I am a Linux newbie and looking to install a new Distro after using UBUNTU for several months; I am looking at MINT and Debian. I want stablitly and security most of all; User Freindly GUI will be an advantage but I tend to figure things out as I go along so it's not deal breaker if it's not; Also considering Cent OS.

Other urls found in this thread:


Install Gentoo

what is this fucking stupid meme about a distro deciding your UI, fuck off

also what you're looking for is gentoo (no joke)

Install gentoo

Install windows. You're too stupid for linux, thats ok, just accept it and move on

Install Gentoo

i want to cum on her fivehead

Fedora with Cinnamon.
Try it please, you won't regret it.


Look for something with a long time between releases.
Look for something that gets updates between the releases. Don't go for small distros, they can't have time to do everything, so eg mint is bad as it is a few people, where Ubuntu, Debian, fedora and opensuse are good.
CentOS is a different category.
>User Freindly GUI
Not distro related.
You probably mean the desktop environment.
I would suggest KDE.
KDE neon is a good distro, it has the stable core of Ubuntu LTS, but the DE gets updated by the developers directly.

>this ape looking cunt got some cuck to kill himself
He could've chosen a better looking female to kill himself over...

literally Ubuntu. Ubuntu is like the beatles. It's the best distro, that's why it's so popular. every other good distro is based on ubuntu (Mint etc)

yes, ubuntu is based on debian. so debian is basically nigger music

Someone here tells me that Ubuntu is botnet; I am scared user.

archlinux, seriously you will learn much about linux. I switched to it 4 years ago and never looked back

everything is a botnet. just go with it

>I want stablitly and security most of all
Debian stable it is then.
Although you will obviously sacrifice being bleeding edge in any way.

It is also completly open source, unlike Ubuntu, but works pretty similar (same package manager, etc.).


It's happening again.


what do you mean, user?


shiggy diggy doo

Easy to install, has own repo for testing arch updates, has riced i3 from the box

Are you one of those fags that thinks BSD is a legitimately viable desktop OS? Or are you going to say you might as well use Windows? Fuck out of here

I can't decide. I start researching again, get overwhelmed, procastrinate. I have 2 hard drives and a new 1050 ti sitting outside for a month because I can't figure out what to do with them untill I decide on an OS and reformat my system. I keep putting it off. I wish we lived in the dark ages so I don't have to face distro paralysis again.

>I want stablitly and security most of all
if you like stability, go with debian

>NSA image board

just try literally any of them. linux usually takes less than an hour to install if you're not installing gentoo. fuck, try all of them if you want

Dont listen to these people, install elementary os, its very newbie friendly

I know it's memed a lot, but if you read up on Gentoo you can make it extremely secure-- and as long as you're not updating the second new packages are out (barring security patches obviously) it's also very stable. That's why it's used in a lot of servers.

However, it's a sorta advanced OS that takes some getting used to.

If you just want stability, and some security (although it can be hardened with a bit of effort. possibly for naught depending on how bad system D really is) then you could just use Debian stable release.

Ubuntu is too much of a babbiest first distro-- once you understand the basics of the linux filesystem and console, you don't need it anymore. Avoid.

You'll get there user, don't worry

>KDE Neon
It's an unstable piece of shit which can't last a week without crashing somehow. Stop recommending it over Kubuntu.

OpenSUSE - one of the best distros around.
Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Zorin, Mint - for muh games

As for UI/DE
If you're a winfag choose KDE or XFCE
If you're a macfag choose GNOME

user, short for anonymous, the default poster name on Sup Forums. Also used in friendly communication among Sup Forums posters. Not an implication of anonymity in the slightest.


>1050 ti
this makes it easy: Windows. overkill for gnu/linux

Just install something dude.

Can't go too wrong with Debian and if you don't like it install something else.

It is completely pointless to wait.

I think something like this might help a lot


I will try Debian since you guys are vouching for it's stability.

>has riced i3
also try the KDE and Xfce manjaros if you prefer a good DE

Remember to use zfs and remember to stay away from btrfs like you stay away from niggers in a dark street.


This is as good a choice as any for first distro. Use google to find all the main debian help pages & forums. If you're not willing to do some reading, then linux probably isn't for you.

Make sure to spend a little bit of time looking into which desktop environment (DE) seems matched to your tastes. If you don't like the debian default, you can change that without hopping to another distro. If you find out you hate debian, make sure to put into words what you didn't like before asking "What other distro?" to hop over to.

> pro-hint: it'll be hard to find anything as mature, stable and "easy" as debian ... others are about the same, just different.

debian testing is the way

>good DE

nice joke

Stable? Secure? GUI? I suggest OpenIndiana or TrueOS. Or if you really insist on it being Linux (rather than Unix), elementary OS.

Debian Stretch (9), but choose XFCE when it asks you which DE to install, and do some slight configuration on the themes and fonts for it to look good.

Right now, Debian is objectively the best choice for stability. It's one of the biggest distros, so security patches get pushed out quick as well.
XFCE manages to be user-friendly without assuming you're a retard.

Just stay on Ubuntu or Xubuntu if i want another DE.
If u want to try something else just go with Antergos. its just an arch without the autistic install part

Install Slackware.

install sourcemage

Second this, it's not even hard, just read the handbook:

You know you can do other things than playing games with a dedicated gpu.
Also for me the nvdia drivers work fine.

