How do y'all feel about it?
It's a meme.
Now fuck off to .
How the fuck do you even plug the GPUs with them so close?
PCIe raisers. Google it.
Love how everyone thinks its a meme when ive made $105 off of 2 and a half weeks mining
Makes me moist
Now deduct electricity and hardware cost
Its a fucking meme, when the 1080/1080tis become best bang for your buck you know you have a problem.
Thats with electricty already deducted. Hardware is an old r9 390 bought for gaming. Even though card was bought for gaming it will only take 2 months to make what I paid for it.
will this meme end and lead to an influx of used good cards like military surplus after a war?
$50 a week? Jesus Christ you dumb cunt, wouldn't even wear out my hardware for that much.
It's a meme, it USED to be a fantastic idea, and you USED to be able to make money off of it, everyone and their grandmother knows about it now. It's owned by the Chinese mafia.
Hopefully, but those cards would be worn out af.
expect dead gpu ~6 months
>worn out
It's a solid state computer processor, run at normal operating specs on an open air rig. If you're afraid of "wear" in that scenario, more cheap graphics cards for the rest of us.
How long until ASICs make gpu mining obsolete again?
Or you could work an extra shift at mcdonalds and make way more in the same time.
Why do you faggots insist on mining?
Are you guys really this poor and cheap?
Just fucking buy coins with USD directly believe me. Even back in the day I wasted time mining I got like maybe 5 coins; however, my friend who was working just kept buying BTC and sold for 300K+ (at the time tax free).
Implying I POW mine.. crunching asteroid data erryday & earning grc!
You'll spend more on electricity than you'll actually make.
>It's a meme, it USED to be a fantastic idea, and you USED to be able to make money off of it, everyone and their grandmother knows about it now. It's owned by the Chinese mafia.
Pretty much this.
I have a coworker who put quite some cash in it and has a profit of about 1k however and this has been somewhat of a mystery to me always, you sell the coins at an exchange to get cash back on the bank however at some point your winnings will be registered and you might have to pay taxes over them which takes away quite a percentage depending on how much you earned. Even though he says he has x profit he still has the coins which means that if bad shit happens to the market then his profits will down again, although it doesn't seem to be happening it does seem like a risk to me that is only logical if it is fuck-you-money. But it is far too late to step into the game imo if you want big bucks.
Wanted to add that another friend of mine is being way to autistic into bitcoin. He's been in his first year college for 7 years or so now and lives of benefits and student loans. He's putting all his cash into weed and bitcoin and then brags how he made 2,- in an hour when he's well capable of working. It is sad to see him throw his life away like that cause he's getting kicked off school finally and will see a dramatic drop in his benefits cause he refuses to get a job that fits his level education, yet he isn't willing to do the studying required for the diploma.
iirc etherum was designed against that.
They said the same about litecoin, asics will be developed if there is enough incentive.
"'We are now mining, Some are just to mine.
What? what the fuck does that mean?
i've been mining some monero with free cloud access I got. I might try out different hardware I've got hanging around to see what the hashrate to power ratio us. It's a fun hobby. If I was going to invest in it though I would be taking the risk that it will be worth zero at any time.
I do think monero has the best chance of being what takes over from bitcoin, I'm not sure about ethereum despite the big names backing it. Like I said it could all go pear shaped with legislation or just some technical problems. I heard there were some crises with ethereum. Anything could happen if someone find a fundamental flaw with the tech.
ETH requires a lot of vram per worker which makes an asic prohibitively expensive
but he'd have to physically do work to make that money??? why are you so against people making money on the side by mining coins?
The graphics card was the last part I ordered for my pc build. Shortly after that it was sold out because of miners. I would have fucking hated the world if I had every part for my PC but couldn't get the graphics card I wanted.
Its just another fad that lazy fools ride because they were tricked into the thought that they can earn money without putting hard work into it
late to the party
Woooow, 12 PCI-E X1, revolutionary. I'll get 12 wlan cards to mine dat ethereum wirelessly
Asics are already expensive m8
>$105 off of 2 and a half weeks mining
niggers get more welfare than that
literally a get rich quick scheme
I'm hoping that bubble is gonna pop soon so I won't be the loser who missed out AGAIN
If I can't get rich easy no one should be!
but user, GPU's are already ASIC's
You can run custom applications on GPU, but ASIC are by definition application specific