Which programming languages do High Schools teach nowadays?

Which programming languages do High Schools teach nowadays?

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I want a trap waifu.

Pascal and pseudocode. Very few teach C++

Depends where. Poland: mostly Pascal and C++, but you can write final exam in Java too (I've never heard of school teaching it though)

just want to see who got the get

also I learned visual basic in high schol but that was in like 2006

What kind of autism is that?


In Slovenia C++,C and C# are the main prog. languages

Microsoft Word

I learned C++ in highschool.

Java but only exactly what's one the AP test so gridworld and a bunch of basic shit.

>Tfw got a 1 on my ap test because I had to piss and couldn't think quick so used pseudo code thinking id get most credit still for showing I know how to think in the correct way but no

kys kid

C / C++ highly outdated and without talking about classes Poland, sometimes in embeded verilog / asm


java and some basic C++

in germany they thought javascript with greenfoot

Probably some meme language.


Let it mooove, let it tuuurn!

C, C++ and C# here in austria thoe some schools stopped teaching C and C++ in favor for Java or more advanced C#

literally glorified g-code

In France, it is mostly basic Java, C++, Php, and some Python, Eiffel, Cobol, Javascript. And of course pseudocode.

In my school we learnt Pascal but they have switched to C++ for younger generations.

I really enjoy writing code in Obj Pascal though

Serbia here, pascal, then delphi

our school teaches visual basic


What the fuck? You guys had programming in high school???

I graduated last year and I didn't have shit. Then again, I guess I can't really expect Alabama to be up-to-date

I went to highschool in GA and my school had AP Comp Sci which is basically an intro Java class

Ah sorry I misread, i thought it was uni
In France, programming courses just started 2 years ago. But Ihave no clue of what language is taught. I would say Html, Javascript maybe

I quitted high school in France 4 years ago,

The only programming we touched was making programs on TI-82 and casio calculators.

Shit, they even deleted basic electronics from the course ...

In Germany it's basically only Java and a little bit of HTML/CSS.

I was taught FORTRAN when i went to highschool two years ago

We were taught C around 5 years ago, but I heard that they now teach OO programming, so probably C++ as well
I also just checked the curriculum and holy shit, these highschool kids now learn about microcontrollers, OO, web design, servers, scripting and whatnot. What the fuck

Was your teacher a pajeet with a gigantic ass, like gif, named Muralidar by chance?

I learned Java in high school
Ironically I didn't learn any language in college class and had to pick shit up on my own

At my highschool in silicon valley we learned HTML and python

My HS taught Scratch/Python. Wanted to kill myself

This is what was taught at my hs

I learned Just Basic in hs

The high school programs I know of in the US all either do Java or Python. Most do Java.


I did mainly c#, but we also learned Java, python and R. We also did web design stuff with asp.net. I did go to a private school and the teacher was the IT guy who doubled as the website Creator and taught ap physics and lead robotics club. He had a doctorate in nuclear physics. I refused to use c# and did all my work in c++ or lisp under Linux and he didn't care. He was my favorite teacher, well him and my math teacher (who had his doctorate in theoretical physics). We would talk about rubicks cube solving optimization and he was one of the guys who manages Project Euler. They were both great.

>they taught us BASIC


which high school in Alabama? I'm from Huntsville.

Blocks your path

The best teacher I've ever had came from Huntsville I think (or at least he mentioned it, definitely Alabama). I'm going to pretend that you're Amos.

java and c# have been taught at my local high school

Did you piss for an hour? What the fuck.

They don't

Andalusia, Alabama here. We had one AP class that taught JavaScript

My HS taught Python and Java. Python in computer science, Java from the FRC team.

My school literally never taught programming. I've wanted to program since I was quite young, but never managed to learn, even now.

my guess is that he couldn't go without turning in the test, so he did it quickly and turned it in

Based Poland

visual basic..

They teach a shitty translated version of Pascal with no foss implementation here.

In Israel it's java or c#

some teach c++
some teach visual fucking basic

>programming classes

Non-existent, unless you're going to a technical school. I've heard they usually teach Java.

My freshman year was the last year my high school offered programming classes (they cut it to save money).
They did Visual Basic for programming 1 and 2, and Java for the AP class.

C#/Java (depends on the school and very very basic assembler in Israel

Jesus, they're still using Pascal? I did that shit in 2003, along with Delphi.

In Israel, the default for CS classes is either Java or one of the Cs (can't remember which).
You can pick a (((Cyber))) course in addition, then you learn x86 assembly, python, networking and operating systems.

>uses the ((())) thing
fuck off cuck
not available in most high schools

>calle calle

In Bulgaria they teach C++.

Turing in Canada

Back in 2010 they taught us VB in high school but then also had the AP java. Nothing has changed since lol

Python in Belgium

pascal :%)

>being in a shit-tier highschool

Germany : Java and a bit of C/Assembler.

was taught a tiny bit of Java in hs like 10 years ago
what I learned is that Java sucks

as far as I know, they haven't changed it

mostly python in my experience

in the UK that is,
but i also did VB.NET at A level

i bet that normie has a bunch of friends

question to all the foreigners in here:
How do people that don't speak English code, seeing as most languages and libraries use English to name functions and types

my highschool in ontario taught java

This is the future of coding, you better start learning how to write recursive functions in Frozen++

Everyone speaks english enough to program I guess, although some people might do variable naming and shit in their native language.
At my work we use a french library and we get a couple of infamous french error messages every once in a while.

how to open ms excel
I'm not fucking joking


Traps are gay

Basically what said. Everyone knows if/else/while.


No idea. I grew up in Turbo Pascal 3.01 times (1990 or so). A few years after I graduated, I paid my programming instructor a visit, back before schools were explicitly prisons. I learned that they stopped teaching the programming course, since just about anyone who cared enough and wanted to learn could find and get into programming on their own.

when I was in high school it was C or C++. You could do either, the teacher didn't care. But that was 10 years ago.

Where the fuck they teaching Pascal? Even 10 years ago, all the schools that taught programming in my state (as I gathered by talking to other at programming events for high schoolers) used either Python, Javascript, a Visual-Basic-derived language, or for the advanced students, C/C++ or Java.

Scratch is actually pretty fucking cool. I've used it to teach both of my ex's younger brothers, aged 10-15, how to code.

Adv. Java/C# and C++ in middle school, in India.

There's a reason the Pajeets have your jobs.

Where in GA? I went to high school in the suburbs of Augusta

(though I noped the fuck out of Georgia as soon as I could, I live in Indiana now. Georgia Tech would have been a really good option in retrospect tho)

In Mexico, you become a C# expert to later join every other khaki loving tech worker in Mexico.

Karel, the robot

I finished U.S. high school in 2010 and the AP computer science classes were using Python and Java, though i never took the class.

I took a web development class which had us briefly using Javascript in the second year. But they moved on to using Komodo and its wizards to generate javascript instead. The instruction was poor and we were left to learn most of it from w3schools on our own. I consider that fine.

This is scratch, it's good for kids. Middle schools use it here where I'm at.

Belgium was VB (srsly, VB), now C# (idk why they don't just teach c, guess it's for that sweet Microsoft sponsorship) is becoming the norm.

never go outside
never leave Sup Forums

In Maine we learned C++, but that teacher is gone now and a better teacher decided to have a class in C instead.

>There's a reason the Pajeets have your jobs.

An american, on average, inputs 4 characters with each keystroke.


Mostly just Java. Then C++.

kys weeb

scratch is fun, no bully