So how does Sup Forums run virtual machines? I use qemu with aqemu as a graphical interface. The only thing I don't like about aqemu is the stupid side tabs that look like trash with my current font. It works as intended though. I'm installing PowerPC OS X for fun tonight.
VMs and stuff
Other urls found in this thread:
qemu is an system emulator and not just a virtual machine
>le cde theme
it looks like shit, get over your false nostalgia
>stop liking what I don't like
>specially if it's personal preference!!!!
you do know how stupid you sound?
>false nostalgia
>implying people used UNIX workstations
>implying it's not for usability or personal preference
>implying you don't just have shit taste
I'm aware.
>waaaaah stop liking things that I don't like!
beat me to it
>about a functional tool
I bet you use Applel shit just for their appearance
>replying to yourself
>he's so new he doesn't know how Sup Forums works
u w0t m8
Low effort bait. For a second I thought you actually might be autistic or retarded.
I'm OP. He's obviously a different guy who's also shitting on you for being a retard. This thread is about emulators, not what you think of my XFCE theme, faggot.
enjoy your ban
Share your OSX 10 img
Thanks!, another thing, how you increase the video memory on the emulated machine? for example i select VESA and it shows only 16 MB, its possible to add more or i need to do GPU passtrought?
qemu + kvm + libvirt, it's comfy
Can someone explain the difference?
t. Normie
Support is kinda trash on Debian (which is what I use) but SPICE will solve that.
Basically qemu provides all sorts of options for hardware types, and the virtual machine is exactly what it sounds like, a virtual computer. A program like aqemu provides a nice graphical environment to set up VMs by clicking buttons instead of using terminal commands.
Thanks for the response! Only other experience I have is VBOX and Hyper-V.
So like those two I mentioned which only allow x86 and x86-64 CPUs with whatever RAM your system has (I think VBox lets you choose DDR1/2/3), and virtual peripherals, but QEMU allows perhaps powerpc / ARM / ARM64, etc.? Is this getting closer to a definition by anecdote?
Basically. I've only ever used SPARC, ARM, PowerPC, MIPS, and x86 but qemu supports a lot more.
you can edit the virtual machine config file by hand and change it
Go for esx and vcenter from VMware. I find hyperv sketchy as fuck.
people use unix workstations all the time, idiot
vbox isn't relevant for anything
some help with this? the partition is new, totally empty, what the fuck
Intel NUC in a corner with ESXi installed. Best way to virtualize imo. Don't want to be limited to having a VM on my desktop or laptop.
The true answer my bro also think using proxmox
Is virtual box any good? I feel like it has pretty shitty performance running win 7.
It's a pile of trash, use VMware.
Any (((cheaper))) alternatives?
VMware Player, or The Pirate Bay.
Hyper-V is pretty good these days
it's already installed on your pc
Not as easy to use as vmware workstation tho
No support for USB devices by design (workarounds)
But yeah Vmware otherwise if you cant be bothered pirating it use Hyper v
I use Hyper V since it's the only fucking thing with proper system integration. When I turn off my system and turn it back on I don't want to have to wonder if all the fucking virtual machines started up properly.
Don't even get me started on VMWare's shit.
>hurdur vSphere
>use a fucking web browser and get cancer from the shitty fucking interface
Jesus, how many VMs do you need?
>actually using the vsphere web client
>not staying on 6.0 or lower
Exactly. Take it from someone with 40+ virtual machines (not counting all the useless one-off shit that weren't used in over a year), Hyper V is simply the best. The only issue is some of the advanced functionality didn't make it into the GUI yet, but it's still better than Virtual Box and VMWare. For some fucked up reason when I use the "raw disk access" shit in Virtual Box it fucks itself and drops the connection in the VM (dur IO read error, don't have permission to attach, 9000 other fucking issues). I have disks in Hyper V that were set up and they run perfectly for months. The only caveat for it is it needs to be a local disk for attaching that way.
>using an old hypervisor
Enjoy having a guest compromise your host.
Why DO you have 40+ virtual machines, is what I'm wondering about. Is it for development or testing or what?
Linux C/Windows C# development, metasploit lab, RADIUS server, ZFS+Samba share, etc. I also (currently) manage a Hyper V cluster at work, there are 13 virtual machines on it that run various production servers. There are a lot of test servers and shit too, and a couple for remote access (OpenVPN server VM, a firewall VM for that, a SSH server VM, and client VMs on my laptop for connecting to those 2 server VMs).
what's a good distro to install in hyper-v if I only have 512MB ram for the VM?
is proxmox good on debian stable?
does it have webgui? or some network client?
is ESXi free? And is still updated?
Can anyone help me out with this shit?
mITX Windows Server + Hyper-V
Emulator can emulate other architectures (or the same architecture it's running on) and create a virtual computer with that specific architecture. Like OP is running PowerPC MacOS on a x86 Intel CPU.
Virtual Machine, virtualization, is just the same computer you are running it on inside a window. It talks straight to the CPU.
You can't pirate? Yes it's updated. It's VMwares main selling thing, I haven't heard of VMware going bankrupt.
They do? You mean every 20 year old with a CDE theme used an UNIX workstation in the 80's? (That was obviously the point, but hey, you seem to be smarter.)
Seems kinda impossible.
Sounds like an opinion. Can you provide rationalisation for your claim? Works gr8 for babies like me.
Yeah, for a standalone host you can get an unlimited evaluation license. No vcenter with that though. Updates still work.
How are you getting around having security updates without a subscription?
Have you tried disabling 3D acceleration? I had similar problems in XP and linux in general, so I haven't bothered with it.