>You know you can do other things than playing games with a dedicated gpu.
yeah but you and I both know what they are really for

what they're really for? graphics tasks of any nature? bruteforcing passwords? 3d modelling? mining etherium? c'mon tell me what they're for fampi

>I need someone to make my decisions for me.

Following steps are recommended

1. Go onto distrowatch.org and narrow it down to a couple of options
2. Look the distros up on your search engine of choice.
3. Look for reviews on youtube.

Decide for yourself.

I don't play games but I like to watch HD vids and I use graphical analysis tools and my 5770 isn't doing so well anymore.

Although the ability to play something like Warband would be nice.

Has seriously noone told you to install Gentoo?

Install Gentoo.

But why would you want to distrohop from a perfectly working system? There is no better system for a newbie then Ubuntu (of Mint).
The only good reason to hop from Ubuntu is if you want to go full Stallman mode and use only free software (then Debian is a good choice) or you want to have some knowledge about Linux (then install Gentoo or Arch). But you can easily learn a lot about Linux within Ubuntu as well,
Maybe you just need to install another DE or window manager? Try i3 - it rocks.

they're for video games that's the market. you can break windows with a golf club, but golf clubs are for golf. graphics cards are for video games.


Which is the best Ubuntu flavor ? What is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu ?

all of them have their problems.

The best experience for me is to install barebone system from mini iso - and add gnome DE (i like Gnome). Not to choose it from packages list during installaton (it will install buggy Ubuntu Gnome desktop) but to install it manualy from Gnome PPA. Of course in the beging you will have to install package to have an ability to add PPA, then you can launch xinit and install Synaptic and just choose Gnome packages with GUI. It's a long process but really exiting one. You will learn a bit about Linux and will get a very stable Ubuntu-system with packages that you really need.
After installing Ubuntu this way - I always get confused how creators of Ubuntu spins (Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc.) can make something so simple that buggy.

of course - train on a virtual machine first.
The must difficult thing is to learn what packages you need,

kubuntu is pretty bad, i recommend manjaro kde for ez mode KDE distro.

xubuntu and ubuntu mate are my favorite ubuntus, slight edge to mate/

some people will tell you to install more than one de on same distro but this can lead to complications and i think you're better off just picking an official flavor and rolling with it clean install

I am the gentoo

MATE is bad, Don't know why there are so many shills for that distro. It always have some error popups. And window manager really sucks.
Xubuntu is ok. I remember it having some minor bugs (like disapearing fonts after changing themes).

>I want stability and security most of all


Look at DEs instead of Distros
You wont get anything different on Mint/Debian that you can find in Ubuntu


Stability is massively overrated user.
Have fun with your no-features.


devuan is free of the systemd AIDs virus.

thid meme has to die

>tfw went completely against Sup Forums
>went with Mint KDE

>contrary to my expectations I love it (after editing the theme a bit with some gui down-scaling and a nice wallpaper) and it runs buttery smoothly

All I mean by stability is something that doesn't crash on me randomly; Just something that's tried and test. I have had no real problems with Ubuntu now that I think about it.

why is ops pretty chick crying

I installed the new Mint 18.2 Sonya XFCE on my laptop and I am starting to like it.

linux mint

Windows 10

Stability, security Debian for sure.
Also gentoo is pretty good

What does source mage even look like? have never found any screenshots.

I think I'm in the same spot as you. Ubuntu is fine but I feel like I need to "graduate" but there really is no point. Ubuntu can be whatever you want

Which of these distros is best for learning the ins and out of linux? so that if my future employers demands linux skills, I have them.

I figure I SHOULD use a distro with systemD since that is likely what will be used in an enterprise environment as well?

Were you happy with Ubuntu? Why switch?

Gentoo would force you to learn some Linux commands since the installation process is manual and you need to complie your own kernel. The people on the gentoo forums are pretty responsive to answering questions.

OpenSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu. Avoid gentoo, it's a meme.


Damn you Sup Forums

Install Ubuntu server and learn bash from it - that will be a good start.

same here. Mint just werks.
Stories about viruses from iso files can't let me to sleep, though

Download iso files from torrents instead of their website. Then do a hashcheck to see if the iso is unchanged.

yes, Solus

that's all tbqh


Doesn't torrent software usually check the checksum itself?

Just keep using some flavor of Ubuntu. Every other OS is a meme unless you are a literal hacker.

I'm wondering what is the real purpose of profiles?

Just use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

She memed her bf to literary unironically kys

Debian is the universal operating system.

great base for Ubuntu, not that great for anything else.

Ubuntu is not based on Debian and hasn't been for years.

If you're a newbie from Windows, just install Mint 18.2, then upgrade the kernel to 4.12 manually (there's tons of how-tos online).

Michelle Carter, then 17-year old from Massachusetts who pushed her 18yo bf into killing himself. Now 20 years old and was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Sentencing is in early Augist, can be sentenced for up to 20 years.
>tfw you will never find a qt3.14 gf to encourage you to kys


Ubuntu is just Debian with a picture of a nigger dipshit.