am straight as a pole.

what's it look like?

they get progressively more suggestive.

ask around on Sup Forums to see the worse off stuff

they even found actual porn embedded in some of these videos

the recommended list and autoplay gets more suggestive as you go on

the messed up part is they continue to play childrens music so if parents are in the room but not looking at the screen they wouldnt know that porn flashed on the screen for 4 seconds

reminder this is in a childrens rated application on the play store